

Published: May 27, 2022




附睾是梗阻性无精子症 (OA) 中梗阻的常见部位。自2000年以来,血管顶端骨造口术已成为治疗附睾OA的重要方法。经典的显微镜血管顶端切开术有两个挑战。首先,用双针缝合线进行输精管和附睾的吻合术。然而,中国缺乏高质量和具有成本效益的双针缝合线,这导致吻合术的难度增加和成功率低。其次,输精管的分离不会保留输精管系统,尽管输精管输精管在输精管、附睾和睾丸的血液供应中起着重要作用。这会影响吻合口区域和附睾的血液供应。



不孕夫妇的人数每年都在增加。OA发生在20%-40%的育龄男性无精子症病例中1。附睾梗阻约占OA病例的30%,是最常见的梗阻部位之一。然而,这一比例在中国可能更高23。OA的治疗因梗阻部位而异。OA 的常见病因包括输精管切除术、泌尿生殖道感染、泌尿生殖系统结核、医源性损伤和特发性梗阻。在中国,OA的病因多为泌尿生殖道感染或附睾炎引起的附睾梗阻,而输精管切除术是西方国家最常见的病因23。这两种类型的梗阻需要略有不同的手术方法。



该研究获得中山大学第一附属医院的批准。诊断标准、手术适应证和禁忌证均符合《男科诊疗指南》和《中国男科学会》和《欧洲泌尿外科学会性健康和生殖健康指南》的专家共识。如果女性伴侣患有影响生育能力的疾病,则患者将被排除在本研究之外。 1. 操作仪器 确保 材料表中提到的灭菌器械和其他设备的可用性。 <p class="jove_title…

Representative Results

一项研究纳入了92名在中国广州中山大学附属医院被诊断患有继发于附睾梗阻的无精子症的男性,他们在2017年1月至2018年12月期间接受了手术。92名男性的平均年龄为30.77±5.38岁(范围:20-47岁)(表1)。所有男性均接受了双侧容器保留,改进,单臂技术进行LIVE,平均手术时间为223.59±31.73 min。未发现术后并发症或严重不良事件。建立了定期随访计划,在术后6周进行第一次精液分析,?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




0.9% sodium chloride solution Guangdong Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. LTD 21M1204 Dilute antibiotics, irrigate.
1 mL syringe Kindly Medical, Shanghai K20210826 inject diluted methylene blue or 0.9% sodium chloride solution
1% iodophor Guangzhou Qingfeng Disinfection Products Co., LTD Q/QFXD2 Disinfect the surgical area.
10-0 polypropylene sutures Ethicon, LLC REBBES Used when anastomosing.
3-0 polyglactin 910 sutures Ethicon, LLC RGMCLH Suture skin incisions at the end of surgery.
5-0 polyglactin 910 sutures Ethicon, LLC RBMMPQ Suture skin incisions at the end of surgery.
8-0 polypropylene sutures Ethicon, LLC RDBBLS Used when anastomosing.
9-0 polypropylene sutures Ethicon, LLC RABDTE Used when anastomosing.
F16 urinary catheter Well Lead Medical, Guangzhou 20190612 Drainage of urine due to long operation time.
micro haemostatic forceps Shanghai Surgical Instrument Factory W40350 Used in surgical procedures
micro scissors Cheng-He,NingBo HC-A008 Used in surgical procedures
micro tweezers Cheng-He,NingBo HC-A002 Used in surgical procedures
microneedle holder Cheng-He,NingBo HC-GN006 Used in surgical procedures
ophthalmic scissors Shanghai Surgical Instrument Factory Y00040 Used in surgical procedures
polyglactin 910 sutures Ethicon, LLC RBMMPQ Suture skin incisions at the end of surgery.
silk braided non-absorbable suture Ethicon, LLC SB84G ligate the broken end of the vas deferens
skin marker Medplus Inc. 21120206 Mark surgical incisions and suture sites.
surgical microscope Carl Zeiss S88 Carl Zeiss Carl Zeiss S88 Enlarge your field of vision during surgery.
vas-fixation clamp Shanghai Surgical Instrument Factory JCZ220 Used in surgical procedures


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Zhou, M., Zhuang, J., Liao, W., Long, S., Tu, X. Vessel-Sparing Microsurgical Longitudinal Intussusception Vasoepididymostomy to Treat Epididymal Obstructive Azoospermia. J. Vis. Exp. (183), e63774, doi:10.3791/63774 (2022).

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