
DNA Stable-Isotope Probing (DNA-SIP)

Published: August 02, 2010


DNA stable-isotope probing is a cultivation-independent method to identify and characterize active communities of microorganisms that are capable of utilizing specific substrates. Assimilation of substrate enriched in heavy isotope leads to incorporation of labelled atoms into microbial biomass. Density gradient ultracentrifugation retrieves labelled DNA for downstream molecular analyses.


DNA stable-isotope probing (DNA-SIP) is a powerful technique for identifying active microorganisms that assimilate particular carbon substrates and nutrients into cellular biomass. As such, this cultivation-independent technique has been an important methodology for assigning metabolic function to the diverse communities inhabiting a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic environments. Following the incubation of an environmental sample with stable-isotope labelled compounds, extracted nucleic acid is subjected to density gradient ultracentrifugation and subsequent gradient fractionation to separate nucleic acids of differing densities. Purification of DNA from cesium chloride retrieves labelled and unlabelled DNA for subsequent molecular characterization (e.g. fingerprinting, microarrays, clone libraries, metagenomics). This JoVE video protocol provides visual step-by-step explanations of the protocol for density gradient ultracentrifugation, gradient fractionation and recovery of labelled DNA. The protocol also includes sample SIP data and highlights important tips and cautions that must be considered to ensure a successful DNA-SIP analysis.


1. Preparation of Reagents DNA-SIP requires the use of reagents that should be prepared in advance of the actual procedure. The directions for preparing each reagent are listed in this section and are modified from a previous SIP protocol1. Cesium chloride (CsCl) solution for preparing SIP gradients – Prepare a 7.163 M CsCl solution by gradually dissolving 603.0 g of CsCl in distilled and deionized water (ddH2O) to a final volume of 500 mL. Be careful n…


Proper design of stable-isotope probing experiments is of critical importance for obtaining labelled DNA above the background unlabelled community. Considerations related to sample incubation times, substrate concentrations, incubation conditions (e.g. nutrients, soil moisture content), cross-feeding and replication have been discussed elsewhere 10,18 and we recommend the reader consult these publications when designing a SIP incubation. Related to the current protocol, it is worth commenting on additional con…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by Strategic Project and Discovery Grants to J.D.N. from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).


Material Name Type Company Catalogue Number Comment
Bromophenol Blue Reagent Fisher Scientific BP115-25  
Cesium chloride Reagent Fisher Scientific BP210-500  
Ethanol, reagent grade Reagent Sigma-Aldrich 652261  
Ethidium bromide Reagent Sigma-Aldrich E1510  
Hydrochloric acid Reagent Fisher Scientific 351285212  
Linear polyacrylamide Reagent Applichem A6587  
Polyethylene Glycol 6000 Reagent VWR CAPX1286L-4  
Potassium Chloride Reagent Fisher Scientific AC42409-0010  
Sodium Chloride Reagent Fisher Scientific S2711  
Sodium Hydroxide pellets Reagent Fisher Scientific S3181  
Tris base Reagent Fisher Scientific BP1521  
Dark Reader Equipment Clare Chemical DR46B  
Microcentrifuge Equipment Eppendorf 5424 000.410  
Nanodrop 2000 Equipment Fisher Scientific 361013650  
Infusion pump Equipment Braintree Scientific N/A Model Number: BSP
See for ordering details.
Tube sealer Equipment Beckman-Coulter 358312  
Ultracentrifuge Equipment Beckman-Coulter    
Ultracentrifuge rotor Equipment Beckman-Coulter 362754  
Ultraviolet light source Equipment UVP Inc. 95-0017-09 Any UV source will suffice
Ultraviolet light face shield Equipment Fisher Scientific 114051C  
Butyl rubber stoppers, gray Material Sigma-Aldrich 27232  
Centrifuge tubes Material Beckman-Coulter 342412  
Hypodermic needle, 23 gauge, 2” length Material BD 305145  
Microfuge tubes, 1.5 mL Material DiaMed AD151-N500  
Open center seals, 20 mm diameter Material Sigma-Aldrich 27230-U  
Pasteur pipettes, glass Material Fisher Scientific 13-678-6C  
Pipet tips Material DiaMed BPS340-1000 Catalogue number is for 200 μl tips. 10 or 20 μl tips may be purchased from the same source
Pump tubing 1.5 mm bore x 1.5 mm wall Material Appleton Woods    
Screw-cap tubes, 15 mL Material DiaMed AD15MLP-S  
Serum vials, 125 mL volume Material Sigma-Aldrich Z114014  
Syringe, 60 mL Material BD 309653  


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Citer Cet Article
Dunford, E. A., Neufeld, J. D. DNA Stable-Isotope Probing (DNA-SIP). J. Vis. Exp. (42), e2027, doi:10.3791/2027 (2010).

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