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Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging for Assessing Uveitis in a Mouse Model

Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging for Assessing Uveitis in a Mouse Model


Take an anesthetized mouse pre-immunized with heat-killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or Mtb, which induces an immune response, and generates Mtb-specific T cells.

Administer eye drops for pupil dilation to enhance light penetration for improved eye imaging. Apply a gel to prevent corneal dehydration.

Wrap the mouse in gauze to maintain body warmth and place it in the optical coherence tomography or OCT system.

Image the eyes to obtain cross-sectional images of the anterior chamber, including the cornea and lens, and the posterior chamber, including the retina.

Examine to ensure the absence of inflammation.

Inject heat-killed Mtb into the vitreous cavity. The immunogen spreads across the eye and triggers an immune response, inducing the infiltration of preformed Mtb-specific T cells and other immune cells, resulting in inflammation termed uveitis.

OCT of the anterior chamber reveals infiltrated immune cells and corneal edema, while OCT of the posterior chamber indicates vitreous inflammation.

Score OCT images based on inflammation severity to quantify uveitis progression.

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