

Published: August 19, 2015


Scaffolds for tissue engineering need to recapitulate the complex biochemical and biophysical microenvironment of the cellular niche. Here, we show the use of interfacial polyelectrolyte complexation fibers as a platform to create composite, multi-component polymeric scaffolds with sustained biochemical release.


Various scaffolds used in tissue engineering require a controlled biochemical environment to mimic the physiological cell niche. Interfacial polyelectrolyte complexation (IPC) fibers can be used for controlled delivery of various biological agents such as small molecule drugs, cells, proteins and growth factors. The simplicity of the methodology in making IPC fibers gives flexibility in its application for controlled biomolecule delivery. Here, we describe a method of incorporating IPC fibers into two different polymeric scaffolds, hydrophilic polysaccharide and hydrophobic polycaprolactone, to create a multi-component composite scaffold. We showed that IPC fibers can be easily embedded into these polymeric structures, enhancing the capability for sustained release and improved preservation of biomolecules. We also created a composite polymeric scaffold with topographical cues and sustained biochemical release that can have synergistic effects on cell behavior. Composite polymeric scaffolds with IPC fibers represent a novel and simple method of recreating the cellular niche.


The extracellular matrix has inherent biochemical and biophysical cues that direct cell behaviors. Mimicking this physiological three-dimensional (3D) microenvironment is a widely explored strategy for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering applications. For example, both naturally-derived and synthetic substrates have been modified with topographical cues as a means to mimic the biophysical cellular environment.1 For example, polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds can be easily patterned by casting on patterned PDMS substrates.2 However, most synthetic scaffolds inadequately recapitulate the controlled biochemical environment in vivo. Bulk or surface modification of synthetic materials only present biochemical cues for cell attachment but still lack temporal regulation of biochemical delivery.3 Thus, there is a need for optimal scaffolds that can mimic the temporally regulated biochemical delivery system of the extracellular matrix.

Biochemical delivery systems such as microspheres are plagued by problems of loss of bioactivity and low incorporation efficiency due to the severity and complexity of multi-step synthesis process.4-6 Alternative methods that use a one-step fabrication and incorporation method were proven to have excellent potential to create a favorable biochemical microenvironment without the accompanying inefficiency in incorporation and loss of bioactivity. One viable solution is the use of interfacial polyelectrolyte complexation (IPC) fibers to deliver and protect biological agents. When two oppositely charged polyelectrolyte aqueous solutions are brought together, IPC fibers can be drawn out from the interface. Virtually any type of hydrophlic biomolecule in aqueous solution can be added into either the negatively- or positively-charged polyelectrolyte solution, thus facilitating the incorporation of useful biomolecules into the IPC fiber during the complexation process. Furthermore, this process only requires aqueous and ambient conditions, thereby decreasing the risk of loss of bioactivity. Using this method, active growth factors2,7 even cells8,9 have been successfully delivered. In addition, the simple method of forming IPC fibers allows molding into any shape or orientation. The stability of such fibers has been advantageous in its incorporation into both hydrophobic2 and hydrophilic polymers7 to create composite scaffolds. These composite scaffolds with IPC fibers are beneficial for creating a physiologically relevant biochemical environment while providing physical anchorage for cells.

In this study, we show a method to incorporate IPC fibers into a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic scaffold with topography for controlled release of active biomolecules. As a proof-of-concept, we incorporate IPC fibers made from chitosan and alginate into the biocompatible, non-immunogenic and non-antigenic pullulan-dextran hydrophilic hydrogel or the biocompatible polycaprolactone hydrophobic scaffold.


1.准备聚电解质溶液的纯化脱乙酰壳多糖,如在Liao 等详细说明。简言之,将创建一个1%(重量/体积)壳聚糖在2%的溶液使用(体积/体积)乙酸和真空过滤级93过滤纸。中和使用5M的NaOH将滤液直到pH稳定至7。离心沉淀的脱乙酰壳多糖在1200×g离心10分钟。滗析出上清液,并添加去离子水以洗涤脱乙酰壳多糖。重复离心和洗涤步骤两次以上。冻结的沉淀壳聚糖在-80℃和冷冻干燥O…

Representative Results

在这篇文章中,我们试图建立复合支架与IPC纤维各种生物分子的持续释放。在此研究中使用的生物分子的特征见于表1。的IPC纤维第一嵌入到亲水的PD水凝胶来创建的PD-IPC复合支架( 图1B)。模型分子BSA的第一测试,以确定使用复合支架用于控制生物分子释放的可行性。 BSA的掺入的PD-IPC支架为45±0.97%的效率。 BSA的从PD-瞳距释放呈接近线性的动力学具有初始减毒突释之后?…


IPC纤维通过两个带相反电荷的聚电解质的相互作用形成。该方法使用从聚电解质的界面的复杂的提取,便利了一种用于纤维形成稳定的自组装过程。 IPC的纤维形成的机制可确保任何生物分子加入到类似电荷的聚电解质可以在络合过程中引入。10,11相反,除了生物分子的成带相反电荷的聚电解质将导致瞬间沉淀。用于IPC纤维的简单的制造方法借给多功能性在将各种生物材料如细胞,生长因?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作是由它的力学生物学研究所,新加坡研究卓越中心,一个管理的新加坡国家研究基金会的支持。 MFAC是1122703037. BKKT是支持的力学生物学研究所机构科学,技术和研究(新加坡)和国家研究机构(法国)项目下的多次联合计划的支持。我们感谢丹尼尔HC黄先生的校对书稿和黎明JH新女士协助视频制作。


Pullulan  Hayashibara Inc Okayama Japan Molecular weight (MW) 200 kDa. This material is pharmaceutical grade pullulan used to make pullulan frames and PD-IPC scaffolds.
Dextran Sigma Aldrich D1037 MW 500 kDa. This material is no longer being produced by Sigma Aldrich. Alternative suggested is catalog number 31392 (Sigma Aldrich). This material is used to make PD-IPC scaffolds.
Sodium Bicarbonate  Sigma Aldrich S5761 Sodium bicarbonate must be slowly added to the pullulan-dextran polysaccharide solution. Rapid addition of sodium bicarbonate will result in precipitation. 
Sodium Trimetaphosphate Sigma Aldrich T5508 This chemical is hygroscopic and must be stored in the dehumidifying cabinet. Aqueous solution of sodium trimetaphosphate must always be made fresh.
Sodium Hydroxide Sigma Aldrich S5881 This material is hazardous and must be handled with proper protective equipment such as nitrile gloves.
Chitosan Sigma Aldrich 448877 MW 190-310 kDa. Acetylation degree of 75 to 85%. Purification of chitosan is required to create stable IPC fibers.
Acetic Acid Merck This can be replaced by another brand type. This material is corrosive and flammable. Protective equipment such as face shield, nitrile gloves, lab coat and shoe cover must be worn when handling this chemical in the fume hood. 
Alginic acid sodium salt from brown algae, low viscosity Sigma Aldrich A2158 Dissolve in water overnight. Filter through sterile 0.2µm syringe filter before use. Store at 4 °C.
Bovine Serum Albumin Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Dissolve in sterile PBS and filter using 0.2 µm syringe filter before use. 
BCA assay kit Pierce 23225 This kit was used to measure BSA release from PD-IPC scaffolds. 
Human Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor R&D systems 293-VE Dissolve growth factor in 0.2% heparin solution to a final concentration of 5 mg/ml.
Heparin Sodium Salt From Porcine Sigma Aldrich H3393 This can be replaced by another brand type. Dissolve heparin salt in sterile water at a final concentration of 1% and filter through 0.2 µm syringe filter before use. 
Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC) Lonza C2517A This primary cell type was used in the assay to determine VEGF bioactivity after release from PD-IPC scaffolds. 
Alamar blue Life Technologies DAL1025 This is used to measure cell metabolic activity. Incubate Alamar blue with cells and maintain in standard cell culture conditions for 2 to 4 hours. Measure absorbance at 570 nm to determine Alamar blue percent reduction, which is correlated to the cell activity. 
ScanVac Coolsafe Lyophilizer Labogene This is a non-programmable freeze dryer that operates at -105 to -110 °C, This can be replaced by other standard lab lyophilizers.
Polycaprolactone (PCL) Sigma Aldrich 181609 MW 65 kDa. This is no longer being manufactured by Sigma Aldrich. This can be replaced by Sigma Aldrich catalog number 704105.
Dichloromethane Sigma Aldrich V800151 This can be replaced by another brand type. This material is hazardous and must be handled in the fume hood. Protective equipment must be worn at all times when handling this chemical.
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS; 184 Silicone Elastomer Kit) Dow Corning (240)4019862 The elastomer kit comes with polymer base and crosslinker. Mixing the polymer base and crosslinker in different ratios will result in different stiffness of the PDMS.
Human Recombinant Beta-Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) R&D systems 256-GF Reconstituted in sterile DI water to a final concentration of 100 µg/ml. Aliquot and store in -20 °C until use.
Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) Cambrex This cell type was used in the assay to determine synergistic effect of NGF and nanotopography.
Rat PC12 Pheochromocytoma Cells  ATCC This cell type was used in the neurite outgrowth assay to determine bioactivity of NGF. After exposure to release media with NGF, measure number of cells with neurite extensions and normalize to total number of cells.
Grade 93 filter paper Whatman Z699675 This is used for the purification of chitosan after its precipitation with sodium hydroxide at pH 7.
Swing bucket centrifuge Eppendorf 5810R To be used during the purification of chitosan using 1200 x g speed. 
Motor with mandrel rotating at constant speed Rhymebus RM5E The motor is used for the fabrication of IPC fibers on pullulan or PCL frame.
Phosphate buffered saline FirstBase Sterilize through filtration (0.2 µm filter) and autoclave. 
10-mm diameter Tissue Culture Polystyrene Dish (TCPS) Greiner The TCPS dish is used for casting of pullulan frame. 
Human VEGF ELISA kit R&D systems DVE00 The ELISA kit is used for detection of VEGF in the release medium.
Human NGF ELISA kit R&D systems DY256  The ELISA kit is used for detection of NGF in the release medium.
Plastic Coated Adhesive Tape Bel-Art 9040336 The adhesive tape is used to securely stick the alligator clip to the rotating mandrel


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Cutiongco, M. F. A., Teo, B. K. K., Yim, E. K. F. Composite Scaffolds of Interfacial Polyelectrolyte Fibers for Temporally Controlled Release of Biomolecules. J. Vis. Exp. (102), e53079, doi:10.3791/53079 (2015).

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