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Published: December 24, 2013 doi: 10.3791/50978


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Glass toy marbles local toy store N/A assorted styles, colors, clear, and opaque
Nestlets Ancare NES3600
N10 series mouse cage Ancare N10HT standard rodent cage with wire top
R20 series rat cage Ancare R20 standard rodent cage with wire top
Bed-o'Cobs The Andersons 8B standard rodent bulk bedding, 1/8 in



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Angoa-Pérez, M., Kane, M. J.,More

Angoa-Pérez, M., Kane, M. J., Briggs, D. I., Francescutti, D. M., Kuhn, D. M. Marble Burying and Nestlet Shredding as Tests of Repetitive, Compulsive-like Behaviors in Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (82), e50978, doi:10.3791/50978 (2013).

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