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Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Muscle Tissue

The human body has three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Each class has unique properties that enable them to perform specific …
The connective tissues play a significant role in arranging the muscle fibers into a hierarchical structure that forms a complete muscle. Consider a …
Each skeletal muscle is composed of multiple bundles of elongated multinucleated muscle cells or muscle fibers. These cells are enclosed by a plasma …
A sarcomere is mainly made up of two types of filaments— thin filaments containing actin, troponin, and tropomyosin and thick filaments containing …
A neuromuscular junction is a specialized synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber. The cell body of a somatic motor neuron lies …
Every cell in the body maintains a membrane potential due to an uneven distribution of positive and negative charges across its plasma membrane. The …
Excitation-contraction coupling is a series of events that occur between generating an action potential and initiating a muscle contraction. It occurs at …
The period of muscle contraction primarily influences the duration of stimulation at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the presence of free calcium ions …
The fibers in an actively contracting muscle require an enormous amount of ATP for continuous contraction cycles. This ATP demand can be met via three …
Any intense physical activity escalates the ATP demand in the muscles. As contractions become vigorous, the compressed blood vessels impair the …
The motor unit is composed of a somatic motor neuron, which innervates and controls multiple skeletal muscle fibers, forming a single functional segment. …
When the neuron of a motor unit fires an action potential, it triggers a series of events, leading to a twitch contraction in the muscle fibers. The …
Depending on the demand, motor neurons control the strength of a muscle's contraction by altering the frequency of action potentials delivered to the …
Two primary types of muscle contractions are isotonic and isometric, each serving unique functions and involving distinct mechanisms. Both isotonic and …
A skeletal muscle comprises different motor units, each containing slow or fast contracting fibers. Slow fibers possess slow-functioning myosin ATPases, …
The clinical conditions affecting the skeletal muscle tissue are broadly categorized as musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders. Musculoskeletal …
Physical training has two broad types—muscle-strengthening endurance exercises and muscle-enlarging resistance exercises. Endurance exercises such …
Cardiac muscle tissue is found exclusively in the heart. Compared to skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle cells are small and usually mononucleated. They are …
The primary role of cardiac muscles is to propel blood throughout the cardiovascular system. The cardiac muscle cells, or cardiomyocytes, exhibit …
In the human body, smooth muscle tissue is found lining the visceral and tubular organs such as the liver, lungs, blood vessels, and respiratory tract. …
Smooth muscles facilitate the involuntary movements of internal organs, such as the movement of food through the gut or the regulation of blood flow. All …
Smooth muscle contraction is a complex process vital for various bodily functions, from maintaining blood vessel tension to facilitating the movement of …
Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) and motor unit number estimation (MUNE) are electrophysiological techniques that can be used to monitor the …
Neuromuscular junction (NMJ) functionality plays a pivotal role when studying diseases in which the communication between motor neuron and muscle is …
This protocol describes the simultaneous use of a broad span of methods to examine muscle aerobic capacity, glucose tolerance, strength, and power in …