CRISPR Concatemer-Mediated Multiple Gene Knockout: A Technique to Simultaneously Knockout Multiple Genes by Non-Homologous End-Joining Pathway in Mouse Intestinal Cells

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Merenda, A. et al., A Protocol for Multiple Gene Knockout in Mouse Small Intestinal Organoids Using a CRISPR-concatemer. J. Vis. Exp. (2017).

This video describes a gene knockout technique using a CRISPR-concatemer to simultaneously knock out multiple genes in cultured mouse intestinal organoid cells. This method is used to knock out a diseased gene and to elucidate the function of a gene and its paralogues.


1. gRNA Design for the CRISPR-concatemer Vector NOTE: The aim of this section is to explain how to opt for the best targeting strategy and how to design gRNAs containing specific overhangs for the CRISPR-concatemer vector. Design gRNAs against the genes of interest using a CRISPR gRNA design tool of choice. See the Table of Materials for an example. NOTE: When targeting a pair of paralogous genes, although i…

Representative Results

Figure 1: Schematic Representation of the CRISPR-concatemer with 4 Cassettes. Scheme of the 4 gRNA-concatemer vectors with each 400 bp cassette containing a U6 promoter, two inverted repeated BbsI sites (also indicated as BB) and gRNA scaffold in this order. During the shuffling reaction, BbsI sites are replaced by gRNA fragments with matching overhangs and consequently lost. Bi…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Optimized CRISPR Design Tool  Feng Zhang group  CRISPR gRNA design tool;
Webcutter 2.0  restriction mapping tool;
T4 PNK (Polynucleotide Kinase)  New England Biolabs  M0201L
T4 DNA ligase buffer  New England Biolabs  M0202S
T7 DNA Ligase  New England Biolabs  M0318L
DTT (dithiothreitol)  Promega  P1171
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)  New England Biolabs  P0756S
FastDigest BbsI (BpiI)  Thermo Fisher  FD1014
Tango buffer (BSA-containing restriction enzyme buffer) Thermo Fisher  BY5
BglII  New England Biolabs  R0144
EcoRI  New England Biolabs  R0101
Plasmid-safe exonuclease  Cambio  E3101K
Thermal cycler  Applied biosystems  4359659
10G competent E. coli bacteria  Cambridge Bioscience  60108-1
Advanced DMEM/F12(cell culture medium) Invitrogen  12634-034
Glutamax (L-Glutamine)  100x Invitrogen  35050-068
HEPES 1 M (buffering agent)  Invitrogen  15630-056
Penicillin-streptomycin 100x  Invitrogen  15140-122
B27 supplement (Neuronal cell serum-free supplement) 50x Invitrogen  17504-044
N2 supplement (Neuronal cell serum-free supplement) 100x Invitrogen  17502-048
n-Acetylcysteine 500 mM  Sigma-Aldrich  A9165-5G
Mouse EGF 500 μg/mL  Invitrogen Biosource  PMG8043
Mouse Noggin 100 μg/mL  Peprotech  250-38
Nicotinamide 1 M  Sigma  N0636
R-Spondin conditioned medium  n.a.  n.a.  Produced in house from HEK293 cells, for details see Sato and Clevers 2013
Wnt conditioned medium n.a.  n.a.  Produced in house from HEK293 cells, for details see Sato and Clevers 2014
Y-27632 10 μM  Sigma-Aldrich  Y0503-1MG
Standard BD Matrigel matrix  BD Biosciences 356231
48-well Plate  Greiner Bio One  677980
CHIR99021  Sigma-Aldrich  A3734-1MG
IWP-2  Cell Guidance Systems  SM39-10
TrypLE (recombinant protease)  Invitrogen  12605-010
Opti-MEM (reduced serum medium) Life technologies  51985-034
Electroporation Cuvettes 2 mm gap  NepaGene  EC-002S
Low binding 15 mL tubes  Sigma-Aldrich  CLS430791
Bürker’s chamber  Sigma-Aldrich  BR719520-1EA
NEPA21 Super Electroporator  NepaGene  contact supplier
Protein LoBind tubes low binding Thermo Fisher  10708704
BTXpress electroporation buffer  Harvard Apparatus  45-0805
DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide)  AppliChem  A3672


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Citar este artículo
CRISPR Concatemer-Mediated Multiple Gene Knockout: A Technique to Simultaneously Knockout Multiple Genes by Non-Homologous End-Joining Pathway in Mouse Intestinal Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20984, doi: (2023).

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