
Fabricação de microbolhas de Côncavo-porosidade Beads PDMS

Published: December 15, 2015


Procedures used to generate microstructured concave-porosity polydimethylsiloxane beads are presented. Effects of electrolyte concentration and identity within the aqueous phase are particularly emphasized.


Microbubble fabrication (by use of a fine emulsion) provides a means of increasing the surface-area-to-volume (SAV) ratio of polymer materials, which is particularly useful for separations applications. Porous polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) beads can be produced by heat-curing such an emulsion, allowing the interface between the aqueous and aliphatic phases to mold the morphology of the polymer. In the procedures described here, both polymer and crosslinker (triethoxysilane) are sonicated together in a cold-bath sonicator. Following a period of cross-linking, emulsions are added dropwise to a hot surfactant solution, allowing the aqueous phase of the emulsion to separate, and forming porous polymer beads. We demonstrate that this method can be tuned, and the SAV ratio optimized, by adjusting the electrolyte content of the aqueous phase in the emulsion. Beads produced in this way are imaged with scanning electron microscopy, and representative SAV ratios are determined using Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) analysis. Considerable variability with the electrolyte identity is observed, but the general trend is consistent: there is a maximum in SAV obtained at a specific concentration, after which porosity decreases markedly.


Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is one of the most widely used silicone compounds. Its biocompatibility has led to widespread use in implant and other biomedical engineering structures1,2. It is trivially cross-linked into elastic structures using an organosilyl compound (such as triethoxysilane), a simple and reliable procedure which has made it useful for cast polymer applications where some flexibility is required3. Once cross-linked, PDMS is largely inert, particularly in biological conditions, and is therefore useful for a variety of food and medical applications4,5. Ease of casting, chemical inertness, and hydrophobicity have made it a natural choice for microfluidic devices6,7. Its affinity for non-halogenated, non-polar organic compounds has made it a popular stationary phase in separations chemistry8-10.

Recently, microbubble fabrications have been used to generate porous beads for use as catalyst structural substrates or in chemical separations11,12. In both applications, ideal materials will have a maximized surface-area-to-volume (SAV) ratio for best efficiency. In a microbubble fabrication process, microstructuring of materials is typically accomplished by isolating the polymer in aliphatic “microbubbles” by emulsification in an aqueous continuous phase. The initial report of microporous PDMS beads produced them by mechanical emulsification of two phases (aliphatic and aqueous)13. The stock PDMS liquid (and its cross-linking agent) is dissolved into the aliphatic phase, which is structured into microscopic beads by being forced to cavitate within the (continuous) aqueous phase. The emulsification is stabilized by the addition of a non-ionic surfactant. When the emulsion is added dropwise to a heated bath, solid beads form by agglomeration of the microbubbles into clusters of tiny spheres of cross-linked PDMS. Our goal in this protocol is to modify this procedure to develop beads with an inverted porosity to improve the SAV ratio of the material.

As reported previously, control of the beads can be directed to some extent by the aliphatic:aqueous ratios in the emulsion. However, we have reported recently that addition of platinum(IV) chloride (PtCl4) inverts the porosity: materials are formed in which the PDMS is riddled with concave pores14. This indicates that the aqueous layer cavitates inside the aliphatic one, despite having similar aliphatic:aqueous ratios to those published in the original work13. The primary advantage of our method is that this concave porosity should naturally result in an increased SAV ratio, and thus, improved efficiency for analytical chemistry applications. While we are continuing to explore the specific effects of the addition of the platinum compound, we show here that the same effect can be accomplished using any aqueously soluble ionic compound, though perhaps to a reduced extent. Because our techniques also differ in some key aspects from what has been previously reported, we present our protocols here as a video to encourage others to extend our methods. Most notably, we use a common bath sonicator of the type used to clean glassware or other equipment, rather than the (considerably more expensive) probe sonicator often used in microbubble fabrication. This adjusted approach to the microbubble fabrication procedure could potentially be extended for the production of large quantities of bulk materials as well, creating porous sheets or slabs which could have applications for biomedical devices, aerospace and automotive industry, or substrates for chemical catalysis. Users seeking to generate high-SAV-ratio, microstructured materials using other similar polymers for such analyses may find that our protocols can be extended to any polymer for which the microbubble emulsion technique can be applied.


1. Preparação da Emulsão Índice de emulsão Massa uma quantidade adequada de sal para produzir 10 ml de solução de 0,03-M. Para platina (IV) medida cloreto de 0,101 g, para o zinco (II) cloreto (ZnCl2) medida 0,032 g, e cloreto de sódio (NaCl) medida 0,018 g. Em tubos de ensaio individuais, cada dissolver o sal em 10 ml de água Dl. Reservada para uso posterior. Utilize a 20 mL, frasco de vidro selado para o conteúdo ao longo deste procedimento. Tare um equilíb…

Representative Results

Imagens representativas de SEM de grânulos resultantes a partir de emulsões com diferentes condições electrolíticas são mostrados na Figura 1. A Figura 1A mostra um grânulo semelhantes aos obtidos por Dufaud, et al. 13, produzido utilizando os nossos procedimentos, sem a adição de qualquer electrólito. Grânulos mostrado na Figura 1B-D, resultando em diferentes morfologias para cada ião de metal. Para todas as imagens apre…


Os grânulos produzidos utilizando este protocolo (e ajustando a concentração de eletrólitos e identidade) são fundamentalmente diferentes daquelas produzidas com uma emulsão de baixa força iónica, como pode ser visto através da comparação das Figura 1A a outras imagens SEM na Figura 1. Nosso relatório inicial usado PtCl 4, com a intenção de catalisar a polimerização ulterior reticulação na interface aquosa-14 alifático. Nesse relatório, grandes …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Este trabalho foi apoiado por Ogden Faculdade de Ciências e Engenharia, incluindo suporte interno do Departamento de Química e do Escritório de Investigação (PACR 13-8032) da Western Kentucky University. A assistência do Dr. John Andersland no Centro de Microscopia WKU (MEV) e Professor Associado Yan Cao do Instituto WKU para Ciência de Combustão e Engenharia (análise BET) tem sido fundamental para a realização deste trabalho.


Poly(dimethylsiloxane), vinyl terminated Sigma-Aldrich 68083-19-2
n-Heptane Sigma-Aldrich 142-82-5 Flammable
Triethoxysilane Sigma-Aldrich 998-30-1 Flammable, Accutely Toxic
Sorbitan Monoleate (Span-80) Fluker 1338-43-8
Platinum (IV) Chloride Sigma-Aldrich 13454-96-1 Accutely Toxic
Zinc (II) Chloride Sigma-Aldrich 7646-85-7
Sodium Chloride Sigma-Aldrich 7647-14-5
2.8L Water Bath Sonicator VWR 97043-964


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Bertram, J. R., Nee, M. J. Microbubble Fabrication of Concave-porosity PDMS Beads. J. Vis. Exp. (106), e53440, doi:10.3791/53440 (2015).

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