
Solution Blow Spinning of Polymeric Nano-Composite Fibers for Personal Protective Equipment

Published: March 18, 2021


The primary goal of this study is to describe a protocol to prepare polymeric fiber mats with consistent morphology via solution blow spinning (SBS). We aim to use SBS to develop novel, tunable, flexible polymeric fiber nanocomposites for various applications, including protective materials, by incorporating nanoparticles in a polymer-elastomer matrix.


Light-weight, protective armor systems typically consist of high modulus (>109 MPa) and high-strength polymeric fibers held in place with an elastic resin material (binder) to form a non-woven, unidirectional laminate. While significant efforts have focused on improving the mechanical properties of the high-strength fibers, little work has been undertaken to improve the properties of the binder materials. To improve the performance of these elastomeric polymer binders, a relatively new and simple fabrication process, known as solution blow spinning, was used. This technique is capable of producing sheets or webs of fibers with average diameters ranging from the nanoscale to the microscale. To achieve this, a solution blow spinning (SBS) apparatus has been designed and built in the laboratory to fabricate non-woven fiber mats from polymer elastomer solutions.

In this study, a commonly used binder material, a styrene-butadiene-styrene block-co-polymer dissolved in tetrahydrofuran, was used to produce nanocomposite fiber mats by adding metallic nanoparticles (NPs), such as iron oxide NPs, that were encapsulated with silicon oil and thus incorporated in the fibers formed via the SBS process. The protocol described in this work will discuss the effects of the various critical parameters involved in the SBS process, including the polymer molar mass, the selection of the thermodynamically appropriate solvent, the polymer concentration in solution, and the carrier gas pressure to assist others in performing similar experiments, as well as provide guidance to optimize the configuration of the experimental setup. The structural integrity and morphology of the resultant non-woven fiber mats were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and elemental X-ray analysis via energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of the various experimental parameters and material selections to optimize the structure and morphology of the SBS fiber mats.


Many light-weight, ballistic, protective armor systems are currently constructed using high-modulus and high-strength polymeric fibers, such as oriented, ultra-high molar mass polyethylene fibers or aramids, which provide outstanding ballistic resistance1,2. These fibers are used in combination with an elastic resin material (binder) that can penetrate to the filament level and secure the fibers in a 0°/90° configuration to form a non-woven, unidirectional laminate. The percentage of the polymer elastomer resin (binder) should not exceed 13% of the total weight of the unidirectional laminate to maintain the structural integrity and antiballistic properties of the laminate structure3,4. The binder is a very important component of the armor as it keeps the high-strength fibers properly oriented and tightly packed within each laminate layer3. Elastomer materials commonly used as binders in body armor applications have very low tensile modulus (e.g., ~17.2 MPa at ~23 °C), low glass transition temperature (preferably below -50 °C), very high elongation at break (as high as 300%) and must demonstrate excellent adhesive properties5.

To improve the performance of these polymer elastomers, SBS was performed to create fibrous elastomer materials that can be used as binders in body armor applications. SBS is a relatively new, versatile technique allowing the use of different polymer/solvent systems and the creation of different end products6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. This simple process involves the rapid (10x the rate of electrospinning) deposition of conformal fibers onto both planar and nonplanar substrates to fabricate sheets or webs of fibers that encompass nano and micro length scales14,15,16,17,18. SBS materials have numerous applications in medical products, air filters, protective equipment, sensors, optical electronics, and catalysts14,19,20. Developing small diameter fibers can drastically increase the surface area to volume ratio, which is very important for several applications, especially in the personal protective equipment field. The diameter and morphology of the fibers generated by SBS depend on the molar mass of the polymer, polymer concentration in the solution, viscosity of the solution, polymer solution flow rate, gas pressure, working distance, and diameter of the spray nozzle14,15,17.

An important characteristic of the SBS apparatus is the spray nozzle consisting of an inner and a concentric outer nozzle. The polymer dissolved in a volatile solvent is pumped through the inner nozzle while a pressurized gas flows through the outer nozzle. The high-velocity gas exiting the outer nozzle induces shearing of the polymer solution flowing through the inner nozzle. This forces the solution to form a conical shape when exiting the spray nozzle. When the surface tension at the tip of the cone is overcome, a fine stream of polymer solution is ejected, and the solvent rapidly evaporates causing polymer strands to coalesce and deposit as polymer fibers. The formation of a fibrous structure, as solvent evaporates, strongly depends on the polymer molar mass and the solution concentration. Fibers are formed by chain entanglement, when polymer chains in solution begin to overlap at a concentration known as the critical overlap concentration (c*). Therefore, it is necessary to work with polymer solutions above the c* of the polymer/solvent system selected. Also, an easy strategy to attain this is to choose polymers with relatively high molar mass. Polymers with higher molar mass have increased polymer relaxation times, which is directly related to an increase in the formation of fibrous structures, as described in the literature21. As many of the parameters used in SBS are strongly correlated, the goal of this work is to provide guidance to develop tunable, and flexible polymeric fiber nanocomposites to be used as alternatives for typical binder materials found in body armor applications by incorporating nanoparticles in the fibrous polymer-elastomer matrix.


NOTE: Details related to the equipment, instrumentation, and chemicals used in this section can be found in the Table of Materials. This entire protocol should first be reviewed and approved by the institutional safety department/personnel to ensure procedures and processes specific to the institution are adhered to. 1. Preparation of polymer solution using the appropriate solvent NOTE: Consult manufacturer/supplier safety data sheets and the institut…

Representative Results

In this study, non-woven fiber mats consisting of poly(styrene-butadiene-styrene) fibers in the nano- and micro-scale, were synthesized with and without the presence of iron oxide NPs. To form fibers, the SBS parameters must be carefully selected for the polymer/solvent system used. The molar mass of the dissolved polymer and the solution concentration are critical in controlling the morphology of the structures produced by the SBS process. In this study, a poly(styrene-butadiene-styrene) block-co-polymer (styrene 30 wt….


The method described herein provides a protocol for producing polymer elastomer nanocomposite fiber mats via a relatively new technique known as solution blow spinning. This technique allows the fabrication of fibers in the nanoscale and has several advantages over other well-established techniques, such as the electrospinning process, as it can be carried out under atmospheric pressure and room temperature27. Furthermore, SBS is not highly susceptible to local environmental changes (temperature o…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to acknowledge Mr. Dwight D. Barry for his important contributions for fabrication of the solution blow spinning apparatus. Zois Tsinas and Ran Tao would like to acknowledge funding from the National Institute of Standards and Technology under Awards # 70NANB20H007 and # 70NANB15H112, respectively.


45 MM Toolmaker Vise Tormach Inc. 32547 To secure substrate onto the collector
ARES-G2 Rheometer TA Instruments 401000.501 Rheometer
Branson Ultrasonics M Series – Ultrasonic Cleaning Bath Fisher Scientific 15-336-100 To disperse nanoparticles
Cadence Science Micro-Mate Interchangeable Syringe Fisher Scientific 14-825-2A Glass Syringe 5mL in 1/5mL, Luer Lock Tip
Chemical hood Any company
Corning – Disposable Pasteur Glass Pipette Sigma Aldrich CLS7095D5X-200EA Non-Sterile
DWK Life Sciences Wheaton – Glass Scintillation Vial Fisher Scientific 03-341-25G 20 mL with cap
FEI Quanta 200 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) FEI For imaging samples
Iron Oxide Nanopowder/Nanoparticles US Research Nanomaterials, inc. US3320 Fe3O4, 98%, 20-3- nm, Silicon oil Coated
KD Scientific Legato 100 Single-Syringe Pump Sigma Aldrich Z401358-1EA Single syringe infusion pump
Master Airbrush – Model S68 TCP Global MAS S68 Nozzle/needle diameter: 0.35 mm
Mettler Toledo AB265-S/FACT Scale Cole-Parmer Scientific EW-11333-14 For weighing polymer and  Nanoparticles
N2 Gas Regulator Any company
Nanoenclosure Any company
Optical Microscopy Glass Slides Fisher Scientific 12-550-A3 Used as a substrate for fiber mat deposition
OSP Slotted Bob, 33 mm TA Instruments 402796.902 Bob, upper geometry
OSP Slotted Double Gap Cup, 34 mm TA Instruments 402782.901 Double wall cup, lower geometry
Oxford BenchMate Digital Vortex Mixer Pipette VM-D Rated up to 4,200 rpm, for mixing solutions
Oxford Benchmate Tube Roller Pipette OTR-24DR Sample mixer/rotator
Polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-polystyrene Sigma Aldrich 432490-1KG styrene 30 wt. %, Mw ~ 185,000 g/mol
SEM Pin Stub Specimen Mount Ted Pella Inc. 16119 18 mm diameter x 8 mm height
Spatula VWR 82027-532 To load test materials
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Fisher Scientific T425-1 solvent, HPLC grade
TRIOS TA Instruments v4.3.1.39215 Rheometer software


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Tsinas, Z., Tao, R., Forster, A. L. Solution Blow Spinning of Polymeric Nano-Composite Fibers for Personal Protective Equipment. J. Vis. Exp. (169), e62283, doi:10.3791/62283 (2021).

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