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Chapter 3
Healthcare Delivery Systems

Introduction To Health Care Delivery System
The healthcare system is constantly changing and complex. Various services are available from different healthcare providers, but gaining access to…
Methods Of Healthcare Delivery System
At the different levels of the healthcare system, we see varying methods of healthcare used. These methods include managed care systems, case…
Traditional Level Of Health Care System
The levels of care describe the services provided in the healthcare system. Accordingly, there are six levels of the traditional healthcare system in…
Integrated Healthcare System
An integrated healthcare system (IHS) is a set of organizations that provides for or arranges to provide coordinated and continuous service to a…
Primary Healthcare Services
Primary care promotes wellness and prevents disease. This care includes health promotion, education, protection (such as immunizations), early…
Preventive Healthcare Services
Preventive healthcare services keep people healthy via frequent check-ups, screening, and counseling. They primarily aid in disease prevention rather…
Secondary Healthcare System
Secondary healthcare is offered by a specialist, generally in hospitals or clinics for patients referred by primary healthcare providers. It occurs…
Tertiary Healthcare System
Specialized care provided over an extended period is called tertiary care. Usually, a primary or secondary care physician will refer a patient to…
Restorative Care
Restorative care is provided once a patient has been discharged from a healthcare facility and requires additional services. The additional services…
Continuing Care
Continuing care describes the variety of health, personal, and social services provided over a prolonged period. The need for continuing care is…
Hospitals offer medical and surgical care to the sick and injured, along with accommodation while they recover. At the same time, they also provide…
Hospitals provide inpatient and outpatient services. Inpatient services provide care to patients that stay in the hospital for an extended period,…
Specialized Care Centers and Settings-I
Specialized care settings or centers are situated in convenient locations within the community and offer care to a specific group or population. They…
Specialized Care Centers and Settings-II
Rural Health Centers Rural health centers are specialized care facilities in remote locations with very few medical personnel. The primary care…
Healthcare Agencies I
Healthcare agencies provide healthcare services to people. In the United States, voluntary agencies are often non-profit centers sponsored by…
Healthcare Agencies II
There are various healthcare agencies in the United States—some of which are managed by religious institutions and others by different…
Interdisciplinary Care: The Health Care Team-I
An interdisciplinary team includes many healthcare professionals working together and utilizing their skills, knowledge, and expertise to provide…
Interdisciplinary Care: The Health Care Team-II
An interdisciplinary team includes many healthcare professionals working together and utilizing their skills, knowledge, and expertise to provide…
Issues And Trends In Healthcare Delivery System
The issues and trends in healthcare delivery are constantly changing. The COVID-19 pandemic is one recent issue that wreaked havoc on healthcare…
Project-Based Learning Guidelines for Health Sciences Students: An Analysis with Data Mining and Qualitative Techniques
Academic leaders all over the world are encouraging the use of active methodologies in teaching, especially in higher education. The reason for this…
Using Visual and Narrative Methods to Achieve Fair Process in Clinical Care
The Institute of Medicine has targeted patient-centeredness as an important area of quality improvement. A major dimension of patient-centeredness is…
Esophageal Heat Transfer for Patient Temperature Control and Targeted Temperature Management
Controlling patient temperature is important for a wide variety of clinical conditions. Cooling to normal or below normal body temperature is often…

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