A Co-culture Method to Model Neuron-Oligodendrocyte Interactions

Published: August 30, 2024


Source: Assetta, B.,et al. Generation of Human Neurons and Oligodendrocytes from Pluripotent Stem Cells for Modeling Neuron-Oligodendrocyte Interactions. J. Vis. Exp. (2020).

This video demonstrates the establishment of a co-culture of human induced neurons (iNs) and induced oligodendrocyte precursor cells (iOPCs). iNs are mixed with iOPCs in a co-culture and then incubated to support the maturation of both iNs into neurons and iOPCs into oligodendrocytes. Neurons form synaptic connections with other neurons and oligodendrocytes, while oligodendrocytes develop myelin sheaths around the neurons' axons.


1. Human neuron induction from human pluripotent stem cells

  1. Lentivirus preparation (~5 days)
    1. Plate ~1 million Human embryonic kidney 293T (HEK293T) cells each T75 flask, to have them ~40% confluent when performing transfection. Transfect them with plasmids expressing tetracycline-inducible neurogenin 2 (Ngn2) and puromycin-resistant gene (PuroR; under the same Tet operator (TetO) promoter control), reverse tetracycline transactivator (rtTA) and the three helper plasmids pRSV-REV, pMDLg/pRRE, and VSV-G (12 µg of lentiviral vector DNA and 6 µg of each of the helper plasmid DNA). Prepare at least three flasks per lentivirus preparation. Use polyethylenimine (PEI) for transfection following the manufacturer's instruction. Change the media after 16 h and discard.
    2. Harvest released viral particles by collecting culture media every day and replace with fresh media for 3 days. Pool the collected media containing viral particles for purification. Filter the virus through a 0.22 µm filter and centrifuge at 49,000 x g for 90 min. Resuspend the pellet in the appropriate volume of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-glucose (~150 µL).
  2. Neuron Induction (~5 days)
    NOTE: This induction protocol (Figure 1A; flow diagram) is highly effective for both induced pluripotent stem (iPS) and embryonic stem (ES) cells of validated pluripotency (which can be assayed by immunohistochemistry staining of well-characterized pluripotency markers; Figure 1B).
    1. Use commercially available H1 human ES cells at the passage of 52 (see Table of Materials). Culture the cells on extracellular matrix solution coated 6-well plates (~0.5 mg of matrix solution per 6-well plate; see Table of Materials) using ES cell maintenance medium (see Table of Materials) and incubate the plates at 37 °C with 5% CO2.
    2. On Day -2, detach ES cells (80% confluent) with 1 mL of cell detachment solution (see Table of Materials) and incubate at room temperature for 10 min. Transfer the cells to a tube; wash the well with 2 mL of media and combine in the same tube. Centrifuge at 300 x g for 5 min, resuspend the pellet in media, and plate the cells onto matrix coated 6-well plates at the seeding density of 1 x 105 cells per well.
    3. On Day -1, add lentiviruses expressing Ngn2 plus PuroR and rtTA together with polybrene (8 µg/ml) to the ES cells in fresh ES cell maintenance medium (see Table of Materials). The exact number of viruses should be determined by actual titers or the titration. We typically add 5 µL each virus per well in a 6-well plate.
    4. On Day 0, add Doxycycline (2 µg/mL, to activate Ngn2 expression) in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium/nutrient mixture F-12 (DMEM-F12) medium with N2 supplement without morphogens.
    5. On Day 1, add Puromycin in fresh medium of DMEM-F12 plus N2 and doxycycline, to the final concentration of 1 µg/mL medium. Select the transduced cells in Puromycin for at least 24 h. Higher Puromycin concentration (up to 5 µg/mL) and longer selection period (up to 48 h) may be required to adequately remove the under-transduced cells if the virus titer is low.
    6. On Day 2, detach differentiating neurons with cell detachment solution (see Table of Materials), and re-plate them on 24-well plates (between 80,000–200,000 cells/well) coated with matrix solution (see Table of Materials), and maintain them in neurobasal-A (NBA)/B27 medium without doxycycline. The seeding density is critical.
    7. At this stage, detached neurons can be frozen in specialized commercial freezing medium (see Table of Materials) and stored in liquid nitrogen for up to 3 months. Pure neurons can be plated accounting for the typical ~15%–20% cell death post-thaw, cultured alone or co-cultured with other brain cell types (see step 3.2.3. for co-culturing with OPCs).
    8. Culture pure iNs on the plates coated with extracellular matrix-based solutions as instructed by the manufacturer (see Table of Materials). The characteristic pyramidal morphology should be apparent by Day 4 (and Day 6; Figure 1C). The synapse formation can be detected as early as Day 14 to 16 and is prominent at Day 24 by immunohistochemical staining with standard pre- and post-synaptic markers. (Figure 1D; labeled with the pre-synaptic marker Synapsin 1 and the dendritic marker Map2).

2. Human oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPCs) induction from pluripotent stem cells and oligodendrocyte maturation

  1. Neural Progenitor Cell (NPC) generation: monolayer protocol (~7 days). See Figure 2A for the flow diagram.
    1. Culture H1 human ES cells as described earlier (see step 1.2.1.) and trans-differentiate them into neural progenitor cells (NPCs) by an established approach called dual SMADi, with small molecule inhibitors for multiple signaling pathways. Here we use a widely accepted commercial kit and follow the monolayer protocol provided by the manufacturer (see Table of Materials).
    2. On Day -1, plate 0.5–1 x 106 cells per well in a 6-well plate coated by a growth factor reduced matrix solution (see Table of Materials; ~0.5 mg of matrix solution per 6-well plate) with ES cell maintenance medium (see Table of Materials). This growth factor reduced matrix solution is used to coat all the plates that will be used in the following steps.
    3. On Day 0, treat cells for 24 h with ES cell maintenance medium (see Table of Materials) supplemented by 2% DMSO.
    4. On Day 1–6, change the full media with warm (37 °C) neural induction medium containing the SMAD inhibitors from the commercial kit (see Table of Materials). If cells divide and reach confluence before Day 7, passage them to the seeding density of 0.5–1 x 106, as described earlier in step 2.1.2.
    5. On Day 7, passage NPCs using cell detachment solution (see Table of Materials) and plate at a seeding density of 1–2 x 105 cells/well of a 24-well plate.
    6. Assay the differentiation efficiency by immunohistochemical (IHC) staining for absence of pluripotency marker, Octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4) for example, and presence of NPC markers such as paired box 6 (PAX6), Nestin, and sex determining region Y-box transcription factor 1 (Sox1).
    7. At this stage, detached NPCs can be frozen in the specialized commercial NPC freezing media (see Table of Materials) and stored in liquid nitrogen for up to 3 months. After freeze-and-thaw for once, NPCs still retain the multipotency to give rise to neurons, astrocytes, and OPCs with reliable protocols.
  2. Oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) generation (~7 days). Please see Figure 2A for the flow diagram.
    1. On Day 7, passage NPCs using cell detachment solution (see Table of Materials) and plate them at a seeding density of 1–2 x 105 cells per well in a 24-well plate in warm (37 °C) neural induction medium plus SMAD inhibitors from the commercial kit (see Table of Materials).
    2. On Day 8, prepare a solution of 1% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in the OPC differentiation medium and treat the plated NPCs for 24 h. The OPC differentiation medium is composed of: DMEM/F12 medium, 1% N2 supplement, 1% B27 supplement, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) at 20 ng/mL, smoothened agonist (SAG) at 1 µM, platelet-derived growth factor-AA (PDGF-AA) at 10 ng/mL (see Table of Materials).
    3. On Day 9, replace media with fresh OPC differentiation medium without DMSO. Feed the cells every other day until Day 15. If the cells reach confluence before Day 15, passage them to the seeding density of 1–2 x 105 cells per well as described in step 2.2.1.
    4. On Day 14, plate OPCs in OPC differentiation medium at a density of 1–2 x 105 cells/well in a 24-well plate.
    5. At this stage (Day 15), test cells for the presence of OPC-specific markers by IHC staining or qPCR (e.g., O4, oligodendrocyte lineage transcription factor [Olig]-1/2, Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4/neuron-glial antigen 2 [CSPG4/Ng2[, NK2 Homeobox 2 [NKX2.2], platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha [PDGFRa]; Figure 2B) and for the absence of NPC markers (Pax6 or Nestin; Figure 2D). We typically detect the O4 immunoreactivity in more than 95% of the cells at Day 15. Of particular relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, the expression of APP (amyloid precursor protein), BACE1 (the processing protease β-secreatase 1), and peptide amyloid-β (Aβ) is abundant in OPCs (Figure 2F).

3. Co-culturing of human induced neurons (iNs) and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (iOPCs)

  1. iOPC plating (~3 days)
    1. Plate iOPCs at Day 14 at a density of 1 x 105 cells per well in a 24-well plate (as described above in step 2.2.4.) in OPC differentiation medium (as described in step 2.2.2.).
  2. iN-iOPC co-culture set up
    1. On Day 15, detach the induced human neurons at the step of Day 2 after the Puromycin selection (as described in step 1.2.6.) with cell detachment solution (see Table of Materials).
    2. Add neurons onto the cultured OPCs, plating at the seeding density of 2 x 105 cells per well in the 24-well plate with growing OPCs (from step 3.1.1). Use the co-culture medium containing Neurobasal-A medium, 2% B27 supplement, and 100 ng/mL T3 triiodothyronine. Change the medium on the next day and then every other day afterwards. If OPCs proliferate too fast and reach confluency in less than 3 days, add cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) at a concentration of 2–5 µM. A representative image of the iNs and iOPCs grown in co-culture after 7 days neurons is shown in Figure 3A.
    3. Use frozen neurons prepared as described above in step 1.2.7 for co-culturing with OPCs. Plate freeze-and-thaw neurons at a higher density of 3 x 105 cells per well.
    4. After Day 14–16 in co-cultures, the synapse formation in iNs can be observed by IHC staining of pre- and post-synaptic markers, and by Day 21 the synaptic puncta should be abundant (Figure 3C) and neuronal activities can be reliably recorded.
    5. Starting at Day 21, test cells for OL specific markers (for example, myelin basic protein [MBP] and proteolipid protein 1 [PLP1]). By Day 28, we normally observe the phenomenon ensheathing of iN axons by iOL processes, labeled by IHC staining for specific markers (Figure 3B; neurofilament [NF] for iN axons and MBP for iOPC processes).

Representative Results

Figure 1
Figure 1: Direct Generation of human induced neurons (iNs) from hPSCs. (A) Flow diagram of iN generation. (B) Representative bright field and immunofluorescence images of the starting culture of human pluripotent stem cells (H1) to confirm the pluripotency. Oct4 is shown in red and Sox2 in green. (C) Representative bright field images of iNs at Day 4 and Day 6. (D) The characteristic morphology for dendritic arborization and synapse puncta in iNs grown in pure culture for 24 days and stained by immunofluorescence staining for dendritic marker Map2 and pre-synaptic marker Synapsin 1 (Syn1).

Figure 2
Figure 2: iOPC generation and iOL maturation. (A) Flow diagram of iOPC and iOL generation. (B) Representative bright field and immunofluorescence images of iOPCs at Day 15. Olig2 (pan-oligodendroglia marker) is shown in green, O4 (OPC marker) in red, and DAPI in blue. The imaging revealed that >95% of iOPCs are positive for O4 and 25% for Olig2. (C) Representative bright field and immunofluorescence images of iOLs at Day 28. MBP is shown in green, O1 in red, and DAPI in blue. (D) The expression of NPC marker PAX6 diminishes dramatically in iOPCs at Day 14 and further lowers to background in OLs at Day 28, indicating a robust NPC trans-differentiation and a high level of homogeneity in the iOPC population. (E) The time-course expression profile of common OPC and OL marker genes in cultures generated by the described protocol, without (-DMSO) or with (+DMSO) the step of DMSO incubation (steps 2.1.3 and 2.2.2), assayed at different time points. As a comparison, commercial iOPCs (see Table of Materials) were matured according to the manufacturer's instructions, and both iOPCs (iOPC-Tempo) or iOLs (iOL-Tempo) were tested for the same markers. As expected, MBP (a mature oligodendrocyte marker) was not detected (N.D.) at the early stages of differentiation in all the iOPCs tested. The DMSO significantly enhanced the efficiency of OPC differentiation and OL maturation. (F) The production and secretion of Aβ40 and Aβ42 in pure iNs and iOPCs cultures, measured by commercial ELISA kits (see Table of Materials) on supernatant obtained from pure iNs and iOPCs cultures both at Day 15 and normalized by cell numbers (both at the density of 200,000 cells per well in a 24-well plate). Data in bar graphs are plotted as mean ± SEM (n ≥ 3). Statistical significance was evaluated by Student's t-test (*, p < 0.05; ***, p < 0.001); in (D), compared to the NPC; in (E), compared to the control iOPC-Tempo; in (F), compared to iN.

Figure 3
Figure 3: Co-culture of iNs and iOPCs. (A) Representative bright field image of co-cultured iNs and iOPCs at Day 7, showing a proper density for further maturation. (B) Representative immunofluorescence image of iNs and iOPCs co-cultured for 28 days. Axonal marker neurofilament NF is shown in green and oligodendrocytic marker MBP in red. Right, a segment of iN axon ensheathed by iOL process (MBP+). (C) Synapse formation assayed in 4-week-old co-cultures. Cells were stained for Synapsin 1 (Syn1, green) and MAP2 (red), and synaptic puncta were quantified by confocal analysis of density along the dendritic segments. (D) In our co-cultures of iNs and iOPCs (7 days of co-culturing), the expression of astrocyte markers, ALDHL1 and GFAP, is minimal (top), and the expression of microglia markers, TMEM119, TREM2, and CD33, is not detected (N.D.) by qPCR. The contamination from these two glial cell types is thus excluded. (E) Coculturing iOPC with iN leads to the formation of neuron-OPC synapses. The fluorescence-tagged post-synaptic marker PSD95-mCherry is expressed only in OPCs, and display a diffuse pattern in single cultures (left) but aggregate to form puncta in cocultures (right, indicated by arrows; Tuj1, neuronal marker). (F) The expression of well-characterized oligodendroglial genes that can sense and respond to neuronal activities in the pure cultures of iOPCs at Day 14. Data in bar graphs is plotted as mean ± SEM (n ≥ 3). Statistical significance was evaluated by Student's t-test (**, p < 0.005; ***, p < 0.001); in (C), compared to the no OPC condition; in (D), compared to primary astrocytes in top panel.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Accutase STEMCELL Technologies 7920
B27 supplement ThermoFisher 17504044
bFGF ThermoFisher PHG 0266
cAMP MilliporeSigma A9501
Clemastine MilliporeSigma SML0445
DMEM/F12 medium STEMCELL Technologies 36254
DMSO ThermoFisher D12345
Doxycycline MilliporeSigma D3072
Fetal Bovine Serum ScienCell 10
H1 human ES cells WiCell WA01
Matrigel Corning 354234
mTeSR plus STEMCELL Technologies 5825
N2 supplement ThermoFisher 17502001
Neurobasal A medium ThermoFisher 10888-022
Non Essential Amino Acids ThermoFisher 11140-050
PDGF-AA R&D Systems 221-AA-010
PEI VWR 71002-812
pMDLg/pRRE Addgene 12251
Polybrene MilliporeSigma TR-1003-G
pRSV-REV Addgene 12253
Puromycin ThermoFisher A1113803
ROCK Inhibitor Y-27632 STEMCELL Technologies 72302
SAG Tocris 4366
STEMdiff Neural Progenitor Freezing Media STEMCELL Technologies 5838
STEMdiff SMADi Neural Induction Kit STEMCELL Technologies 8581
T3 triiodothyronine MilliporeSigma T6397
Tempo-iOlogo: Human iPSC-derived OPCs Tempo BioScience SKU102
TetO-Ng2-Puro Addgene 52047
VSV-G Addgene 12259

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Diesen Artikel zitieren
A Co-culture Method to Model Neuron-Oligodendrocyte Interactions. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e22424, doi: (2024).

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