

Published: June 30, 2021









1. 哺乳动物细胞培养和转染 在100mm培养皿中平板2×106 个细胞。每次转染使用四个培养皿。注意:不同的细胞系所需的细胞数量可能会有所不同。在继续隔离步骤之前,可能需要进行优化。 第二天,根据制造商的说明,用利泊酚胺转染细胞。 2. 细胞采集 转染后48小时弃置培养基。 用冰冷的PBS(10mM磷酸钠,2.68mM氯化钾,140mM氯化钠?…

Representative Results

通过密度梯度超速离心对未转染的HEK293细胞进行分馏后,从梯度顶部开始收集12个组分。收获的馏分用稀释缓冲液以1:1的比例稀释并进行第二轮离心。然后将样品进行蛋白质印迹以分析其蛋白质含量。 如图1所示,回收内体标记物Rab11在馏分720中被检测到。还探测了其他亚细胞标志物,包括β-COP,COX IV,GAPDH,EEA1,Rab7和Lamp1。在分数7中也检测到正EEA1信号。…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




1 mL, Open-Top Thickwall Polypropylene Tube, 11 x 34 mm Beckman Coulter 347287
100 mm tissue culture dish SPL 20100
13.2 mL, Certified Free Open-Top Thinwall Ultra-Clear Tube, 14 x 89 mm Beckman Coulter C14277
5x Sample Buffer GenScript MB01015
cOmplete, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Roche 11873580001
COX IV (3E11) Rabbit mAb Cell Signaling Technology 4850S Rabbit monoclonal antibody for detecting COX IV.
Cycloheximide Sigma-Aldrich C1988
Dounce Tissue Grinder, 7 mL DWK Life Sciences 357542
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) with low glucose HyClone SH30021.01
ELMO1 antibody (B-7) Santa Cruz Biotechnology SC-271519 Mouse monoclonal antibody for detecting ELMO1.
EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Kit QIAGEN 12362
FE65 antibody (E-20) Santa Cruz Biotechnology SC-19751 Goat polyclonal antibody for detecting FE65.
Fetal Bovine Serum, Research Grade HyClone SV30160.03
GAPDH Monoclonal Antibody (6C5) Ambion AM4300 Mouse monoclonal antibody for detecting GAPDH.
ImageLab Software Bio-Rad Measurement of band intensity
Imidazole Sigma-Aldrich I2399
Lipofectamine 2000 Transfection Reagent Invitrogen 11668019
Monoclonal Anti-β-COP antibody Sigma G6160 Mouse monoclonal antibody for detecting β-COP.
Myc-tag (9B11) mouse mAb Cell Signaling Technology 2276S Mouse monoclonal antibody for detecting myc tagged proteins.
OmniPur EDTA, Disodium Salt, Dihydrate Calbiochem 4010-OP
Optima L-100 XP Beckman Coulter 392050
Optima MAX-TL Beckman Coulter A95761
Opti-MEM I Reduced Serum Media Gibco 31985070
PBS Tablets Gibco 18912014
PhosSTOP Roche 4906845001
RAB11A-Specific Polyclonal antibody Proteintech 20229-1-AP Rabbit polyclonal antibody for detecting Rab11.
Sucrose Affymetrix AAJ21931A4
SW 41 Ti Swinging-Bucket Rotor Beckman Coulter 331362
TLA-120.2 Fixed-Angle Rotor Beckman Coulter 362046
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red Gibco 25300062


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Chan, W. W. R., Zhai, Y. Q., Lau, K. Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation for Investigating Endocytic Recycling in Mammalian Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (172), e62621, doi:10.3791/62621 (2021).

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