

Published: November 18, 2019




卵巢癌是一种常见的妇科癌症,死亡率高,但分子机制不明确。大多数卵巢癌在晚期被诊断,这严重阻碍了治疗。线粒体变化是人类卵巢癌的标志,线粒体是能量代谢、细胞信号和氧化应激的中心。深入了解卵巢癌中线粒体蛋白酶与控制卵巢组织的变化,将有助于深入了解卵巢癌的分子机制,以及发现有效可靠的生物标志物和治疗靶点。这里介绍了一种有效的线粒体制备方法,结合相对和绝对定量 (iTRAQ) 定量蛋白质组学的等值标记,用于分析人类卵巢癌和控制线粒体蛋白酶, 包括差分速度离心、密度梯度离心、线粒体样品质量评估、蛋白消化与胰蛋白酶、iTRAQ 标签、强阳离子交换分馏 (SCX)、液相色谱 (LC)、串联质谱 (MS/MS),数据库分析和线粒体蛋白的定量分析。许多蛋白质已被成功识别,以最大限度地覆盖人类卵巢癌线粒体蛋白酶,并实现人类卵巢癌中不同表达的线粒体蛋白特征。




此前的研究发现,微差速离心与密度梯度离心相结合是从人类卵巢癌中分离和纯化线粒体,控制卵巢组织3、4、5、14的有效方法。iTRAQ 标签与强阳离子交换 (SCX) -液相色谱 (LC)-串联质谱法 (MS/MS) 相结合,是检测、识别和量化制备线粒体样本中的蛋白质的关键技术。



该协议使用卵巢组织样本,包括卵巢癌组织(n = 7)和正常对照卵巢组织(n = 11)。本议定书3、4、5号方案经中南大学湘雅医院医学伦理委员会批准。 1. 从人类卵巢癌组织制备线粒体 通过混合 210 mM 甘醇、70 mM 蔗糖、100 mM 氯化钾 (KCl)、50 mM Tris-HCl、1 mM 二胺四乙酸 (EDTA)、0.1 mM 乙二醇二(2-氨?…

Representative Results

从卵巢癌组织和控制卵巢组织对线粒体的制备有差异。这项研究发现,从卵巢癌组织制备线粒体比从控制卵巢组织3,4容易得多。必须对从控制卵巢组织制备线粒体的方案进行一些改进。首先,在组织均质化之前,有必要在添加到切碎控制组织的PBS溶液中加入8 mL的0.05%胰蛋白酶/20 mM EDTA,随后在室温下消化30分钟,在200 x g?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作得到了湖南省百人计划(至X.Z.)、湘雅医院人才引进基金(XZ)、国家自然科学基金(第81572278号、81272798至XZ)的资助,中国”863″计划资助。项目(授权号2014A020610-1至XZ)和中国湖南省自然科学基金(批号14JJ7008至XZ)。X.Z. 构思了本稿件的概念,获取了 iTRAQ 定量蛋白质组学线样本的数据,编写和修订了手稿,协调了相关工作,并负责财务支持和相应的工作。H.L.制备线粒体样本。S.Q. 参与了部分工作。X.H.Z参与编写和编辑英语。N.L. 分析了 iTRAQ 蛋白质组学数据。所有作者都批准了最终的手稿。


BCA protein assay kit Vazyme E112 BCA protein assay kit is a special 3-component version of our popular BCA reagents, optimized to measure (A562nm) total protein concentration of dilute protein solutions (0.5 to 20 micrograms/ml).
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) Solarbio A8020-5G Heat shock fraction, Australia origin, protease free, low fatty acid, low IgG, pH 7, ≥98%
Centrifuge XiangYi TDZ4–WS
CHAPS Sigma C9426-5G BioReagent, suitable for electrophoresis, ≥98% (HPLC) (Sigma-Aldrich)
Diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) Sigma 798681-100G Anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri, ≥98%
DTT Sigma 10197777001 1,4-Dithiothreitol
Easy nLC Proxeon Biosystems (now Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Ethylen glycol bis(2-aminoethyl ether)tetraacetic acid (EGTA) Sigma E0396-10G BioXtra, ≥97 .0%
Homogenizer SilentShake HYQ-3110
iTRAQ reagent kit Applied Biosystems Applied Biosystems iTRAQ Reagents–Chemistry Reference Guide, P/N 4351918A
Low-temperature super-speed centrifuger Eppendorf 5424R
Mannitol Macklin M813424-100G Mannitol is a polyol (polyhydric alcohol) produced from hydrogenation from fructose that functions as a sweetener, humectant, and bulking agent. It has low hygroscopicity and poor oil solvency.
MASCOT search engine Matrix Science, London, UK; version 2.2
Nagarse Solarbio P9090
N-hydroxysuccinimide (SDT) Sigma 56480-25G Purum, ≥97.0% (T)
Nycodenz Alere/Axis-Shield 1002424-1
Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) protease inhibitor Solarbio P0100-1ML PMSF is a protease inhibitor that reacts with serine residues to inhibit trypsin, chymotrypsin, thrombin, and papain.
Potassium chloride Macklin P816354-25G Potassium chloride, KCI, also known as potassium muriate and sylvite, is a colorless crystalline solid with a salty taste that melts at 776°C (1420 OF). It is soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol. Potassium chloride is used in fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, photography, and as a salt substitute.
Proteome Discover 1.4 Matrix Science, London, UK
PVDF membrane Millipore 05317 It is 1 roll, 26.5 cm x 1.875 m, 0.45 µm pore size, hydrophobic PVDF transfer membrane with low background fluorescence for western blotting. It is compatible with visible and infrared fluorescent probes.
Q Exactive mass spectrometer Thermo Fisher Scientific
SCX column Sigma 58997 It is 5-μm particle size, length 5cm × i.d. 4.6mm (Supelco).
Sodium orthovanadate (V) Macklin S817660-25G Sodium orthovanadate (Vanadate) is a general competitive inhibitor for protein phosphotyrosyl phosphatases. The inhibition by sodium orthovanadate is reversible upon the addition of EDTA or by dilution.
Sucrose Macklin S824459-500G Vetec reagent grade, 99%
Thiourea Sigma 62-56-6 ACS reagent, ≥99.0%
Tris base Sigma 10708976001 TRIS base is useful in the pH range of 7.0-9.0. It has a pKa of 8.1 at 25°C.
Trypsin (cell culture use) Gibco 25200-056 This liquid formulation of trypsin contains EDTA and phenol red. Gibco Trypsin-EDTA is made from trypsin powder, an irradiated mixture of proteases derived from porcine pancreas. Due to its digestive strength, trypsin is widely used for cell dissociation, routine cell culture passaging, and primary tissue dissociation.
Urea Sigma U5378-100G powder, BioReagent, for molecular biology, suitable for cell culture


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Zhan, X., Li, H., Qian, S., Zhan, X., Li, N. Preparation of Mitochondria from Ovarian Cancer Tissues and Control Ovarian Tissues for Quantitative Proteomics Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (153), e60435, doi:10.3791/60435 (2019).

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