

Published: May 06, 2022




像糖尿病视网膜病变这样的后段眼病会改变视网膜的生理学。糖尿病视网膜病变的特征是视网膜脱离、血液-视网膜屏障 (BRB) 破裂和视网膜血管生成。体内大鼠模型是检查视网膜结构和功能变化的宝贵实验工具。我们在大鼠模型中提出了三种不同的实验技术,以识别视网膜细胞,视网膜脉管系统和受损BRB的形态变化。视网膜组织学用于研究各种视网膜细胞的形态。此外,通过视网膜细胞计数和不同视网膜层的厚度测量进行定量测量。BRB分解测定用于确定由于BRB分解而导致的眼外蛋白从血浆泄漏到玻璃体组织。荧光血管造影用于通过使用FITC-葡聚糖染料可视化视网膜脉管系统来研究血管的血管生成和泄漏。


糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)是糖尿病最复杂的继发性并发症之一。它也是全世界劳动年龄人口中可预防的失明的主要原因。在最近一项针对 3240 万盲人的荟萃分析中,有 830,000 人(2.6%)因 DR1 而失明。2015 年,糖尿病导致的视力丧失比例在全球排名第七,为 1.06%(0.15-2.38)23

糖尿病视网膜病变由后眼组织血管异常诊断。临床上,它分为两个阶段 – 不增殖性DR(NPDR)和增殖性DR(PDR),基于视网膜中的血管形成。高血糖被认为是DR的有效调节剂,因为它涉及与视网膜中神经变性45,炎症67和微脉管8 有关的几种途径。由高血糖引起的多种代谢并发症包括晚期糖基化终产物 (AGEs)、多元醇途径、己糖胺途径和蛋白激酶-C 途径的积累。这些途径负责基于糖尿病视网膜病变不同阶段的细胞增殖(内皮细胞),迁移(周细胞)和凋亡(神经视网膜细胞,包细胞和内皮细胞)。这些代谢改变可导致生理变化,例如视网膜脱离、视网膜细胞丧失、血液-视网膜屏障 (BRB) 分解、动脉瘤和血管生成9

链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱导的1型糖尿病是大鼠中评估糖尿病发病机制及其并发症的成熟和广泛接受的实践。STZ的致糖尿病作用是由于胰岛β细胞的选择性破坏10。结果,动物将经历胰岛素缺乏,高血糖,烦渴和多尿,所有这些都是人类1型糖尿病的特征11。对于重度糖尿病诱导,STZ在成年期静脉注射或腹膜内以40-65mg / kg体重给药。大约72小时后,这些动物的血糖水平大于250mg / dL1012




荧光血管造影是一种用于使用荧光染料研究视网膜和脉络膜血液循环的技术。它用于 通过 静脉注射途径或心脏注射来可视化视网膜和脉络膜的脉管系统18。一旦染料被注射,它首先到达视网膜动脉,然后是视网膜静脉。染料的这种循环通常在注射染料19后5至10分钟内完成。它是诊断各种后段眼部疾病的重要技术,包括糖尿病视网膜病变和脉络膜新生血管形成20。它有助于检测正常和疾病条件下的主要和次要脉管系统变化。


该协议遵循海得拉巴校区BITS-Pilani机构动物伦理委员会提供的所有动物护理指南。 1. 视网膜组织学 眼睛的去核和固定 使用通过腹膜内途径注射的高剂量戊巴比妥(150mg / kg)对2至3个月大的糖尿病Wistar雄性大鼠以及年龄匹配的对照组(14至15周龄)实施安乐死。没有可检测到的心跳在2-5分钟内确认死亡。 通过使用手术刀刀片在眼睛的鼻和颞叶?…

Representative Results

视网膜组织学在糖尿病视网膜中,视网膜细胞发生变性。此外,由于水肿22,视网膜层的厚度增加。苏木精和曙红染色后获得的图像可用于细胞计数和不同层厚度的测量,如图 2 所示,使用ImageJ。 血液-视网膜屏障分解测定由于糖尿病大鼠的BRB受损,泄漏变得突出,导致生物分子从血浆到视网膜和玻璃体?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


作者希望承认印度医学研究理事会(ICMR;ITR-2020-2882)为Nirmal J博士提供资金支持。我们还要感谢大学委员会赠款为Manisha Malani和海得拉巴校区BITS-Pilani中央分析实验室设施提供初级研究奖学金,以提供基础设施。


Isoflurane Abbott Anesthesia agent
Ketamine hydrochloride Troikaa Pharmaceuticals Anesthesia agent
Xylazine Indian Immunologicals Limited Anesthesia agent
Pentobarbital sodium Zora Pharma Euthanesia agent
Fixative solution (1 % formaldehyde, 1.25 % Glutaraldehyde HiMedia, Avra MB059, ASG2529 Prepared in-house
Ethanol Hayman F204325 Dehydration
Xylene HiMedia MB-180 Clearing of ethanol or paraffin
Paraffin wax HiMedia GRM10702 used for embedding tissue
Glycerol HiMedia TC503 To prepare albumin coated slides. Glycerol and egg albumin is mixed in 1:1 ratio to coat on slides
Hydrochloric acid Sisco Research laboratories Pvt. Ltd. 65955 For preparation of 1 % acid alcohol
Acetic acid HiMedia AS119 For preparation of eosin
Scotts water Leica 3802900 Bluing reagent
Papanicolaou's solution 1b Hematoxylin solution Sigma 1.09254.0500 Staining of nuclei
Eosin HiMedia GRM115 Staining of cytoplasm, 0.25 % solution was prepared in-house
DPX Mountant media Sigma 6522 Visualization and protection of retinal sections
Glassware Borosil
Corneal forcep Stephens Instruments S5-1200 Dissection
Colibri forcep Stephens Instruments S5-1135 Dissection
Curved micro scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1311 Dissection
Vannas scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1387 Dissection
Iris scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1015 Dissection
Cassettes HiMedia PW1292 To hold tissue during histology processing
Water bath GT Sonic GT Sonic-D9 Temperature maintenance
Paraffin embedding station Myr EC 350 Preparation of paraffin blocks
Microtome Zhengzhou Nanbei Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd. YD-335A Sectioning
Blades Leica Leica 818 Sectioning
Slides HiMedia BG005 Holding paraffin-tissue sections
Coverslips HiMedia BG014C To cover tissue after adding mounting media
Blood Retinal Barrier breakdown
Isoflurane Abbott B506 Anesthesia
Dry ice Not applicable Not applicable Dissection
Bradford reagent Sigma B6916 Protein quantification
Corneal forcep Stephens Instruments S5-1200 Dissection
Colibri forcep Stephens Instruments S5-1135 Dissection
Curved micro scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1311 Dissection
Vannas scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1387 Dissection
Iris scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1015 Dissection
Glassware Borosil Not applicable
EDTA coated tubes J.K Diagnostics Not applicable Separate plasma from whole blood
Homogenization tubes MP Biomedicals SKU: 115076200-CF Homogenization of vitreous
Homogenization caps MP Biomedicals SKU: 115063002-CF Homogenization of vitreous
Glass beads MP Biomedicals SKU: 116914801 Homogenization of vitreous
Homogeniser Bertin Instruments P000673-MLYS0-A Homogenization of vitreous
96-well plate – Transparent Grenier GN655101 Protein quantification
Plate reader Molecular devices SpectrMax M4 Absorbance measurement
Centrifuge REMI CPR240 Plus Centrifugation
Fluorescence Angiography
Isoflurane Abbott B506 Anesthesia
FITC-dextran 70 kD (FITC, Dextran, Dibutylin dilaurate, DMSO FITC, Dextran and Dibutylin dilaurate from Sigma; DMSO from HiMedia FITC-F3651,Dextran-31390,Dibutylin dilaurate -29123, DMSO-TC185 Prepared in-house
Fluoroshied Sigma F6182 Anti-fading mounting medium
Corneal forcep Stephens Instruments S5-1200 Dissection
Colibri forcep Stephens Instruments S5-1135 Dissection
Curved micro scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1311 Dissection
Vannas scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1387 Dissection
Iris scissor Stephens Instruments S7-1015 Dissection
Glassware Borosil Not applicable
Slides HiMedia BG005 Flatmount preparation
Coverslips HiMedia BG014C To cover tissue after adding mounting media
Confocal microscope Leica DMi8 Visualization of flatmount


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Malani, M., Nirmal, J. Retinal Pathophysiological Evaluation in a Rat Model. J. Vis. Exp. (183), e63111, doi:10.3791/63111 (2022).

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