
Dose Uptake of Platinum- and Ruthenium-based Compound Exposure in Zebrafish by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with Broader Applications

Published: April 21, 2022


The increased rate of pharmaco- and toxicokinetic analyses of metals and metal-based compounds in zebrafish can be advantageous for environmental and clinical translation studies. The limitation of unknown waterborne exposure uptake was overcome by conducting trace metal analysis on digested zebrafish tissue using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.


Metals and metal-based compounds comprise multifarious pharmaco-active and toxicological xenobiotics. From heavy metal toxicity to chemotherapeutics, the toxicokinetics of these compounds have both historical and modern-day relevance. Zebrafish have become an attractive model organism in elucidating pharmaco- and toxicokinetics in environmental exposure and clinical translation studies. Although zebrafish studies have the benefit of being higher-throughput than rodent models, there are several significant constraints to the model.

One such limitation is inherent in the waterborne dosing regimen. Water concentrations from these studies cannot be extrapolated to provide reliable internal dosages. Direct measurements of the metal-based compounds allow for a better correlation with compound-related molecular and biological responses. To overcome this limitation for metals and metal-based compounds, a technique was developed to digest zebrafish larval tissue after exposure and quantify metal concentrations within tissue samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS).

ICPMS methods were used to determine the metal concentrations of platinum (Pt) from cisplatin and ruthenium (Ru) from several novel Ru-based chemotherapeutics in zebrafish tissue. Additionally, this protocol distinguished concentrations of Pt that were sequestered in the chorion of the larval compared with the zebrafish tissue. These results indicate that this method can be applied to quantitate the metal dose present in larval tissues. Further, this method may be adjusted to identify specific metals or metal-based compounds in a broad range of exposure and dosing studies.


Metals and metal-based compounds continue to have pharmacological and toxicological relevance. The prevalence of heavy metal exposure and its impact on health has exponentially increased scientific investigation since the 1960s and reached an all-time high in 2021. The concentrations of heavy metals in drinking water, air pollution, and occupational exposure exceeds regulatory limits worldwide and remain an issue for arsenic, cadmium, mercury, chromium, lead, and other metals. Novel methods to quantify environmental exposure and analyze pathological development continue to be in high demand1,2,3.

Conversely, the medical field has harnessed the physiochemical properties of various metals for clinical treatment. Metal-based drugs or metallodrugs have a rich history of medicinal purposes and have shown activity against a range of diseases, with the highest success as chemotherapeutics4. The most famous of metallodrugs, cisplatin, is a Pt-based anticancer drug deemed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the world's essential drugs5. In 2010, cisplatin and its Pt derivatives had up to a 90% success rate in several cancers and were used in approximately 50% of chemotherapy regimens6,7,8. Although Pt-based chemotherapeutics have had irrefutable success, the dose-limiting toxicity has set in motion investigations of alternative metal-based drugs with refined biological delivery and activity. Of these alternatives, Ru-based compounds have become the most popular9,10,11,12.

Novel models and methodology are required to keep pace with the rate of need for metal pharmaco- and toxicokinetic studies. The zebrafish model lies at the intersection of complexity and throughput, being a high-fecundity vertebrate with 70% conserved gene homology13. This model has been an asset in pharmacology and toxicology, with extensive screenings for various compounds for lead discovery, target identification, and mechanistic activity14,15,16,17. However, high-throughput screening of chemicals typically relies on waterborne exposures. Given that uptake can be variable based on the physicochemical properties of the compound in solution (i.e., photodegradation, solubility), this can be a major limitation of correlating dose delivery and response.

To overcome this limitation for comparison of dose to higher vertebrates, a methodology was designed to analyze trace metal concentrations in zebrafish larval tissue. Here, dose-response curves of lethal and sublethal endpoints were evaluated for cisplatin and novel Ru-based anticancer compounds. Lethality and delayed hatching were evaluated for nominal concentrations of 0, 3.75, 7.5, 15, 30, and 60 mg/L cisplatin. Pt accumulation in organism tissue was determined by ICPMS analysis, and organism uptake of respective doses were 0.05, 8.7, 23.5, 59.9, 193.2, and 461.9 ng (Pt) per organism. Additionally, zebrafish larvae were exposed to 0, 3.1, 6.2, 9.2, 12.4 mg/L of PMC79. These concentrations were analytically determined to contain 0, 0.17, 0.44, 0.66, and 0.76 mg/L of Ru. This protocol also allowed for the distinguishment of concentrations of Pt sequestered in the chorion of the larvae compared with the zebrafish tissue. This methodology was able to provide reliable, robust data for comparisons of pharmaco- and toxicokinetic activity between a well-established chemotherapeutic and a novel compound. This method can be applied to a wide range of metals and metal-based compounds.


The AB strain zebrafish (Danio rerio) were used for all experiments (see the Table of Materials), and the husbandry protocol (#08-025) was approved by the Rutgers University Animal Care and Facilities Committee. 1. Zebrafish husbandry Breed and maintain the zebrafish in a recirculating aquatic habitat system on a 14 h light:10 h dark cycle. Purify municipal tap water through sand and carbon filtration to obtain fish system wate…

Representative Results

These results have been previously published24. Tissue uptake studies were conducted with waterborne exposures of cisplatin and a novel Ru-based anticancer compound, PMC79. Lethality and delayed hatching were evaluated for nominal concentrations of cisplatin 0, 3.75, 7.5, 15, 30, and 60 mg/L cisplatin. Pt accumulation in organism tissue was determined by ICPMS analysis, and organism tissue contained respective doses of 0.05, 8.7, 23.5, 59.9, 193.2, and 461.9 ng (Pt) per organism (…


The protocol described here has been implemented to determine the delivery and uptake of metal-based anticancer drugs containing either Pt or Ru. Although these methods have already been published, this protocol discusses important considerations and details to adapt this methodology for a range of compounds. The OECD protocol coupled with tissue digestion and ICPMS analysis allowed us to determine that PMC79 was more potent than cisplatin and resulted in disparate tissue accumulation, suggesting separate mechanisms. Fur…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Funding: NJAES-Rutgers NJ01201, NIEHS Training Grant T32-ES 007148, NIH-NIEHS P30 ES005022. Additionally, Brittany Karas is supported by training grant T32NS115700 from NINDS, NIH. The authors acknowledge Andreia Valente and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT; PTDC/QUI-QIN/28662/2017) for the supply of PMC79.


AB Strain Zebrafish (Danio reri) Zebrafish International Resource Center Wild-Type AB Wild-Type AB Zebrafish
ACS Grade Nitric Acid VWR BDH Chemicals BDH3130-2.5LP Nitric Acid (68-70%); used to make 10% HNO3 acid-bath solution for soaking/pre-celaning centrifuge tubes
Aquatox Fish Diet (Flake) Zeigler Bros, Inc. Flake food to be mixed in a 1:4 ratio of Aquatox Fish Diet to TetraMin Tropical Flakes and used as feed
Artemia cysts, brine shrimp PentairAES BS90 Brine shrimp eggs sold in 15-ozz, vacuum-packed cans to be hatched and used as feed
ASX-510 Autosampler for ICPMS Teledyne CETAC Automatic sampler with conifgurable XYZ movement, flowing rinse station, and 0.3 mm inner dimension probe. Compatible with Nu AttoLab software for programmable batch analyses.  
Centrifuge Thermo Scientific CL 2 Thermo Scientific CL 2 compact benchtop centrifuge with variable speed range up to 5200 rpm; used to bring sample and acid condensate to the bottom of the centrifuge tube bewteen microwave digestion intervals; aids in sample retention
Centrifuge tubes VWR 21008-105 Ultra high performance polypropylene centrifuge tubes with flat cap; 15 mL volume; leak-proof with conical bottom
Class A Clear Glass Threaded Vials Fisherbrand 03-339-25B Individual glass vials for exposure containment
Dimethyl Sulfoxide Millipore Sigma D8418 Solvent or vehicle for hydrophobic compounds
Fixed Speed Vortex Mixer VWR 10153-834 Vortex mixer; used to homogenize sample after acid digestion and dilution
High Purity Hydrogen Peroxide Merk KGaA, EDM Millipore 1.07298.0250 Suprapur Hydrogen peroxide (30%); used for sample digestion
High Purity Nitric Acid EDM Millipore NX0408-2 Omni Trace Ultra Nitric Acid (69%); used for sample digestion
Instant Ocean Sea Salt Spectrum Brands, Inc. Instant Ocean® Sea Salt Egg water solution contains instand ocean sea salt with a final concentration of 60 µg/ml
Mars X Microwave Digestion System CEM, Matthews, NC Microwave acid digestion system used to digest and homogenize samples under uniform conditions. For this methodology the open vessel digestion method was completed using single-use polypropylene centrifuge tubes at low power (300 W). 
Multi-element Solution 3 SPEX CertiPREP CLMS-3 Contains 10 mg/L Au, Hf, Ir, Pd, Pt, Fu, Sb, Sr, Te, Sn in 10% HCl/1% HNO3; used as a quality control standard for Pt and Ru analyses
Nu Instruments AttoM High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (HR-ICP-MS) Nu Instruments/Amatek Double focussing magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer with flexible low to high resolution slit system, and dynamic range detector system. Data processing and quantification is done using NuQuant companion software. 
Platinum (Pt) standard solution, NIST 3140 National Institute of Standards and Technology 3140 Prepared from ampoule containing 9.996 mg/g Pt in 10% HCl; ; used as a quality control standard for Pt analyses
Platinum (Pt) standard solution, single-element High Purity Standards 100040-2 Contains 1000 mg/L Pt in 5% HCl
Ruthenium (Ru) standard solution, single-element High Purity Standards 100046-2 Contains 1000 mg/L Ru in 2% HCl
TetraMin Tropical Flakes Tetra 77101 Flake food to be mixed in a 1:4 ratio of Aquatox Fish Diet to TetraMin Tropical Flakes and used as feed
Trace Metal Grade Nitric Acid VWR BDH Chemicals 87003-261 Aristar Plus Nitric Acid (67-70%); used for rinse solution in ASX-510 Autosampler
Ultrasonic water bath VWR B2500A-DTH Ultrasonic water bath used to aid in acid digestion prior to microwave digestion


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Cite This Article
Karas, B. F., Doherty, C. L., Terez, K. R., Côrte-Real, L., Cooper, K. R., Buckley, B. T. Dose Uptake of Platinum- and Ruthenium-based Compound Exposure in Zebrafish by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with Broader Applications. J. Vis. Exp. (182), e63587, doi:10.3791/63587 (2022).

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