
Fabrikasjon av White Light-Emitting elektrokjemiske celler med Stabil Emission fra Exciplexes

Published: November 15, 2016


The authors present a method for fabricating stable white-light-emitting electrochemical cells utilizing emission from exciplexes formed between a blue-emitting fluorene polymer and aromatic amines.


Forfatterne presenterer en metode for fremstilling av stabilt hvitt lys utslipp fra polymer lys-emitterende elektrokjemiske celler (PLECs) som har et aktivt lag som består av blå-fluorescerende poly (9,9-di-n-dodecylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) ( PFD) og π-konjugerte Triphenylamine molekyler. Denne hvite lys utslipp stammer fra exciplexes dannet mellom PFD og aminer i elektronisk eksiterte tilstander. En enhet som inneholder PFD, 4,4 ', 4' '- tris [2-naftyl (fenyl) amino] Triphenylamine (2-TNATA), poly (etylenoksyd) og K-2-CF3 SO 3 viste hvite lysemisjon med Commission Inter de l'eclairage (CIE) koordinatene (0,33, 0,43) og en Color Rendering Index (CRI) Ra = 73 ved en påtrykt spenning på 3,5 V. Constant spenningsmålinger viste at CIE koordinatene (0,27, 0,37), Ra av 67, og utslipps farge observeres umiddelbart etter påføring av en spenning på 5 V var nesten uforandret og stabil etter300 sek.


Research and development of polymer light-emitting electrochemical cells (PLECs) have expanded in recent years.1-15 PLECs are similar to organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) in that both are surface emitting organic devices and are expected to find their way into future lighting applications. OLEDs are already on the market, but the cost is still high, one reason being that OLEDs need a complicated device structure with multiple layers. In contrast, PLECs have a very simple device structure which consists of a single active layer (emitting layer) between a pair of electrodes. This means that PLECs are suited to mass production processes such as roll-to-roll printing and coating.

A PLEC has an active layer consisting of a fluorescent π-conjugated polymer (FCP). The FCP can be electrochemically doped with a polymer electrolyte (a mixture of an ion conducting polymer and a salt). The FCP is p-doped on the anode side and n-doped on the cathode side during operation, and generates excitons which emit light between the p- and n-doped regions. Therefore, the emission color reflects the exciton emission (=fluorescence) wavelength of the FCP.

Stable white light emission is important for lighting applications, and color mixing techniques which employ two or more emitters have been widely used to achieve this.10-14 Recently, we presented a different approach for obtaining stable white light emission, using an active layer which contains blue-fluorescent poly(9,9-di-n-dodecylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) (PFD) and π-conjugated aromatic amines15. This white light emission comes from exciplexes formed between PFD and amine molecules in excited states. Exciplex emission has a broader spectrum compared to the exciton emission from the PDF and/or amines, which gives it a color close to that of natural light. This translates to a higher color rendering index (CRI), which is preferable for lighting applications.

In this article, the authors describe the procedure used to fabricate the exciplex based LECs and show the stability of their white light emission.


1. Utarbeidelse av aktive laget Solutions Aktive laget løsning for amin-dopet PFD enheter MERK: PFD, 4,4 ', 4' '- tris [2-naftyl (fenyl) amino] Triphenylamine (2-TNATA), 9,9-dimetyl-N, N'-di (1-naftyl) – N , N '-difenyl-9H-fluoren-2,7-diamin (DMFL-NPB), poly (etylenoksid) (PEO), ble benyttet som mottatt. Den kalium-trifluormetansulfonat (K 2 CF 3 SO 3) ble tørket under vakuum ved 200 ° C i 1 time før bruk. <…

Representative Results

Den elektroluminescens (EL) spektra ble brukt for å beregne CIE-koordinatene og SFI-verdiene (figurene 2, 4, 5). Fotografiske bilder av teknisk utstyr ble oppsamlet for å bekrefte hvithet av utslipp (figur 3). EL-spektrene av de amin-dopet PFD enheter og udopet PFD-enheten er vist i figur 2. De udopede PFD-enheten viste blå emisjon som svarer til PFD exciton utslipp. Samtid…


LMU har en aktiv lag som inneholder hydrofobe PFD og aromatiske aminer, og hydrofil polyetylenoksid og KCF 3 SO 3. Fordi disse materialene har svært ulike oppløseligheter, er imidlertid fremstillingen av spinnbeleggløsningen avgjørende for å unngå ufullstendig solvatering. Hver må først oppløses separat og helt i løsningsmidler med tilstrekkelig solvatiserende evne, så at løsningene blandes sammen for å danne en ensartet blanding. Balansere exciton og exciplex utslipp er nøkkelen til …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Dette arbeidet ble delvis støttet av en Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (nr 24225003). Dette arbeidet ble støttet økonomisk av JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation.


Poly(9,9-di-n-dodecylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) (PFD) Aldrich 571660
4,4’,4’’-Tris[2-naphthyl(phenyl)amino]triphenylamine (2-TNATA) Aldrich 768669
9,9-Dimethyl-N,N’-di(1-naphthyl)-N,N’-diphenyl-9H-fluorene-2,7-diamine (DMFL-NPB) Aldrich
Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) Aldrich 182028
Potassium tirifluoromethansulfonate (KCF3SO3) Aldrich 422843 dried under vacuum at 200 °C for 2 hr prior to use
Chloroform Kanto Chemical Co. 08097-25 dehydrated
Cyclohexanone Kanto Chemical Co. 07555-00
SCAT 20-X (detergent) Daiichi Kogyo Seiyaku diluted with water
Acetone Kanto Chemical Co. 01866-25 Electronic grage
2-propanol Kanto Chemical Co. 32439-75 Electronic grage
13mm GD/X Disposable Filter Device PVDF Filter Media, Polypropylene Housing Whatman 6872-1304
UV/O3 Treating Unit SEN Lights Co.  SSP16-110
Spectral Photo Detector Otsuka Electronics MCPD 9800
Voltage Current Source Monitor  ADCMT 6241A 
Evaporation Mask  Tokyo Process Service Co., Ltd. NA The evaporation mask was wet-etched to create openings for patterned deposition of aluminum. The size of the mask is 100 mm x 100 mm x 0.2 mm-thick.


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Citazione di questo articolo
Uchida, S., Takizawa, D., Ikeda, S., Takeuchi, H., Nishimura, S., Nishide, H., Nishikitani, Y. Fabrication of White Light-emitting Electrochemical Cells with Stable Emission from Exciplexes. J. Vis. Exp. (117), e54628, doi:10.3791/54628 (2016).

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