
DNA Extraction from 0.22 μM Sterivex Filters and Cesium Chloride Density Gradient Centrifugation

Published: September 18, 2009


We describe a method for extraction of high molecular weight genomic DNA from planktonic biomass concentrated on 0.22 μm Sterivex filters, followed by cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation for purification.


This method is used to extract high molecular weight genomic DNA from planktonic biomass concentrated on 0.22 μM Sterivex filters that have been treated with storage/lysis buffer and archived at -80°C, and to purify this DNA using a cesium chloride density gradient. The protocol begins with two one-hour incubation steps to liberate DNA from cells and remove RNA. Next, a series of Phenol:Chloroform and Chloroform extractions are performed followed by centrifugation to remove proteins and cell membrane components, collection of the aqueous DNA extract, and several buffer exchange steps to wash and concentrate the extract. Part Five describes the optional purification via cesium chloride density gradient. It is recommended to work with less than 15 samples at one time to avoid confusion and cut down protocol time. The total time required for this protocol depends on the number of samples to be extracted. For 10-15 samples and assuming the proper centrifugation equipment is available, this entire protocol should take 3 days. Make sure you have the hybridization ovens set to temperature at the outset of the process.


Note: All reagents used in this protocol are aliquoted from lab stocks into smaller working stocks- this is very important to avoid cross contamination of your DNA samples and contamination of lab stocks. Also, when pipetting, make sure to change pipette tips for every addition to avoid cross contamination. Part One: Cell Lysis and Digestion Begin this protocol by thawing the Sterivex filters that contain previously concentrated planktonic bioma…


Depending on how many samples are to be processed, this can be a time-intensive procedure due to the two one-hour incubation steps, and the repeated washes and centrifugation steps. It is best to plan two whole days for this procedure to leave plenty of time. If there are problems getting the final extract volume in the Amicon tube to reduce down to 200-500μl during DNA concentration and washing, try doing additional TE washes and centrifugations (repeat Part Three) until the appropriate volume is leftover. Also, i…


We would like to thank the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund and the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada for supporting ongoing studies on low oxygen regions of coastal and open ocean waters. J.J.W. was supported by fellowships from NSERC and D.A.W. was supported by fellowships from NSERC, Killam and the TULA foundation funded Centre for Microbial Diversity and Evolution. S.L. was supported by the TULA foundation funded Centre for Microbial Diversity and Evolution.


Material Name Tipo Company Catalogue Number Comment
1 cc syringe (26G5/8 needle)   BD 309597  
1 ml syringe (26G5/8 needle)   BD 309597  
1.5ml eppendorf tubes   Eppendorf 0030 125.150  
15ml tubes   Sigma CLS430791  
5cc syringe   BD 309603  
Amicon® Ultra-4 Centrifugal Filter Devices   Millipore UFC801096 10,000 Nominal molecular weight limit
Butanol   Fisher A383-1 Make it water saturated (butanol:water = 1:1)
Centrifuge rotor, JA5.3   Beckman Coulter 368690  
Centrifuge, Avanti® J-E   Beckman Coulter 369003  
Cesium chloride   Sigma C4036  
Chloroform:IAA (24:1)   Sigma 25666-500ML  
Ethidium Bromide (EtBr)   Sigma E1510-10ml  
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate   Sigma E5134  
Hybridization oven   Fisher Scientific 13-247-10 37°C & 55°C
Lysis Buffer       0.75 M sucrose, 40 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris (pH 8.3)
Lysozyme   Sigma L6876-5G 125 mg in 1000 μl TE
Microcon® Ultracel YM-30 Centrifugal Filter Unit   Millipore 42410 50 bp cut off
Parafilm   Fisher 13-374-10  
Phenol:Chloroform:IAA (25:24:1)   Sigma 77617-500ML  
Proteinase K   Qiagen 19133  
RNase A   Fisher BP2539-100 10 μg/ml
Safe Imager™ Blue light transilluminator   Invitrogen S37102  
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)   Sigma L4509 20% SDS
Sterivex filters   Fisher SVG010RS  
Sucrose   Sigma S0389  
Table top centrifuge   Eppendorf 5415D  
TE buffer, pH 8.0        
Trizma® base   Sigma T1503  
Ultracentrifuge rotor, TLA 100   Beckman Coulter 343847  
Ultracentrifuge tube (7X20mm, PC)   Beckman 343775  
Ultracentrifuge tube rack   Beckman 348302  
Ultracentrifuge, Optima® Max   Beckman Coulter    


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Citazione di questo articolo
Wright, J. J., Lee, S., Zaikova, E., Walsh, D. A., Hallam, S. J. DNA Extraction from 0.22 μM Sterivex Filters and Cesium Chloride Density Gradient Centrifugation. J. Vis. Exp. (31), e1352, doi:10.3791/1352 (2009).

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