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Chapter 9
Documentation and Reporting

Introduction to Documentation and Reporting
Documentation is the systematic process of formally recording, maintaining, and communicating information. Nursing documentation records essential…
Purpose of Health Records I
The vital purpose of health records is to provide a complete and accurate account of a patient's medical history, including communication,…
Purpose of Health Records II
Health records serve various essential purposes in the healthcare system. Here are some key purposes: • Decision Analysis in Record Review:…
Guidelines for Nursing Documentation I
Quality documentation and reporting share essential characteristics that ensure they are practical and valuable resources for those who use them.…
Guidelines for Nursing Documentation II
Effective documentation is an integral part of nursing practice. Here are some essential guidelines to follow when documenting patient care: Timely…
Types of Records I: Unit and Nurses Records
 Unit records in healthcare settings document the patient's treatment history, including interventions, medications, diagnostic and…
Types of Records II: Educational and Administrative Records
Maintaining nurses' educational and administrative records in healthcare settings, including hospitals and nursing schools, is paramount.…
Methods of Documentation I: Source-Oriented Records
Source-oriented records, or SOR, are medical record-keeping organized by the data source. The SOR system was first developed in the mid-1900s to…
Methods of Documentation II: POMR
The Problem-Oriented Medical Record (POMR) revolutionized medical record-keeping by introducing a systematic approach focusing on the patient's…
Methods of Documentation III: PIE
Problem-intervention-evaluation (PIE) is a systematic approach to documentation used in healthcare settings for clinical decision-making and patient…
Methods of Documentation IV: Focus Charting
Focus Charting, also known as the focus charting system or "focus documentation," is a systematic documentation approach used in healthcare…
Methods of Documentation V: CBE
Charting by Exception, or CBE, is a method of documentation used in healthcare, particularly in nursing, that focuses on documenting only significant…
Methods of Documentation VI: Case Management Model
The case management model is a multidisciplinary approach that involves healthcare professionals from diverse disciplines, such as physicians,…
Methods of Documentation VII: EMR
Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) primarily center around electronically documenting patients' health information within a single healthcare…
Guidelines and Strategies for Safe Computer Charting
The guidelines and strategies provided by the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) offer essential principles…
Formats for Nursing Documentation
Nursing documentation encompasses various formats designed to capture precise patient data, facilitate communication among healthcare team members,…
Flow Sheet
Flowsheets are valuable tools in nursing documentation. They enable healthcare professionals to efficiently record and monitor various patient…
Discharge Summary Forms
The discharge summary is crucial as it enables a smooth transition from a healthcare facility to a patient's home or another care setting. This…
Types of Reports I: Hands-off Report
A hand-off report, also known as a change-of-shift report, is a crucial nursing process that ensures the smooth transition of patient care…
Types of Reports II: Incident or Occurrence Report
An Incident or Occurrence Report in a healthcare setting is a crucial document used to record any unexpected occurrence that may or may not have…
Types of Reports III: Telephone and Verbal Reports
Telephone and Verbal Reports in healthcare settings are two communication methods for conveying therapeutic instructions from healthcare providers to…
Legal Guidelines for Documentation
The legal guidelines for nursing documentation are essential for ensuring accurate, professional, and ethical recording of patient care. The…
Documentation in Long-Term and Home Healthcare Setting
Documentation in long-term care facilities and home healthcare settings is crucial for ensuring continuous, coordinated, and comprehensive care for…
Health Information Technology and Healthcare Information System
Health Information Technology (HIT) Health Information Technology, commonly called HIT, integrates advanced information systems and technology in…
Nursing Clinical Information System
Nursing Clinical Information System (NCIS) A Nursing Clinical Information System (NCIS) is a specialized type of healthcare information system…
A Novel Digital Platform for a Monitored Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
Despite the evidence that cardiac rehabilitation (CR) reduces the risk of recurrent cardiac events, only a minority of eligible patients are willing…
TBase - an Integrated Electronic Health Record and Research Database for Kidney Transplant Recipients
TBase is an electronic health record (EHR) for kidney transplant recipients (KTR) combining automated data entry of key clinical data (e.g.,…
Executing Complexity-Increasing Queries in Relational (MySQL) and NoSQL (MongoDB and EXist) Size-Growing ISO/EN 13606 Standardized EHR Databases
This research shows a protocol to assess the computational complexity of querying relational and non-relational (NoSQL (not only Structured Query…

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