
Published: April 30, 2023


出典:デアンジェリス、M.W.、ジョンソン、R.I. 免疫染色、西洋分析、RNA単離のための ショウジョウバエ プパルレチナの解剖J. ヴィス・エクス(2019).

このビデオでは、ショ ウジョウバエ から眼と脳の複合体を解剖し、分離する方法について説明します。注目のプロトコルは、例えば、免疫染色、ならびに他の遺伝子発現実験と互換性のある、高品質の組織をもたらす手順を示す。


このプロトコルは、デアンジェリスとジョンソン、免疫学、西洋分析、およびRNA単離のためのショウジョウバエプパルレチナの解剖   、J.Vis.Exp.からの抜粋です(2019)。 1. 組織の準備 ショウジョウバエ十字(先に説明したようにグリーンスパン、コールドスプリングハーバー研究所プレス、(2004))または培養特有のショウジ?…

Representative Results

図1:解剖のための子犬の選択と培養(A) 第3の幼虫インスター(L3)幼虫と子犬は、健康なショウジョウバエ培養の側面に沿って位置付け.(B)プレパエは、顔料が保護用プパルケースでまだ生成されていないように、その半透明の白色によって識別することができる。子犬の前部-後側および後…


Bamboo splints, 6" Ted Pella Inc 116
Black dissecting dish Glass petri dish filled to rim with SYLG170 or SYLG184 (colored black with finely ground charcoal powder).
Leave at room temperature for 24-48 h to polymerize.
Blade holder Fine Science Tools 10053
Bovine serum albumin Sigma-Aldrich A7906
Double-sided tape 3M 665
Drosophila& food media, nutrient-rich 7.5% sucrose, 15% glucose, 2.5% agar, 20% brewers yeast, 5% peptone, 0.125% MgSO4.7H2O, 0.125% CaCl2.2H20
Drosophila& food media, standard Bloomington Drosophila Stock center cornmeal recipe.
Fixative solution 4% formadehyde in PBS, pH 7.4.
Forceps Fine Science Tools 91150-20 Forceps should be sharpened frequently.
Formaldehyde Thermo Scientific 28908
Glass 9-well dishes Corning 7220-85 Also known as 9-well dishes
Glass coverslips (22 x 22 mm) Fisher Scientific 12-542-B
Glass microscope slides (25 x 75 x 1 mm) Fisher Scientific 12-550-413
Glass petri dish Corning 3160-100BO
Glycerol Sigma-Aldrich G5516
Microcentrigure tubes Axygen MCT-175-C
Microdissection scissors Fine Science Tools 15000-03
Microwell trays (72 x 10 µL wells) Nunc 438733
Mounting media 0.5% N-propylgallate and 80% glycerol in PBS
N-propylgallate Sigma-Aldrich P3130
PBS (phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4) Sigma-Aldrich P5368 Prepare according to manufacturer's instructions
PBT 0.15% TritonX and 0.5% bovine serum albumin in PBS, pH 7.4
Pin holder Fine Science Tools 26016-12
Primary antibody: goat anti-GAPDH Imgenex IMG-3073 For Western blotting. Used at 1:3000
Primary antibody: rabbit anti-cleaved Dcp-1 Cell signaling 9578S For immunofluorescence. Used at 1:100
Primary antibody: rat anti-DEcad Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank DCAD2 For immunofluorescence. Used at 1:20
Primary antibody: rat anti-DEcad DOI: 10.1006/dbio.1994.1287 DCAD1 Gift from Tadashi Uemura. Used at 1:100.
Scalpel blades Fine Science Tools 10050 Break off small piece of scapel blade and secure in blade holder.
Secondary antibody: 488-conjugated donkey anti-rat IgG (H+L) Jackson ImmunoResearch 712-545-153 For immunofluorescence. Used at 1:200
Secondary antibody: cy3-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) Jackson ImmunoResearch 111-165-144 For immunofluorescence. Used at 1:100
Secondary antibody: HRP-conjugated goat anti-rat IgG (H+L) Cell Signaling Technology 7077 For Western blotting. Used at 1:3000
Secondary antibody: HRP-conjugated rabbit anti-goat IgG (H+L) Jackson ImmunoResearch 305-035-003 For Western blotting. Used at 1:3000
Stereo dissecting microscope (M60 or M80) Leica Microsystems or similar microscope
Sylgard (black) Dow Corning SYLG170
Sylgard (transparent) Dow Corning SYLG184 Color black with finely ground charcol powder
Tissue: Kimwipes KIMTECH 34120
TritonX Sigma-Aldrich T8787
Tungsten needle, fine Fine Science Tools 10130-10 Insert into pin holder
Tungsten needle, sturdy Fine Science Tools 10130-20 Insert into pin holder
Yeast paste (local supermarket) Approximately 2 tablespoons Fleischmann's ActiveDry Yeast (or similar) dissolved in ~20 mL distilled H2O

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Citazione di questo articolo
Dissection of the Eye-Brain Complex from Fly Pupae: A Method to Isolate Retinal Tissue. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20127, doi: (2023).

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