

Published: October 07, 2014








在本研究中,无线电遥测系统导入后脊髓横断监测成年大鼠心血管功能。大鼠接受的同基因大鼠胚胎第14天(E14)脑干源性神经干细胞(BS-神经干细胞)移植物在病灶部位。大鼠损伤,无移植和天真,没有受伤大鼠作为对照。遥测的步骤包括发送器灭菌并注入( 图1),记录基底心血管参数,结直肠扩张诱导的反应,并且发送器的清洗和存储。


所有动物协议获得批准的机构动物照顾及使用委员会(IACUC)。实验动物照护及安全指引,美国国立卫生研究院严格遵循。动物外科手术得到充分的治疗减少疼痛和不适。 1,脊髓Curgery和细胞移植之前,所有的手术高压灭菌手术器械。用热珠灭菌器(精细的科学工具),以从不同的动物之间的程序删除工具病原体和微生物污染物。在手术过程中使用无菌手术手套,长?…

Representative Results

使用上述的遥测技术,我们成功地记录在脊髓损伤的动物的心血管参数。在动物脊髓损伤独自一人,地图是人力资源,而相比增加了天真的动物,与以前的报告9一致显著减少。在动物BS-NSC嫁接,MAP和HR走近天真的动物测量水平( 图2)。在结直肠扩张,一只老鼠被视为dysreflexic如果伤害性刺激所产生的上升在MAP和人力资源3,8的下降。阵发性高血压和压力感受器介导的心…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


The work was supported by grants from NIH/NINDS (NS054883), Craig H. Neilsen Foundation (280072), and the Veterans Administration and Canadian Spinal Research Organization. We thank the Rat Resource and Research Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, for providing GFP rats.


Table of Specific Materials/Equipment:
Reagents Company Catalogue Comment
Fibrinogen (rat) Sigma F6755-25MG 2 hr at 37oC to dissovle
Thrombin (rat) Sigma T5772-100UN Dissovle in 10 mM CaCl2
1% Terg-A-Zyme Sigma Z273287 Enzymatic solution for telemeter cleaning
Fluorogold Fluorochrome Dissovle in distilled water and avoid light
Telemeter            (PA-C40) Data Sciences International
Telementric recording and analysis system Data Sciences International Signal stimulator, Data Exchange Matrix, receivers, Ambient pressure reference monitor
Balloon-tipped catheter Edward Lifesciences 111F7-P For colorectal distension


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Citer Cet Article
Hou, S., Blesch, A., Lu, P. A Radio-telemetric System to Monitor Cardiovascular Function in Rats with Spinal Cord Transection and Embryonic Neural Stem Cell Grafts. J. Vis. Exp. (92), e51914, doi:10.3791/51914 (2014).

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