
Biomolecular Imaging of Cellular Uptake of Nanoparticles using Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy

Published: May 16, 2022


This article presents the integration of a spectral-focusing module and a dual-output pulse laser, enabling rapid hyperspectral imaging of gold nanoparticles and cancer cells. This work aims to demonstrate the details of multimodal nonlinear optical techniques on a standard laser scanning microscope.


Probing gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in living systems is essential to reveal the interaction between AuNPs and biological tissues. Moreover, by integrating nonlinear optical signals such as stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF), and transient absorption (TA) into an imaging platform, it can be used to reveal biomolecular contrast of cellular structures and AuNPs in a multimodal manner. This article presents a multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy and applies it to perform chemically specific imaging of AuNPs in cancer cells. This imaging platform provides a novel approach for developing more efficient functionalized AuNPs and determining whether they are within vasculatures surrounding the tumor, pericellular, or cellular spaces.


Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have shown great potential as biocompatible imaging probes, for example, as effective surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrates in various biomedical applications. Major applications include fields such as biosensing, bioimaging, surface-enhanced spectroscopies, and photothermal therapy for cancer treatment1. Furthermore, probing AuNPs in living systems is crucial to assessing and understanding the interaction between AuNPs and biological systems. There are various analytical techniques, including Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy2, laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)3, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)4 that have been successfully used to investigate the distribution of AuNPs in tissues. Nevertheless, these methods suffer from several drawbacks such as being time-consuming and involving complex sample preparation3, requiring long acquisition times, or the lack of sub-micron spatial resolution2,4.

Compared to conventional imaging techniques, nonlinear optical microscopy offers several advantages for probing live cells and AuNPs: The nonlinear optical microscopy achieves deeper imaging depth and provides intrinsic 3D optical sectioning capability with the use of near-IR ultrafast lasers. With the significant improvement of imaging speed and detection sensitivity, two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF)5,6,7 and second harmonic generation (SHG)8,9,10 microscopy have been demonstrated to further improve non-invasive imaging of endogenous biomolecules in living cells and tissues. Moreover, utilizing novel pump-probe nonlinear optical techniques such as transient absorption (TA)11,12,13,14 and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)15,16,17,18, it is possible to derive label-free biochemical contrast of cellular structures and AuNPs. Visualizing AuNPs without the use of extrinsic labels is of great importance since chemical perturbations of the nanoparticles will modify their physical properties and hence their uptake in cells.

This protocol presents the implementation of a Spectral Focusing Timing and Recombination Unit (SF-TRU) module for a dual-wavelength pulse laser, enabling fast multimodal imaging of AuNPs and cancer cells. This work aims to demonstrate the details of integrated TPEF, TA, and SRS techniques on a laser scanning microscope.


1. Switching on the laser system Switch on the interlock system and select arm laser before starting the system. Turn on the PC with the software to control the dual-output femtosecond laser. Load the software for the dual-output femtosecond laser; this software enables the laser to be powered on and off and directly controls the wavelength of the pump beam. Switch on the laser emission by holding down on the Power icon for a count of 3. Wait until the …

Representative Results

The Spectral Focusing Timing and Recombination Unit (SF-TRU) module is introduced between the dual-output femtosecond laser and the modified laser scanning microscope. The tunable ultrafast laser system used in this study has two output ports delivering one beam at a fixed 1,045 nm wavelength and the other beam tunable in the range of 680–1,300 nm. A detailed schematic of the SF-TRU module and multimodal imaging platform is depicted in Figure 1. The SF-TRU is employed to chirp two femt…


This study has presented the combination of SF-TRU module and ultrafast dual-output laser system demonstrated its applications for multimodal microspectroscopy. With its ability to investigate gold nanoparticles’ (AuNPs’) uptake by cancer cells, the multimodal imaging platform can visualize the cellular responses to hyperthermic cancer treatments when laser beams are absorbed by AuNPs.

Moreover, rapid chemically specific imaging and high spectral resolution are achieved by employin…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This research was supported by EPSRC Grants: Raman Nanotheranostics (EP/R020965/1) and CONTRAST facility (EP/S009957/1).


APE SRS Detection Unit APE (Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH) APE Lock-in Module Combined system containing a large area Si photo-diode for detecting the pump beam along with a Lock-In amplifier for detecting the beam modulations
Confocal Scanning Unit Olympus FV 3000 Confocal scanning unit used for imaging
CML Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 1.0 µm Invitrogen C37483 Polystyrene microspheres
Coverslips Thorlabs CG15CH2 22 mm x 22 mm coverslips for seeding cells
FBS Gibco 10500-064 Foetal Bovine Serum (Heat Inactivated)
Flouview Olympus FV31S-SW Laser scanning microscope control software
Function Generator BX precision 40543 Used to generate square wave function which is fed to EOM in SF-TRU to produce modulations in the stokes beam
FV3000 Olympus IX83P2ZF Other microscope frames can be used.
Gold Nanoparticles Nanopartz A11-60 Spherical gold nanoparticles, 60 nm diameter
Input Output Interface Olympus FV30 ANALOG This unit allows voltage readouts from PMT and LockIn to be fed into the confocal scanning software and allows timing pulses to be sent between the olympus microscope and the SF-TRU unit.
InSight X3 Newport Spectra-Physics Dual-output femtosecond pulsed laser. Tunable (680–1300 nm) and fixed (1045 nm) laser outputs with the repetition rate of 80 MHz.
Microscope Frame Olympus IX83 Inverted microscope
Mouse 4T1 cells ATCC CRL-2539 Mouse breast cancer cells
NA 1.2 Water Immersion Objective Olympus UPLSAPO60XW/IR The multiphoton 60x Objective has a 0.28 mm working distance. Other similar objectives can be used.
NA 1.4 Condenser Nikon CSC1003 Other condensers with NA higher than the excitation objective can also be used.
PMT Hamamatsu R3896 PMT used for detecting anti-stokes photos for CARS micrsocopy
PMT Connector Hamamatsu C13654-01-Y002 Connector for PMT
Power Supply RS RSPD-3303 C Programmable power supply which is used for providing the correct voltage to the PMT
RPMI-1640 Gibco A10491-01 Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 Medium has since been found suitable for a variety of mammalian cells.
SF-TRU Newport Spectra Physics SF-TRU System designed for controlling the time delay and dispersion of the 2 laser outputs and for performing the beam modulations required for SRS


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Wang, C., Mansfield, J. C., Stone, N., Moger, J. Biomolecular Imaging of Cellular Uptake of Nanoparticles using Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy. J. Vis. Exp. (183), e63637, doi:10.3791/63637 (2022).

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