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Chapter 8

Communicating Customer Value: Promotion to Evangelism

Chapter 8

Communicating Customer Value: Promotion to Evangelism

The communication process is the transmission and reception of messages or information from one sender to the receiver. It involves the sender encoding an …
Marketing communication objectives refer to the strategic goals that guide promotional activities. They set the stage for messaging strategies, content …
The AIDA model, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, helps businesses understand the buying process of a potential buyer. Consider …
Integrated marketing communication is the strategic combination of various marketing channels to convey a unified and compelling message to target …
Effective marketing communication lays the foundation for executing an integrated marketing communication plan. The IMC plan has seven steps. The first …
Advertising is a paid strategy that brands and organizations employ to promote their offerings through diverse channels, including TV, radio, print media, …
Print and outdoor ads are two major forms of advertisements. Print ads are promotional messages inked on paper and distributed via diversified outreach …
TV and radio ads are classic and impactful mass-marketing methods for engaging audiences. Television advertising is a powerful platform for businesses to …
Celebrity endorsement and influencer marketing involve brands partnering with famous individuals to promote their products or services. Celebrity …
Sales promotions are short-term incentives designed to stimulate purchases of goods and services. Businesses leverage these promotions to unveil exciting …
Sales promotion helps attract customers and promote sales in various ways. For example, coupons offer item discounts, such as Kellogg's …
Trade-oriented sales promotion strategically targets channel intermediaries to push products to consumers. It includes tools like trade allowances, …
Personal or one-to-one selling is a direct, face-to-face process where a salesperson builds relationships with potential customers, understands their …
The personal selling process includes the steps involved in the one-on-one selling technique. Harry is an electric vehicle sales representative engaged in …
Direct marketing is a technique that communicates a personalized message directly to a target audience to inspire actions. It is a cost-effective way for …
Various industries use direct marketing to attract potential customers and engage with existing customers. For example, banks use various direct marketing …
Online marketing is all about promoting products and services on the internet. It has become increasingly essential for businesses due to the rise in …
Businesses use a dynamic blend of online marketing tools, including search engine optimization, content marketing, pay-per-click, social media, email, and …
Public relations or PR are activities aimed at promoting and managing a company's reputation and influencing public opinion to gain support. PR can be …
Public relations or PR tools include publications, video-audio programs, annual reports, media relations, websites, and social media designed to convey …
The Marketing Funnel is a model representing a customer's journey from product discovery to purchase. It acts as a guide for businesses on media …
The marketing funnel aids marketers in choosing the appropriate media at each step of the process. In the awareness stage, marketers select diverse media …
The IMC budget represents the total money allocated for all promotional activities. It prevents a company from overspending or underspending on …
Companies use structured approaches to allocate resources effectively when creating marketing budgets. For example, XYZ Mobile allocates a five hundred …
Planning a campaign involves detailing each step and timing to coordinate activities effectively toward the campaign goals. For example, Puma's …