
Heterotopic Heart Transplantation in Mice

Published: July 19, 2007


The mouse heterotopic heart transplantation model has been proven by many investigators to be an important method for studying mechanisms of rejection and immune response. However, the techniques involved are still challenging. By modifying standard techniques we have had success with more than 1000 transplants.


The mouse heterotopic heart transplantation has been used widely since it was introduced by Drs. Corry and Russell in 1973. It is particularly valuable for studying rejection and immune response now that newer transgenic and gene knockout mice are available, and a large number of immunologic reagents have been developed. The heart transplant model is less stringent than the skin transplant models, although technically more challenging. We have developed a modified technique and have completed over 1000 successful cases of heterotopic heart transplantation in mice. When making anastomosis of the ascending aorta and abdominal aorta, two stay sutures are placed at the proximal and distal apexes of recipient abdominal aorta with the donor s ascending aorta, then using 11-0 suture for anastomosis on both side of aorta with continuing sutures. The stay sutures make the anastomosis easier and 11-0 is an ideal suture size to avoid bleeding and thrombosis.

When making anastomosis of pulmonary artery and inferior vena cava, two stay sutures are made at the proximal apex and distal apex of the recipient s inferior vena cava with the donor s pulmonary artery. The left wall of the inferior vena cava and donor s pulmonary artery is closed with continuing sutures in the inside of the inferior vena cava after, one knot with the proximal apex stay suture the right wall of the inferior vena cava and the donor s pulmonary artery are closed with continuing sutures outside the inferior vena cave with 10-0 sutures. This method is easier to perform because anastomosis is made just on the one side of the inferior vena cava and 10-0 sutures is the right size to avoid bleeding and thrombosis. In this article, we provide details of the technique to supplement the video.


Donor Preparation and Heart Harvest: The mouse is anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital and placed supine on the operative field. A long midline abdominal incision is made. Abdominal contents are retracted with gauze to left in order to expose the abdominal aorta and the inferior vena cava. 1 ml of heparin (10u/ml) is injected into the inferior vena cava for heparinization. <li style="tex…



We have successfully performed more than 1000 cases of heterotopic heart transplantation in mice and achieved over 90% success rate in different strains of mice, including wild type, transgenic and gene knockout mice.


Since Drs. Corry and Russell introduced heterotopic heart transplantation in mice in 1973, this model has proven to be a particularly valuable for studying immune rejec…


  1. Corry, R. o. b. e. r. t. . J., Winn, H. e. n. r. y. . J., Russell, P. a. u. l. . S. Primarily vascularized allografts of heart in mice. Transplantation. 16, 343-350 (1973).

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Citer Cet Article
Liu, F., Kang, S. M. Heterotopic Heart Transplantation in Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (6), e238, doi:10.3791/238 (2007).

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