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Chapter 20

Chapter 20


Pure bending occurs when a prismatic member possesses a plane of symmetry and experiences couples of equal magnitudes acting within that plane. This type …
Consider a prismatic member subjected to two couples, equal in magnitude but in opposite directions, acting within the symmetric plane of the member. A …
Consider the deformations of a symmetric prismatic member subjected to equal and opposite couples. As the member bends uniformly, the lines on the wider …
Consider a bending moment where a symmetric member endures stress within the elastic limit. The longitudinal stress can be expressed using Hooke's …
When a material is subjected to uniaxial stress, the material undergoes elongation or contraction in the direction of the applied stress. At the same …
Consider two metallic pipes having an inner radii of 1.5 cm and 1 cm, respectively, and an outer radii of 1.8 cm. If both pipes can withstand a maximum …
Consider a member of two different materials that have the same cross-sectional area. The equation of stress for such a member is expressed in terms of …
The equation for stress for a member under pure bending having a plane of symmetry and a uniform cross-section assumes that the stress is evenly …
For pure bending, when maximum stress exceeds the yield strength of the member's material, it undergoes plastic deformation. The strain at any point …
Consider a member made up of an elastoplastic material with a rectangular cross-section. Within the elastic limit, the stress distribution across the …
Consider a member experiencing plastic deformation due to bending and having one plane of symmetry. The stresses are uniformly distributed above and below …
If a sufficiently large bending moment is applied to an elastoplastic member, plastic zones will develop in the member. Now, if the bending moment is …
Eccentric axial loading refers to the application of an axial load that is not aligned with the centroidal axis of the member. Consider a member having a …
Unsymmetric bending occurs when the bending moment is not acting along the plane of the symmetry of the member or if the member does not possess any plane …
Consider a member with a vertical plane of symmetry subjected to bending couples in a plane at an angle θ with respect to the vertical axis of the …
Consider a member subjected to equal and opposite eccentric forces. These forces are applied at a horizontal distance of a and a vertical distance of b …
Consider a curved member having a transverse section symmetric with the y-axis. Its upper and lower surfaces intersect with xy-planes along arcs of …
For a curved member with a uniform cross-section, the strain equation along the section shows that it varies non-linearly with the distance from the …
The thread rolling test is the most commonly used method to determine the plastic limit (PL) in soils. It has been widely criticized, because a …
The hot stamping and cold die quenching process is increasingly used to form complex shaped structural components of sheet metals. Conventional …
Ultrasonic fatigue testing is one of a few methods which allow investigating fatigue properties in the ultra-high cycle region. The method is based on …