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Chapter 1

Basics of Electric Circuits

Charge, an inherent property of matter, is responsible for a wide range of electric phenomena. The SI unit of charge is the coulomb. All matter comprises …
The movement of electrons in a conductor requires some form of energy or work, usually provided by an external force, like a battery. This force is called …
Energy is the total work required to drive the current through the circuit. A rise in voltage results in more work done, passing more current, resulting …
Circuit elements are the basic building blocks of an electric circuit. They can be categorized as active and passive elements. Active elements can …
An electrical network is a system of interconnected elements, not necessarily forming a closed path. In contrast, a circuit, also an interconnected …
Sources in a circuit can be independent or dependent. Independent voltage or current sources supply voltage and current unaffected by other circuit …
Resistors, often made from metallic alloys or carbon compounds, model a material's current-resisting behavior. Ohm's law states that the voltage …
Kirchhoff's current law, or KCL, is based on the law of charge conservation. It states that the total current entering and leaving a node in a circuit …
Kirchhoff's voltage law, or KVL, is based on the principle of energy conservation. It states that the algebraic sum of all voltages around a closed …
In a series connection, resistors are sequentially linked, and the same current must flow through each. The voltage across these resistors can be …
In a parallel connection, resistors are connected between the same pair of nodes, creating an equal voltage across each. Considering the schematic circuit …
Practical applications, such as three-phase electrical transmission and motors, use interconvertible three-terminal Y or T, and delta or pi networks. …
A device engineer is tasked with designing a resistive touchscreen interface for a mobile device. It consists of two conductive layers: a flexible upper …
This is a demonstration of how electrical models can be used to characterize biological membranes. This exercise also introduces biophysical terminology …
Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) measure properties of the electrode-tissue interface without additional invasive …
Transepithelial/endothelial electrical resistance (TEER) has been used since the 1980s to determine confluency and permeability of in vitro barrier model …