

Published: July 26, 2021











すべての手順は、サウスカロライナ医科大学の機関審査委員会によって承認され、ヘルシンキ宣言に準拠しました. 1. 参加者募集 ローカルデータベースからポストストロークを募集します。この実験では、16人の個人が地元の電子採用データベースから募集されました。いくつかの例では、参加者は、私たちの研究グループによって行われた以前の研究で安静時の…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.






Data Acquisition Software MathWorks MatLab The custom data collection program was written in Matlab. However, other software/hardware providers can be used (e.g. National Instruments, AD Instruments, CED Spike2 or Signal)
Double-cone coil Magstim D110 Double-cone coil for TMS pulse delivery
Dual force plate Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc (AMTI) Dual-top Accusway Force plate used to measure force/weight distrobution under each leg independently.
Dual-pulse TMS Magstim Bistim 200 Connects two Magstim 200 units together for dual-pulse applications
EMG pre-amplifiers Motion Labs Inc MA-422 Preamplifiers for disposable surface EMG electrodes
EMG system Motion Labs Inc MA400 EMG system for data collection
Neuronavigation System Rogue Research Brainsight Software and hardware used to ensure consistent placement/delivery of magnetic stimulations. Marking the stimulation location on a participant's head or on a place showercap can also be used in the absence of neuronavigational software.
Recruitment Database N/A N/A Electronic database including names of possible individuals who are eligble for your studies.
TMS unit (x2) Magstim Magstim 200 Delivers TMS pulses


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Citazione di questo articolo
Kindred, J. H., Finetto, C., Cash, J. J., Bowden, M. G. Standing Neurophysiological Assessment of Lower Extremity Muscles Post-Stroke. J. Vis. Exp. (173), e62601, doi:10.3791/62601 (2021).

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