
Culturing Rat Sympathetic Neurons from Embryonic Superior Cervical Ganglia for Morphological and Proteomic Analysis

Published: September 27, 2020


This paper describes the isolation and culturing of embryonic rat sympathetic neurons from the superior cervical ganglia. It also provides detailed protocols for immunocytochemical staining and for preparing neuronal extracts for mass spectrometric analysis.


Sympathetic neurons from the embryonic rat superior cervical ganglia (SCG) have been used as an in vitro model system for peripheral neurons to study axonal growth, axonal trafficking, synaptogenesis, dendritic growth, dendritic plasticity and nerve-target interactions in co-culture systems. This protocol describes the isolation and dissociation of neurons from the superior cervical ganglia of E21 rat embryos, followed by the preparation and maintenance of pure neuronal cultures in serum-free medium. Since neurons do not adhere to uncoated plastic, neurons will be cultured on either 12 mm glass coverslips or 6-well plates coated with poly-D-lysine. Following treatment with an antimitotic agent (Ara-C, cytosine β-D-arabinofuranoside), this protocol generates healthy neuronal cultures with less than 5% non-neuronal cells, which can be maintained for over a month in vitro. Although embryonic rat SCG neurons are multipolar with 5-8 dendrites in vivo; under serum-free conditions, these neurons extend only a single axon in culture and continue to be unipolar for the duration of the culture. However, these neurons can be induced to extend dendrites in the presence of basement membrane extract, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), or 10% fetal calf serum. These homogenous neuronal cultures can be used for immunocytochemical staining and for biochemical studies. This paper also describes optimized protocol for immunocytochemical staining for microtubule associated protein-2 (MAP-2) in these neurons and for the preparation of neuronal extracts for mass spectrometry.


Sympathetic neurons derived from embryonic superior cervical ganglia (SCG) have been widely used as a primary neuronal culture system for studying many aspects of neuronal development including growth factor dependence, neuron-target interactions, neurotransmitter signaling, axonal growth, dendrite development and plasticity, synaptogenesis and signaling mechanisms underlying nerve-target/neuron-glia interactions1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Despite their small size (around 10000 neurons/ganglia), there are three main reasons for the development and extensive use of this culture system are i) being the first ganglia in the sympathetic chain, they are larger, and therefore easier to isolate, than the rest of the sympathetic ganglia10; ii) unlike central neurons, the neurons in the SCG are fairly homogeneous with all the neurons being derived from the neural crest, having a similar size, dependence on nerve growth factor and being nor-adrenergic. This makes them a valuable model for morphological and genomic studies10,11 and iii) these neurons can be maintained in a defined serum-free medium containing nerve growth factor for over a month10,12. Perinatal SCG neurons have been extensively used for studying the mechanisms underlying the initiation and maintenance of dendrites2. This is mainly because, although SCG neurons have an extensive dendritic arbor in vivo, they do not extend dendrites in vitro in the absence of serum but can be induced to grow dendrites in the presence of certain growth factors such as bone morphogenetic proteins2,12,13.

This paper describes the protocol for isolating and culturing embryonic rat SCG neurons. Over the past 50 years, primary neuronal cultures from the SCG have been mainly used for morphological studies with a limited number of studies examining the large-scale genomic or proteomic changes. This is mainly due to small tissue size resulting in the isolation of low amounts of DNA or protein, which makes it difficult to perform genomic and proteomic analyses on these neurons. However, in recent years, increased detection sensitivity has enabled development of methods to examine the genome, miRNome and proteome in the SCG neurons during dendritic growth development14,15,16,17. This paper will also describe the method for morphological analysis of these neurons using immunocytochemistry and a protocol to obtain neuronal protein extracts for mass spectrometric analysis.


All procedures performed in studies involving animals were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Saint Mary’s College of California. The animal care and use guidelines at Saint Mary’s College were developed based on the guidelines provided by Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare at the National Institute for Health ( and….

Representative Results

Isolating and maintaining neuronal cultures of embryonic SCG neurons Dissociated cells from the rat embryonic SCG were plated in a poly-D-lysine coated plate or coverslip and maintained in serum free culture media containing b-nerve growth factor. The dissociated cells containing a mixture of neurons and glial cells look circular upon plating (Figure 1A). Within 24 hours of plating, the neurons extend small axonal processes with glial cells flattening and appearing pha…


This paper describes the protocols for culturing sympathetic neurons from superior cervical ganglia of embryonic rat pups. The advantages of using this model system are that it is possible to obtain a homogeneous population of neurons providing a similar response to growth factors, and since the growth factor requirements for these neurons has been well -characterized, it is possible to grow these neurons in vitro in defined media, under serum-free conditions10. Although the protocol describes the…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the Faculty Development Fund and Summer Research Program grant at Saint Mary’s College of California. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Pamela Lein at University of California at Davis and Dr. Anthony Iavarone at UC Berkeley Mass spectrometry facility for their advice during the development of these protocols. The authors would also like to thank Haley Nelson in the Office of College Communications at Saint Mary’s College of California for her help with video production and editing.


2D nanoACQUITY Waters Corporation
Ammonium bicarbonate Sigma-Aldrich 9830
BMP-7 R&D Systems 354-BP
Bovine Serum Alumin Sigma-Aldrich 5470
Cell scraper Corning CLS-3010
Collagenase Worthington Biochemical 4176
Corning Costar or Nunc Flat bottomed Cell culture plates Fisher Scientific 07-200, 140675, 142475
Cytosine- β- D-arabinofuranoside Sigma-Aldrich C1768
D-phosphate buffered saline (Calcium and magnesium free) ATCC 30-2200
Dispase II Roche 4942078001
Distilled Water Thermo Fisher Scientific 15230
Dithiothreitol Sigma-Aldrich D0632
DMEM – Low glucose + Glutamine, + sodium pyruvate Thermo Fisher Scientific 11885
Fatty Acid Free BSA Calbiochem 126609 20 mg/mL stock in low glucose DMEM
Fine forceps Dumont no.4 and no.5 Ted Pella Inc 5621, 5622
Forceps and Scissors for Dissection Ted Pella Inc 1328, 1329, 5002
Glass coverlips – 12mm Neuvitro Corporation GG-12
Goat-Anti Mouse IgG Alexa 488 conjugated Thermo Fisher Scientific A32723
Ham's F-12 Nutrient Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific 11765
Hank's balanced salt soltion (Calcium and Magnesium free) Thermo Fisher Scientific 14185
Insulin-Selenium-Transferrin (100X) Thermo Fisher Scientific 41400-045
Iodoacetamide Sigma-Aldrich A3221
L-Glutamine Thermo Fisher Scientific 25030
Leibovitz L-15 medium Thermo Fisher Scientific 11415064
Mounting media for glass coverslips Thermo Fisher Scientific P36931, P36934
Mouse-anti- MAP2 antibody (SMI-52) BioLegend SMI 52
Nerve growth factor Envigo Bioproducts (formerly Harlan Bioproducts) BT5017 Stock 125 μg/mL in 0.2% Prionex in DMEM
Paraformaldehye Spectrum Chemicals P1010
Penicillin-Streptomycin (100X) Thermo Fisher Scientific 15140
Poly-D-Lysine Sigma-Aldrich P0899
Prionex Millipore 529600 10% solution, 100 mL
RapiGest SF Waters Corporation 186001861 5 X 1 mg
Synapt G2 High Definition Mass Spectrometry Waters Corporation
Trifluoro acetic acid – Sequencing grade Thermo Fisher Scientific 28904 10 X 1 mL
Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich X100
Trypsin Promega or NEB V511A, P8101S 100 μg or 5 X 20 mg
Waters Total recovery vials Waters Corporation 186000385c


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Holt, M., Adams, B., Chandrasekaran, V. Culturing Rat Sympathetic Neurons from Embryonic Superior Cervical Ganglia for Morphological and Proteomic Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (163), e61283, doi:10.3791/61283 (2020).

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