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Chapter 9
Social Responsibility and Ethics in Marketing

Social Criticisms of Marketing
Marketing, while vital for economic growth, often faces social criticism due to its potential negative impacts on consumer welfare and…
Data Privacy and Consumer Information Protection
Data privacy and customer information protection are paramount in today's digital era, where data is the new currency. Protecting personal…
Ethics in Data Gathering
Adhering to ethical standards in data collection within marketing is crucial for numerous compelling reasons. First, it helps maintain and build…
Ethics in Target Audience Selection
Ethics in targeting audiences is a crucial aspect of marketing and business practices. It involves understanding and respecting the rights,…
Responsible Product Development
Responsible product development is a cornerstone of sustainable business practices and has profound implications for the economy, society, and the…
Ethics in Pricing
Ethical pricing upholds consumer rights, fosters fairness, and supports a healthy marketplace. As a result, businesses and consumers alike must…
Deceptive Practices in Marketing Communications
Unethical pricing tactics harm consumers through price gouging, bait-and-switch, and false advertising. They result in inflated prices, unnecessary…
Cultural Insensitivity and Stereotypes
Cultural insensitivity and stereotypes in marketing can lead to significant missteps, damaging a brand's reputation and alienating potential…
Green Marketing
Eco-marketing, or green marketing, is integral to contemporary business strategies, focusing on environmental sustainability. It involves selling…
Conscious Marketing
Conscious marketing refers to a business approach that values and promotes integrity, transparency, and customer welfare. It's a shift away from…
Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship
Modern business practices incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Citizenship as integral components.CSR promotes social…
Sustainable Marketing
Sustainable marketing is crucial in today's business landscape for several reasons. It reflects a company's commitment to not only economic…

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