
Microglia में microRNAs की सामान्य सीएनएस में वास्तविक समय पीसीआर द्वारा और Neuroinflammation दौरान जांच

Published: July 23, 2012


Microglia मैक्रोफेज है कि केंद्रीय तंत्रिका तंत्र की रक्षा और प्रतिरक्षा निगरानी की पहली पंक्ति प्रदान निवास कर रहे हैं. MicroRNAs विनियामक अणुओं है कि सक्रियण और मैक्रोफेज के भेदभाव सहित कई शारीरिक प्रक्रियाओं में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रहे हैं. इस अनुच्छेद में, हम microglia में microRNAs की माप के लिए विधि का वर्णन करता है.


Microglia are cells of the myeloid lineage that reside in the central nervous system (CNS)1. These cells play an important role in pathologies of many diseases associated with neuroinflammation such as multiple sclerosis (MS)2. Microglia in a normal CNS express macrophage marker CD11b and exhibit a resting phenotype by expressing low levels of activation markers such as CD45. During pathological events in the CNS, microglia become activated as determined by upregulation of CD45 and other markers3. The factors that affect microglia phenotype and functions in the CNS are not well studied. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a growing family of conserved molecules (~22 nucleotides long) that are involved in many normal physiological processes such as cell growth and differentiation4 and pathologies such as inflammation5. MiRNAs downregulate the expression of certain target genes by binding complementary sequences of their mRNAs and play an important role in the activation of innate immune cells including macrophages6 and microglia7. In order to investigate miRNA-mediated pathways that define the microglial phenotype, biological function, and to distinguish microglia from other types of macrophages, it is important to quantitatively assess the expression of particular microRNAs in distinct subsets of CNS-resident microglia. Common methods for measuring the expression of miRNAs in the CNS include quantitative PCR from whole neuronal tissue and in situ hybridization. However, quantitative PCR from whole tissue homogenate does not allow the assessment of the expression of miRNA in microglia, which represent only 5-15% of the cells of neuronal tissue. Hybridization in situ allows the assessment of the expression of microRNA in specific cell types in the tissue sections, but this method is not entirely quantitative. In this report we describe a quantitative and sensitive method for the detection of miRNA by real-time PCR in microglia isolated from normal CNS or during neuroinflammation using experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model for MS. The described method will be useful to measure the level of expression of microRNAs in microglia in normal CNS or during neuroinflammation associated with various pathologies including MS, stroke, traumatic injury, Alzheimer’s disease and brain tumors.


1. Microglia की सामान्य सीएनएस से अलगाव Microglia के अलगाव के रूप में 3 संशोधनों के साथ पहले से वर्णित किया जाता है. कैंची, संदंश, 27g सुई, 15 मिलीलीटर Dounce homogenizer (Teflon / कांच), 40 माइक्रोन नायलॉन सेल झरनी, 40% और 70% सम…


हाल ही में महत्वपूर्ण ब्याज microglia और इन कोशिकाओं के neuroinflammation और neurodegeneration के साथ जुड़े कई विकृतियों में भागीदारी के लिए दिया गया था. इसके अलावा, प्रतिरक्षा और कैंसर कोशिकाओं के भेदभाव में microRNAs की भूमिका में नाट?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


काम NIH NS071039-01A1 अनुसंधान अनुदान R01 द्वारा समर्थित किया गया.


Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number Comments
1X PBS GIBCO 14190 Can be prepared from dry components in the laboratory, pH: 7.2-7.4
10X PBS Thermo Scientific SH30258.02 Can be prepared from dry components in the laboratory, pH: 7.2-7.4
DMEM; FBS GBCO 11965; 10438  
miRVana kit Invitrogen AM1561  
Percoll Sigma P4937-500 ml 100 ml of 100% Percoll is prepared by mixing 10 ml of 10X PBS and 90 ml of Percoll from Sigma.
50 ml of 70% Percoll is prepared by mixing of 35 ml of 100% Percoll and 15 ml of DMEM
50 ml of 40% Percoll is prepared by mixing 20 ml of 100% Percoll and 30 ml of 1X PBS
MOG35-55 peptide AnaSpec Inc 60130-5  
CFA DIFCO 263810  
Pertussis Toxin Sigma P7208  
FcR blocking antibodies BD Biosciences 553142 Clone 2.4G2
Anti-CD11bPE mAb BD Biosciences 553311 Can be used with different fluorophores (e.g. AF488)
Anti-CD45-APC-Cy7 mABs Biolegend 103116 Can be used with different fluorophores (e.g. APC)
Paraformaldehyde (16%) EMS Inc 15710 Dilute 1:15 in 1X PBS
15% TBE-Urea Gel Life Technologies Inc. EC68855BOX  
TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit Life Technologies Inc 4366596  
TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix Life Technologies Inc 4304437  
TaqMan MicroRNA Assays mmu-miR-124a Life Technologies Inc 4427975 ID 001182  
TaqMan MicroRNA Assays snoRNA-55 Life Technologies Inc 4427975 ID 001228  
Nuclease-free water Life Technologies Inc AM9937 Nuclease-free water
384-well clear optical reaction plate Life Technologies Inc. 4309849 Can be substituted with other plates (e.g. 96 well plate) in different real-time PCR instruments
Dounce homogenizer (15 ml) Wheaton Science Products. 358044 Teflon/glass
40 μ nylon cell strainer Falcon 352340  
Big centrifuge Sorval RT 6000B Rotor diameter 18.5 cm
Small centrifuge Eppendorf 5415 R Rotor diameter 6.5 cm
Real-time PCR Instrument Life Technologies Inc. AB 7900 HT Can be substituted with other instruments
Flow cytometer BD Biosciencess LSR II Can be substituted with other instruments
FACS BD Biosciences FACSAria Can be substituted with other instruments
Nanodrop spectrophotometer Thermo Scientific Nanodrop 1000  


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Citazione di questo articolo
Veremeyko, T., Starossom, S., Weiner, H. L., Ponomarev, E. D. Detection of MicroRNAs in Microglia by Real-time PCR in Normal CNS and During Neuroinflammation. J. Vis. Exp. (65), e4097, doi:10.3791/4097 (2012).

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