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Detection of Post-Replicative Gaps Accumulation and Repair in Human Cells Using the DNA Fiber Assay

Detection of Post-Replicative Gaps Accumulation and Repair in Human Cells Using the DNA Fiber Assay

Article DOI: 10.3791/63448-v 10:32 min February 3rd, 2022
February 3rd, 2022



Here we describe two modifications of the DNA fiber assay to investigate single-stranded DNA gaps in replicating DNA after lesion induction. The S1 fiber assay enables the detection of post-replicative gaps using the ssDNA-specific S1 endonuclease, while the gap-filling assay allows visualization and quantification of gap repair.


DNA Fiber Assay Post-replicative Gaps DNA Lesion S1 Nuclease DNA Repair Replication Stress Response Genome Integrity Controls IDU Media UV-C Irradiation
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