

Published: December 27, 2014


Cilia of olfactory sensory neurons contain proteins of the signal transduction cascade, but a detailed spatial analysis of their distribution is difficult in cryosections. We describe here an optimized approach for whole mount labeling and en face visualization of ciliary proteins.


The mouse olfactory system comprises 6-10 million olfactory sensory neurons in the epithelium lining the nasal cavity. Olfactory neurons extend a single dendrite to the surface of the epithelium, ending in a structure called dendritic knob. Cilia emanate from this knob into the mucus covering the epithelial surface. The proteins of the olfactory signal transduction cascade are mainly localized in the ciliary membrane, being in direct contact with volatile substances in the environment. For a detailed understanding of olfactory signal transduction, one important aspect is the exact morphological analysis of signaling protein distribution. Using light microscopical approaches in conventional cryosections, protein localization in olfactory cilia is difficult to determine due to the density of ciliary structures. To overcome this problem, we optimized an approach for whole mount labeling of cilia, leading to improved visualization of their morphology and the distribution of signaling proteins. We demonstrate the power of this approach by comparing whole mount and conventional cryosection labeling of Kirrel2. This axon-guidance adhesion molecule is known to localize in a subset of sensory neurons and their axons in an activity-dependent manner. Whole mount cilia labeling revealed an additional and novel picture of the localization of this protein.


鼻腔鼠标嗅上皮包括6-10万双极嗅感觉神经元1。每个嗅觉神经元选择的1200气味受体基因的表达之一。检测加臭剂的开始由气味结合到嗅觉受体2,其然后激活腺苷酸环化酶III型(ACIII)3经由嗅觉特异性G蛋白GαOLF 4。由此而造成的环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)打开一个环核苷酸门控(CNG),非选择性阳离子通道,导致离子和离子,并随后钙涌入2+内流导致开口的Ca 2+活化的Cl 通道5,6。所得向外Cl 的磁通变得容易通过高细胞内氯吸收,有可能通过的Na + / K + / Cl 协同转运NKCC1中,通过稳定氯浓度保持CL / HCO3 换热器SLC4A1,也许更多的尚未确定运输6-8。




注:所有动物的程序都在查理特大学或诊所耶拿符合德国动物保护的法律,避免动物的任何不必要的痛苦处理。 1.准备解决方案和解剖职场解决方案注:在开始上皮剥离之前,请准备以下解决方案。 在解剖过程的解决方案: 制备林格氏液(pH7.4)中为140 mM氯化钠,5mM的氯化钾,10mM的HEPES,2mM的氯化钙 ,1mM的MgCl 2的,和10mM葡萄糖的浓?…

Representative Results

嗅觉上皮连接面制剂可以用于研究蛋白质的定位中的感觉神经元的纤毛,使蛋白质的详细调查,其定位是冷冻切片的分析后不清楚。这个问题可以例举在染色IRRE样蛋白2(Kirrel2)的健的情况下。 Kirrel2(也称为Neph3)是膜蛋白和功能的免疫球蛋白(Ig)超家族的同嗜粘附蛋白中的一员。它显示出在嗅觉系统中轴突引导的作用,并表达在嗅觉神经元的活性依赖性方式10的子集。 <p clas…


The en face preparation technique described in this protocol provides a powerful tool for the detailed analysis of the olfactory system. So far, most studies characterizing the localization of signaling proteins use immunostainings of cryosections. They present a good overview of the olfactory epithelium, and protein expression in distinct cell types or regions can be easily identified. However, expression in olfactory cilia is sometimes hard to detect. Even if ciliary localization is obvious, cryosections offer…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (Exc257, SFB958).


Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
Spring scissors straight tip, multiple suppliers
Surgical scissors sharp and blunt end, multiple suppliers
Fine forceps curved tips, Dumont #7, multiple suppliers
Razor blade extra thin, multiple suppliers
Binocular with illumination multiple suppliers, Stemi 2000-C, Zeiss
Petri dish multiple suppliers
Liquid-blocker pen Science Services N71310
Polysine coated slides Thermo Scientific J2800AMNZ
Confocal microscope Leica Microsystems TCS SPE
primary antibody Goat anti-Kirrel2 R&D Systems AF2930 1:200
primary antibody Rabbit anti-mOR-EG Baumgart et al., 2014 1:200
secondary antibodies Life Technologies A21206, A11057 1:500
Mounting medium, ProLong Gold antifade reagent Life Technologies P36930
Paraformaldehyde Sigma 441244 toxic, work under fume hood


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Citazione di questo articolo
Oberland, S., Neuhaus, E. M. Whole Mount Labeling of Cilia in the Main Olfactory System of Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (94), e52299, doi:10.3791/52299 (2014).

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