

Published: March 12, 2020






克罗恩病 (CD) 是一种炎症性肠病 (IBD),表现为慢性肠道炎症。CD的病因知之甚少,但似乎有几个主要因素导致CD发育,包括肠道微生物群,以及遗传和环境因素,如饮食或压力1。为了更好地理解克罗恩病的发病机制,使用了几种肠道炎症模型,2、3、4、5、6、7。2,3,4,5,6,7在本文中,我们介绍了从2,4,6-三硝基苯磺酸(TNBS)诱导的CD的鼠模型中获得的结果。




动物研究是根据欧洲议会和理事会2010年9月22日第2010/63/欧盟指令以及机构建议,在地方伦理委员会(28/[B29/2016)》同意下进行的。 1. 克罗恩病的TNBS诱导的鼠型 注:本协议使用雄性BALB/C小鼠体重25-28克。动物被安置在恒定温度(22-24 °C)和相对湿度55×5%,并保持在12小时光/暗周期,免费获得标准粒状物和自来水。 将鼠标放入感应室并紧紧闭?…

Representative Results

TNBS诱发克罗恩病小鼠结肠的宏观特征图2显示了从对照和TNBS处理小鼠身上拍摄的结肠的代表性图像。在具有TNBS诱导的克罗恩病模型的小鼠中,结肠的长度减少,而结肠的宽度增加。 图2:从对照小鼠(对照)和TNBS治疗?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




BALB/C mice University of Lodz NA
Caliper VWR 62379-531
Cardboard block NA NA
Confocal microscope – TCS SP8 Leica Biosystems NA
Fully automated rotary microtome – RM2255 Leica Biosystems NA
Glass slide Thermo Scientific J1800BMNT
Heated Paraffin Embedding Module – EG1150 H Leica Biosystems NA
Histological box Marfour LN.138747
Hydrophobic pen Sigma-Aldrich Z377821
Laboratory balance Radwag WL-104-0048
LAS X software Leica Biosystems NA
Metal mold Marfour CP.5105
Sterile gauze NA NA
Sterile scissor NA NA
Sterile tweezer NA NA
Tissue processor – TP1020 Leica Biosystems NA
2, 4, 6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid Sigma-Aldrich 92822
Bovine serum albumin Sigma-Aldrich A3294
DiOC6 (3) Sigma-Aldrich 318426
DyLight 650 secondary antibody Abcam ab96886
ERα primary antibody Abcam ab75635
ERβ primary antibody Abcam ab3576
Ethanol Avantor Performance Materials Poland 396480111
Formaldehyde Avantor Performance Materials Poland 432173111
GPER primary antibody Abcam ab39742
Hydrochloric acid Avantor Performance Materials Poland 575283421
Hydrogen peroxidase Avantor Performance Materials Poland 885193111
isoflurane (forane) Baxter 1001936040
Normal goat serum Gibco 16210064
Paraffin Leica Biosystems 39602012
Petrie dish Nest Scientific 705001
Phosphate buffer saline Sigma-Aldrich P3813
Physiological saline Sigma-Aldrich 7982
Primocin (antibiotic) Invitrogen ant-pm-1
ProLong Diamond Antifage Mountant with DAPI (glycerol-based liquid with DAPI) Invitrogen P36971
Sodium chloride Chempur WE/231-598-3
Sodium citrate Avantor Performance Materials Poland 795780429
Tris Avantor Performance Materials Poland 853470115
Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich T8787
Tween 20 Sigma-Aldrich P9416
Xylene Avantor Performance Materials Poland BA0860119


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Citer Cet Article
Jacenik, D., Zielińska, M., Michlewska, S., Fichna, J., Krajewska, W. M. Visualization of Estrogen Receptors in Colons of Mice with TNBS-Induced Crohn’s Disease using Immunofluorescence. J. Vis. Exp. (157), e60813, doi:10.3791/60813 (2020).

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