
갓 고립 된 인간의 산모 Cytotrophoblasts에 siRNA를 형질 및 EMSA 분석

Published: September 20, 2016


이 프로토콜은 효과적으로 격리 갓 인간 융모 cytotrophoblasts에 siRNA를 형질 감염 microporation을 사용하여 이들 세포의 DNA 단백질 복합체를 식별하는 방법을 설명한다. 형질 감염된 세포는 웨스턴 블롯에 의해 모니터링 될 수 있고, EMSA는 4 일간의 배양 기간 동안 분석한다.


Human primary villous cytotrophoblasts are a very useful source of primary cells to study placental functions and regulatory mechanisms, and to comprehend diseases related to pregnancy. In this protocol, human primary villous cytotrophoblasts freshly isolated from placentas through a standard DNase/trypsin protocol are microporated with small interfering RNA (siRNA). This approach provided greater efficiency for siRNA transfection when compared to a lipofection-based method. Transfected cells can subsequently be analyzed by standard Western blot within a time frame of 3-4 days post-transfection. In addition, using cultured primary villous cytotrophoblasts, Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) analysis was optimized and performed on extracts from days 1 to 4. The use of these cultured primary cells and the protocol described allow for an evaluation of the implication of specific genes and transcription factors in the process of villous cytotrophoblast differentiation into a syncytiotrophoblast-like cell layer. However, the limited time span allowable in culture precludes the use of methods requiring more time, such as generation of a stable cell population. Therefore testing of this cell population requires highly optimized gene transfer protocols.


Human placental dysfunction is associated with the development of several pregnancy-associated diseases like preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction 1. An important cell constituent of the placenta is the trophoblasts, which can be classified as either extravillous or villous cytotrophoblasts. Upon fusion, villous cytotrophoblasts further differentiate into the syncytiotrophoblast layer, a multinuclear cell structure with an important role in feto-maternal exchange and hormone production 2. Human primary villous cytotrophoblasts and their differentiated counterparts represent important biological samples and allow researchers to study a number of placenta-related processes, such as cell fusion, in culture. Furthermore, substantial efforts are ongoing to identify markers that will facilitate appropriate management and improve preventive therapies specific to pregnancy-related diseases. Laboratories routinely isolate primary human villous cytotrophoblasts from fresh placentas, using a standard isolation procedure based on trypsin digestion of placenta villi 3. As cultured cytotrophoblasts lose their capacity to proliferate and quickly differentiate in a syncytiotrophoblast-like layer upon culture 4, very efficient transfection methods and optimized analysis approaches are needed. Previous studies have determined optimal conditions of transfection of these primary cytotrophoblasts 5. Herein, a different method of siRNA transfection, which has been previously tested in this cell type 6, is presented. In comparison to a lipofection-based approach, this microporation method improves transfection, as assessed by the extent of silencing of specific genes.

Promoter and gene expression studies also provide a better understanding of placental function. Although more difficult to use owing to the short time frame for which primary villous cytotrophoblasts can be cultured, promoter analyses using standard protocols can nonetheless be addressed, as previously published 7. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) is one of these commonly used in vitro methods, allowing for fast and easy monitoring of DNA-protein interactions. Nuclear extracts from these primary trophoblasts were used to test a region of the Syncytin-2 promoter for specific interactions. Results revealed that bound factors could be detected at different time points of culture and in a specific and reproducible manner.

Data presented in this protocol confirm that our transfection approach and the EMSA protocol can be used for isolated primary villous cytotrophoblasts and will be of great use to study the diverse functions of villous cytotrophoblasts in normal or pathological conditions.


UQAM 윤리위원회는 센터 Hospitalier Universitaire 드 몬트리올의 세인트 루크 병원 (몬트리올, 캐나다)의 윤리위원회의 지침에 따라 이들 프로토콜을 승인했습니다. 참가자는 동의서에 서명했다. 1. 중간 준비 및 기본 산모 Cytotrophoblasts의 분리 25 mM의 HEPES, 10 % 태아 소 혈청 (FBS), 1 % 페니실린 / 스트렙토 마이신과 둘 베코의 수정 이글의 중간 (DMEM)을 보완하여 인간의 기본 융모 cytotrophobl…

Representative Results

임신 기간에서 신선한 태반은 프로토콜 부분에 제시된 실험 세트를 수행하기 위해, 인간 융모 cytotrophoblasts 주를 분리 하였다. 이들 분리 후, 우리는 먼저 사이토 케라틴 -7- 마커 (도 1)의 사용을 통해 cytotrophoblasts의 순도를 분석 하였다. 세포 제제는 따라서 단일 클론 항 – 사이토 케라틴 -7- 항체를 이용하여 염색 하였다. 1 유동 세포 계측법 표준 분…


인간의 태반 기능과 개발에 관한 연구는 매우 다양한 태반 세포 집단의 분리를 최적화하기위한 프로토콜이 향상되었습니다. 최고의 연구 된 태반 세포 집단 중 하나는 매우 효율적이고 신뢰할 수있는 격리를 허용 최적화 된 프로토콜에서 도움이되고 연구되는의 융모 cytotrophoblasts을, 남아있다. 이것은 또한 이러한 형질 전환 및 프로모터 연구 등의 실험의 수를 허용했다. 이전에 설명 된 프로?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


이 작품은 캐나다의 국립 과학 및 공학 연구위원회 (NSERC) (# 298527) (BB)에서 교부금에 의해 지원되었다. CT는 기관 FARE 장학금에 의해 지원되었다. AV는 NSERC 그레이엄 벨 박사에 의해 지원되었다 장학금. BB는 인간 Retrovirology에서 캐나다 연구 의장에게 (2 단계)을 개최했다. 텍스트를 수정에 도움을 베아트릭스 Beisner 감사합니다.


HBSS without  Ca2+, Mg2+  Sigma #H2387
HBSS (10X)  Sigma #14060-057
DMEM High Glucose without Hepes Gibco  #12100-061
Hepes (1 M) Gibco #15630-080
Penicillin-Streptomycin-Neomycin (100X) Gibco  #15640-055 
Amphotericin B  Sigma #A2411
CaCl2 Sigma  #C4901
MgSO4.7H2 Sigma  #M
Fetal bovine serum Gibco #16170-078 
Percoll  Sigma  #P-1644  For density gradient
Syncytin-2 siRNA Ambion Life technologies #AM16708
Scrambled siRNA Qiagen # SI03650318
DNase I   Sigma-Aldrich #D5025
Trypsine, type I  Sigma  #T8003
DharmaFECT Lipotransfection  reagents  GEhealthcare # T-2001-01
Trypsin/EDTA  Life technologies #25300-062
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Roche Diagnostic #11873580001
Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit Thermo Scientific #23225
BSA Sigma #A7906
TWEEN 20 Sigma #P9416 
Anti-rabbit IgG, HRP-linked antibody  Cell Signaling #7074
BM Chemiluminescence Western Blotting Substrate (POD) Roche Diagnostic #11500708001
DPBS  Life technologies #14287-080
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase NEB #M0201S
ATP, [γ-32P] Perkin Elmer  #BLU002A100UC 
Acrylmide Sigma  #A9099
TEMED Life technologies #17919
Ammonium Persulfate Sigma  #A3678
Anti-human cytokeratin-7  antibody clone LP5K, FITC conjugated Millipore,  CBL194F Dilution1:200 
 FcR blocking reagent   Miltenyi Biotec  130- 059-901  Dilution 1:10
Flow Cytometer BD Acuri system  Becton Dickinson
Microporator MP-100 apparatus  Digital Bio
Resuspension Buffer R (Neon Transfection System 100 µL Kit)  Life technologies MPK10096
PVDF membrane  Millipore IPVH00010  Activate with methanol
Anti-human GAPDH antibody  Santa Cruz Biotechnology  sc-137179  1:500
HorseRadish Peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibody or anti-mouse antibody  Cell Signalling  #7074   1:10,000
HorseRadish Peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated goat anti-mouse antibody  Cell Signalling  #7076   1:10,000
 NE-PER Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction Reagent Thermo Scientific #78833
G-25 column  GE Healthcare #27-5325-01
Chemiluminsescence and fluorescence imaging device Montréal Biotech Fusion FX5
 4 % native gel Home made
PBS Home made 1X
Personal Molecular Imager (PMI) System BioRad


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Citazione di questo articolo
Lokossou, A. G., Toufaily, C., Vargas, A., Barbeau, B. siRNA Transfection and EMSA Analyses on Freshly Isolated Human Villous Cytotrophoblasts. J. Vis. Exp. (115), e53995, doi:10.3791/53995 (2016).

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