

Published: January 30, 2009






1。解剖的筹备工作: 选择适当的培养皿(10厘米或6孔板或24孔板等)取决于您的实验性质,和大衣与鼠尾胶原24小时前清扫。准备鼠尾胶原蛋白,并用它来大衣培养皿的方法已在别处(1)。 准备0.25%胰蛋白酶溶液中的磷酸缓冲液(PBS)(无EDTA)和过滤消毒。准备1毫升分装和存储-20℃ 准备一个解决方案包含在蒸馏水/去离子H 2 O 2.5毫米尿苷和5 – FDU过滤消毒,并准备50…



需要时间和护理,清洗时的神经节。取出所有碎片,血管和脂肪。在确保文化,是多还是少均匀,无多余的细胞类型,这一步很重要。 uridine/5-FDU此外,将在很大程度上消除污染的文化任何剩余的非神经细胞(有丝分裂),或至少抑制其增殖。



The authors have nothing to disclose.


新西兰想感谢她的实验室成员Subhas比斯瓦斯,安德鲁Sproul,和瑞安威利特培训,在解剖和收获交感神经元。由NIH – NINDS赠款支持。


Material Name Type Company Catalogue Number Comment
Forceps, Stainless steel #5 Tool Roboz RS4976  
Scissors, DEAVER straight sharp-blunt- 43mm blades – 5.5 Tool Roboz RS6760  
RPMI 1640 w/ L-Glutamin Reagent Cellgro, Mediatech, Inc. 10-040-CV  
Fetal Bovine Serum Reagent SAFC Biosciences 12103c  
Donor Horse Serum Reagent JRH Biosciences 12449 Heat-inactivate by incubating in 56°C waterbath for 30 minutes.
Penicillin/streptomycin Reagent Gibco, Invitrogen 15140-122  
Trypsin without EDTA Reagent Difco MT 25-050-CI  
Uridine Reagent Sigma U3003  
5-Fluoro-5′ deoxyuridine Reagent Sigma F-8791  
NGF Reagent Harlan Bioproduct BT-5025  
Dissection Microscope and light source Microscope      
15 ml polypropylene tubes Tool BD Falcon 352096  
Cell culture dishes Tool Corning, Nunclone    


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  8. Pierchala, B. A., Ahrens, R. C., Paden, A. J., Johnson, E. M. Nerve Growth Factor Promotes the Survival of Sympathetic Neurons through the Cooperative Function of the Protein Kinase C and Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathways. The Journal of Cell Biology. 279, 27986-27993 (2004).

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Citer Cet Article
Zareen, N., Greene, L. A. Protocol for Culturing Sympathetic Neurons from Rat Superior Cervical Ganglia (SCG). J. Vis. Exp. (23), e988, doi:10.3791/988 (2009).

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