
基因组编辑在<em> Astyanax mexicanus</em>使用转录因子样效应核酸酶(TALENS)

Published: June 20, 2016


基因靶向诱变现在有可能在宽的范围内使用的基因组编辑技术生物体。在这里,我们演示了有针对性的基因突变的协议使用转录激活像Astyanax mexicanus,鱼品种,包括面鱼和cavefish效应核酸酶(TALENS)。


Identifying alleles of genes underlying evolutionary change is essential to understanding how and why evolution occurs. Towards this end, much recent work has focused on identifying candidate genes for the evolution of traits in a variety of species. However, until recently it has been challenging to functionally validate interesting candidate genes. Recently developed tools for genetic engineering make it possible to manipulate specific genes in a wide range of organisms. Application of this technology in evolutionarily relevant organisms will allow for unprecedented insight into the role of candidate genes in evolution. Astyanax mexicanus (A. mexicanus) is a species of fish with both surface-dwelling and cave-dwelling forms. Multiple independent lines of cave-dwelling forms have evolved from ancestral surface fish, which are interfertile with one another and with surface fish, allowing elucidation of the genetic basis of cave traits. A. mexicanus has been used for a number of evolutionary studies, including linkage analysis to identify candidate genes responsible for a number of traits. Thus, A. mexicanus is an ideal system for the application of genome editing to test the role of candidate genes. Here we report a method for using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) to mutate genes in surface A. mexicanus. Genome editing using TALENs in A. mexicanus has been utilized to generate mutations in pigmentation genes. This technique can also be utilized to evaluate the role of candidate genes for a number of other traits that have evolved in cave forms of A. mexicanus.



Astyanax mexicanus是鱼类的物种存在两种形式:多穴居形式(cavefish)河居住的表面形状(表面鱼)和A. mexicanus cavefish从表面鱼类祖先(12综述)演变而来。 cavefish种群已经进化了许多特性,包括眼睛的损耗,减少或色素沉着的损失,增加了味蕾和颅神经丘和改变的号码行为,如办学行为的损失,增加侵略,在喂养姿势和亢进13的变化-19。 Cavefish和表面鱼的间,和遗传作图实验已经进行识别位点和候选基因性状的洞穴1,20-26。一些候选基因已经过测试,在细胞培养1,19促进洞穴性状的职能作用,在其他物种中的21模式生物或过表达27或短暂击倒ü唱歌吗啉28 A. mexicanus。然而,这些方法有局限性。生成这些基因在A的突变体等位基因的能力mexicanus对于理解它们的功能在cavefish的演变是至关重要的。因此,A。 mexicanus是基因编辑技术的应用的理想候选有机体。



所有的动物程序是按照美国国立卫生研究院的指导方针和机构动物护理和使用委员会在爱荷华州立大学和马里兰大学获得批准。 1. TALEN设计输入所需的靶序列到TALEN设计网站。 (例如: )。输入选择间隔/复读数组的长度。 基因组序列拷贝到标有“序”框。 内“提供定制间?…

Representative Results

TALEN对注射导致的FokⅠ域的二聚的RVDS到特定的DNA核苷酸的结合,因此,产生双链断裂39可通过非同源末端连接(NHEJ)进行修复。 NHEJ常常引入导致在插入或缺失(插入缺失)错误。插入缺失可以通过扩增包围TALEN目标位点的区域和消化与TALEN间隔区之内的切割的限制性酶将所得的扩增子进行识别。没有一个插入缺失的等位基因,而含有等位基因改变限制性内?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




Injection station
Gel apparatus
Needle puller
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Note: As far as we know, supplies from different companies can be used unless otherwise indicated
Golden Gate TALEN and TAL Effector Kit 2.0 Addgene Kit #1000000024
Fisher BioReagents LB Agar, Miller (Granulated) Fisher BP9724-500
Fisher BioReagents Microbiology Media: LB Broth, Miller Fisher BP1426-500
Teknova TET-15 in 50% EtOH Teknova (ordered through Fisher) 50-843-314
Spectinomycin Dihydrochloride, Fisher BioReagents Fisher BP2957-1
Super Ampicillin (1000x solution) DNA Technologies 6060-1
ThermoScientific X-Gal Solution, ready-to-use Thermo Sci Fermentas Inc (Ordered through Fisher) FERR0941
IPTG, Fisher BioReagents Fisher BP1620-1
Petri dishes Fisher 08-757-13
BsaI New England Biolabs (ordered through Fisher) 50-812-203 Use BsaI, not BsaI-HF (as described in the Golden Gate TALEN and TAL Effector Kit protocol)
BSA New England Biolabs provided with restriction enzymes
10x T4 ligase buffer Promega (ordered through Fisher) PR-C1263
GoTaq Green Master mix Promega (ordered through Fisher) PRM7123 Other Taq can be used, but the reaction should be adjusted accordingly
Quick ligation kit New England Biolabs (ordered through Fisher) 50-811-728 We use Quick Ligase for all TALEN assembly reactions
One Shot TOP10 Chemically Competent E.coli Invitrogen C4040-06 Other chemically competent cells or homemade competent cells can be used
Esp 3I Thermo Sci Fermentas Inc (Ordered through Fisher) FERER0451
Plasmid-Safe ATP-dependent DNase Epicentre (Ordered through Fisher) NC9046399
QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit Qiagen 27106 The Qiagen kit should be used for the initial plasmid preparation (as described in the Golden Gate TALEN and TAL Effector Kit protocol)
QIAquick PCR Purification Kit Qiagen 28104
GeneMate LE Quick Dissolve Agaraose BioExpress E-3119-125
Sac I Promega (Ordered through Fisher) PR-R6061
mMESSAGE mMACHINE T3 Transcription kit Ambion AM1348M
Rneasy MinElute Cleanup Kit Qiagen 74204
NorthernMax-Gly Sample Loading Dye  Ambion (ordered through Fisher) AM8551
Eliminase Decon (ordered through Fisher) 04-355-32
Fisherbrand Disposable Soda-Lime Glass Pasteur Pipets Fisher 13-678-6B
Standard Glass Capillaries World Precision Instruments 1B100-4
Microcaps Drummond Scientific Company 1-000-0010
Eppendorf Femtotips Microloader Tips for Femtojet Microinjector Eppendorf (ordered through Fisher) E5242956003
Sodium hydroxide Fisher S318-500
Tris base Fisher BP152-1


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Kowalko, J. E., Ma, L., Jeffery, W. R. Genome Editing in Astyanax mexicanus Using Transcription Activator-like Effector Nucleases (TALENs). J. Vis. Exp. (112), e54113, doi:10.3791/54113 (2016).

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