

Published: September 15, 2015


Plant cell wall structure and chemistry traits are evaluated to identify ideal feedstocks for biofuels and bio-materials. Standard methods have limitations when applied to large data sets. These high-throughput pretreatment, enzyme saccharification, and pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry methods compare large numbers of biomass samples with decreased experimental time and cost.


The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels, chemicals, and other commodities has been explored as one possible pathway toward reductions in the use of non-renewable energy sources. In order to identify which plants, out of a diverse pool, have the desired chemical traits for downstream applications, attributes, such as cellulose and lignin content, or monomeric sugar release following an enzymatic saccharification, must be compared. The experimental and data analysis protocols of the standard methods of analysis can be time-consuming, thereby limiting the number of samples that can be measured. High-throughput (HTP) methods alleviate the shortcomings of the standard methods, and permit the rapid screening of available samples to isolate those possessing the desired traits. This study illustrates the HTP sugar release and pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry pipelines employed at the National Renewable Energy Lab. These pipelines have enabled the efficient assessment of thousands of plants while decreasing experimental time and costs through reductions in labor and consumables.




用于确定植物细胞壁和单体糖的组合物快速技术解放区以下酶糖化包括机器人,定制的,热化学兼容的96孔板,以及标准实验室方法8-11的修改和器乐的协议,如振动光谱(红外(IR),近红外(NIR),拉曼或)和核磁共振(NMR)12月17日 。这些方法的关键是分离的原料具有高纤维素或低木质素含量,或那些预计产量最高的葡萄糖,木糖,乙醇 ,这些方法都使能缩小的分析雇用小批量生物质和消耗品,导致减少的实验费用18 </s向上>。这种方法途径的另一特点是,各种实验条件可以迅速,而且在某些情况下同时,进行评价。例如,各种不同的预处理策略或酶鸡尾酒进行检验,从而允许最优化的实验参数,以快速识别和采用。流行的原料,例如玉米秸秆9,杨树8,10,甘蔗渣8,和柳枝8已用这些HTP方法被成功地进行评价。

总木质素和木质素单体组合物通常还定量生物量的性状。在木质素含量的减少已被证明能增加多糖19,20的酶解。该木质素单体的比例(通常报告为紫丁香/愈创木(S / G)的含量)的角色扮演,在植物细胞壁的解构仍在进一步调查中。一些报道已表明,降低的S / G比导致了下面的21水解糖产量增加,而其他的研究揭示出相反的趋势19,22。高通量方法,用于评估木质素及其单体包括振动光谱(IR,NIR,拉曼和23-26)加上多变量分析,和热解分子束质谱(pyMBMS)27,28。


最耗时的步骤包括生物质的物理操纵。研磨样品可能需要每个样本数分,其中包括清理出样本之间的磨。手动加载,卸载,清理料斗和填充和清空茶叶袋和样品袋也很费力。虽然每个步骤可能需要一分钟或更长,这样做成千上万的样本可能需要几个小时甚至几天的时间。机器人可以加载一个典型的反应器板与生物量在约3至4小时,或6至8天板-1机器人-1。这种情况取决于所使用以及类型和生物质的量要测试的精度参数。填充反应器板,用水,稀酸或酶迅速完成使用液体处理机器人。 P一个板叠(1〜20反应器板)的再处理需要1至3小时时组件,冷却,并拆卸是包括在内。酶水解需要3天,糖分析需要约1小时的准备时间加上每个反应器板10分钟以完成测定和读取结果。的设置预处理和分析天甲每周计划容纳一个合理的工作日程,最小化奇数小时和周末的努力用于测定的人力组成,并允许进行处理,每周〜800〜1000的样品在持续的基础。最大吞吐量取决于几个因素,主要是关于硬件(机器人,反应器等)和多少“软件”(即,工作人员)可用做手动工作。实际的上限为2500至3000样本/周;但是,输出需要7天一个星期的操作和多个学生实习和技术人员。相比较而言,3000的样品用HPLC将需要大约125天山姆PLE分析加分析手动称量样品进入反应堆和过滤样品前额外的劳动。


1.高通量测定葡萄糖和木糖产量继酶糖化9,29 样品制备(研磨,去上浆,提取,预处理) 磨至少300毫克用Wiley磨,使得颗粒通过20目(850微米)筛每个生物质的样品。转移到防静电顶部拉链袋(通常条形码)和记录样本的信息的条形码数据库。 加入约250毫克或更多的地面生物量从防静电袋一个编号(用铅笔,不使用墨水或标记)茶叶袋,仔细地卷起的茶包,是一定会随…

Representative Results







The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank intern Evelyn Von Neida who provided paramount insights regarding the preparation of biomass samples for both of the high-throughput pipelines discussed in this manuscript. Support for the development of this work and manuscript was provided by the BioEnergy Science Center. The BioEnergy Science Center is a U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Center supported by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research in the DOE Office of Science. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is a national laboratory of the US DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated for DOE by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC36-08-GO28308 with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.


Wiley mill Thomas Scientific 3375E15 (Model 4), or 3383L20 (Mini-mill)
anti-static bags Minigrip* MGST4P02503 2.5×3", multiple suppliers available
tin-coated copper wire McMaster-Carr 8871K84 0.016" diameter, bend-and-stay wire
tea-bags Herbco press n' brew teabags 3.5×5 inches
gluco-amylase Novozymes Spirizyme Fuel 
alpha-amylase Novozymes Liquozyme SC DS
sodium acetate trihydrate
any chemical supplier reagent grade
acetic acid any chemical supplier reagent grade
190 proof (95%) ethanol any chemical supplier reagent grade
hoppers Freeslate
96-well C-276 Hastelloy plates Aspen Machining (Lafayette, Colorado) N/A (custom built)
1/8” soldering iron tip Sears
silicone-adhesive backed Teflon tape 3M 5180 3" wide (36-yard rolls)
enzyme solution Novozymes Cellic CTec2
citric acid monohydrate any chemical supplier
trisodium citrate dihydrate any chemical supplier
disposable, polystyrene 96-well plates Greiner Bio-One 655101 or equivalent; multiple suppliers available
glucose oxidase/peroxidase  Megazyme K-Gluc Megazyme D-glucose assay kit
xylose dehydrogenase Megazyme K-Xylose Megazyme D-xylose assay kit
glucose standard solution Megazyme K-Gluc Megazyme D-glucose assay kit
xylose standard solution Megazyme K-Xylose Megazyme D-xylose assay kit
stainless steel sample cups Frontier Laboratories PY1-EC80F
glass fiber sheets Pall 66227 8×10" sheets–circles punched with standard hole punch
Sugarcane Bagasse Whole Biomass Feedstock NIST 8491
Eastern Cottonwood (poplar) Whole Biomass Feedstock NIST 8492
Monterey Pine Whole Biomass Feedstock NIST 8493
Wheat Straw Whole Biomass Feedstock NIST 8494


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Cite This Article
Decker, S. R., Sykes, R. W., Turner, G. B., Lupoi, J. S., Doepkke, C., Tucker, M. P., Schuster, L. A., Mazza, K., Himmel, M. E., Davis, M. F., Gjersing, E. High-throughput Screening of Recalcitrance Variations in Lignocellulosic Biomass: Total Lignin, Lignin Monomers, and Enzymatic Sugar Release. J. Vis. Exp. (103), e53163, doi:10.3791/53163 (2015).

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