

Published: June 02, 2022




重金属污染的水事关人类健康和生态环境。在这种情况下,由高效吸附材料实现 的原位 水修复技术非常重要。在用于水修复的所有材料中,铁基纳米材料和多孔材料因其丰富的氧化还原反应性和吸附功能而备受关注。在这里,我们开发了一种简单的方案,将华南广泛分布的红壤直接转化为制造Fe2O3/faujasite(FAU)型沸石复合材料。

详细的合成过程和合成参数,如反应温度、反应时间、原料中的Si/Al比等,都经过精心调整。合成的复合材料对典型的重金属(loid)离子具有良好的吸附能力。将0.001 g/mL Fe2O3/FAU型分子筛复合材料加入不同重金属污染的水溶液中(单一重金属浓度:1,000 mg/L [ppm]),对Cu(II)、Cr(III)、Cr(VI)的吸附容量分别为172、45、170、40、429、693、94和133 mg/g, As(III)、Cd(II)、Pb(II)、Zn(II)和Ni(II)的去除量,可进一步扩大用于重金属污染的水土修复。



沸石是高度结晶的材料,其晶体结构具有独特的孔隙和通道。它们由TO4 四面体(T是中心原子,通常是Si,Al或P)组成,由共享的O原子连接。孔隙中的负表面电荷和可交换离子使其成为离子捕获的常用吸附剂,已广泛用于重金属污染的水土修复。得益于其结构,沸石去除污染物的修复机制主要包括化学键6、表面静电相互作用7和离子交换8

福加石(FAU)型沸石的孔隙相对较大,最大孔径为11.24 Å。它在污染物去除方面表现出高效率和广泛的应用910。近年来,广泛的研究致力于开发沸石合成的绿色和低成本程序,例如使用工业固体废物11 作为原料提供硅和铝源,或采用无指导剂配方12。报告的可作为硅和铝来源的替代工业固体废物包括煤矸石13,粉煤灰11,废分子筛14,采矿和冶金废物15,工程废弃土壤8和农业土壤6等。



1. 原料收集和处理 红壤采集收集红土。去除含有植物和残留有机物的土壤的30厘米表层。注:本试验在广东深圳南方科技大学校园(东经113°59’,北纬22°36’)采集红壤。 红壤处理在室温下风干收集的红土,并通过30目筛过滤。去除大部分大石头和树叶。用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)16测量红壤中的重金属(loid)浓度(<strong…

Representative Results

图 1 说明了基于“土壤修复”策略的沸石整体合成路线6.通过简单的无机路线,红土可以转化为Fe2O3 / FAU型沸石复合材料,而无需添加任何Fe或Al源。合成的沸石复合材料在重金属污染水体修复中表现出优异的去除能力,可用于土壤修复。 图2显示了红壤XRF分析的结果。红壤的主要成分是SiO 2、</s…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




Cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD C102676 AR, 99%. Make 1,000 ppm  stock solution for the test of adsorption performance of zeolite.
Chromium(III) nitrate nonahydrate Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD C116446 AR, 99%. Make 1,000 ppm  stock solution for the test of adsorption performance of zeolite.
Copper sulfate pentahydrate Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD C112396 AR, 99%. Make 1,000 ppm  stock solution for the test of adsorption performance of zeolite.
Lead nitrate Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD L112118 AR, 99%. Make 1,000 ppm stock solution for the test of adsorption performance of zeolite.
Nickel nitrate hexahydrate Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD N108891 AR, 98%. Make 1,000 ppm  stock solution for the test of adsorption performance of zeolite.
Nitric acid Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD N116238 AR, 69.2%. Used as solvent in ICP-MS test.
Potassium dichromate Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD P112163 AR, 99.8%. Make 1,000 ppm  stock solution for the test of adsorption performance of zeolite.
Silicon dioxide Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD S116482 AR, 99%. For synthesis of zeolite.
Sodium (meta)arsenite Sigma-aldrich S7400-100G AR, 90%. Make 1,000 ppm stock solution for the test of adsorption performance of zeolite.
Sodium hydroxide Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD S111502 Pellets. For the synthesis of zeolite.
Zinc nitrate hexahydrate Shanghai Aladdin Bio-Chem Technology Co., LTD Z111703 AR, 99%. Make 1,000 ppm  stock solution for the test of adsorption performance of zeolite.
Air-dry oven Shanghai Yiheng Technology Instrument Co.,LTD. DHG-9075A Used for hydrothermal crystallization and drying of sample
Analytical balance Sartorius Scientific Instruments Co.LTD BSA224S-CW Used for weighing samples
Centrifuge tubes Nantong Supin Experimental Equipment Co., LTD
High speed centrifuge Hunan Xiang Yi Laboratory Instrument Development Co.,LTD H1850 Used for separation of solid and liquid samples
Multipoint magnetic stirrer IKA Equipment Co.,LTD. RT15 Used for stirring samples
Oscillator Changzhou Guohua Electric Appliances Co.,LTD. SHA-B For uniform mixing of samples
Syringe-driven filter Tianjin Jinteng Experimental Equipment Co.,LTD. 0.22 μm. For filtration.
JADE 6.5 Materials Data& (MDI)
Mercury Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC)
Materials Studio Accelrys Software Inc.
Database of Zeolite Structures:


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Chu, Z., Liang, J., Yang, D., Li, J., Chen, H. Resource Recycling of Red Soil to Synthesize Fe2O3/FAU-type Zeolite Composite Material for Heavy Metal Removal. J. Vis. Exp. (184), e64044, doi:10.3791/64044 (2022).

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