JoVE 과학 교육
Physics II
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JoVE 과학 교육 Physics II
Interference and Diffraction
  • 00:06개요
  • 00:51Principles Behind Interference and Diffraction
  • 02:46Single and Double Slit Experiments
  • 05:17Data Analysis and Results
  • 06:43Applications
  • 08:09Summary



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资料来源: 陈博士体育永,物理系 & 天文学、 科技大学、 普渡大学、 西拉斐特,在

干涉和衍射是波,从水波到电磁波,比如光的特征现象。干扰是指当两个波的同一种重叠给大型和小型波振幅交替的空间变化的现象。衍射是指当波通过孔径或绕着对象的现象,干扰,也给大、 小振幅空间交替上升可以波的不同部分。

本实验将通过观察衍射和激光光分别通过单缝和双缝干涉演示光的波动性。这两条缝索性在铝箔用锋利的刀片和衍射和干涉的特征,表现为交替放置后铝箔,当光线照在铝箔上 slit(s) 的屏幕上的光与暗条纹的图案。从历史上看,光的干涉和衍射观察发挥了重要作用建立光一种电磁波。



1.为实验获得所需的组件 获得激光护目镜和穿之前打开激光实验过程中。 获得一块铝箔,再用剪刀把它切成两个 (大约) 2 × 2 的正方形块。 获得两个纸板,每个大约 3 x 3 中,孔 (直径大约 1 英寸),中间穿。 获取可夹纸板或块纸板可以录音的设备。 获得几个薄刀片。 获取与波长的氦-氖激光指针 ~ 633 nm 或绿色激光指针与波长 532 nm。 <p c…


For step 2.3, a representative light pattern that may be observed on the wall is shown in Figure 3b, exhibiting the characteristic diffraction fringes. Note that the central bright fringe is approximately twice as wide (in the y-direction) as the other bright fringes (which are about the same in width), and the over intensity of the bright fringes decay away from the center along the y-axis, as expected for the single slit diffraction pattern.

For step 3.3, a representative light pattern that may be observed on the wall is shown in Figure 4b. There is an overall intensity modulation pattern that looks similar to the diffraction pattern observed in step 2.3. This is indeed the diffraction pattern due to each of the narrow slits. Inside the bright regions of the diffraction pattern, one can observe approximately equally spaced bright stripes. These are the double slit interference fringes. These interference fringes are much narrower than the bright regions of the diffraction pattern because the inter-slit separation d is much larger than the slit width a (the reciprocal of these lengths control the widths of the interference or diffraction fringes, respectively).  

Figure 3

Figure 3. Diagram showing: (a) a laser beam shining on a single slit on aluminum foil, which is fixed on cardboard with an open hole; and (b) representative diffraction fringes observed on a screen after the slit. Figure 4

Figure 4. Diagram showing: (a) a laser beam shining on double slits on aluminum foil, which is fixed on cardboard with an open hole; and (b) representative interference fringes observed on a screen after the double slits.

Applications and Summary

In this experiment, we have demonstrated the single slit diffraction pattern and double slit interference pattern of light, using a laser beam. Observing these characteristic wave phenomena demonstrates the wave nature of the light.

The diffraction and interference of light played essential roles in the development of optics as they helped establish that light is an electromagnetic wave. These effects are also important in many technologies based on optics and photonics. For example, diffraction is commonly used to measure the size of a small object or small holes, and is also an important aspect to consider when designing optical microscopes and imaging systems. Measurement of optical interference (so called “interferometry”) can be used for precision measurement of distances (such as those between light sources or mirrors) and have found applications ranging from machining, geology, and astronomy (such as in the LIGO project that detected gravitational waves).

The author of the experiment acknowledges the assistance of Gary Hudson for material preparation and Chuanhsun Li for demonstrating the steps in the video.

내레이션 대본

Interference and diffraction are characteristic phenomena of all waves, from water waves to electromagnetic waves such as light.

Interference refers to the phenomenon where two waves of the same kind overlap to produce a resultant wave of greater, lower, or the same amplitude.

Diffraction is defined as the bending of a wave around the corners of an obstacle or aperture. In this case, differential parts of the wave can interfere and give rise to a spatial alternation of large and small amplitude.

This video will demonstrate the wave nature of light by observing diffraction and interference patterns.

A wave is an oscillation in the amplitude of some physical quantity in space and/or time. Interference is one of the most characteristic phenomena associated with waves.

Different parts of waves can overlap and “interfere” to produce a spatial alternation of strong and weak wave amplitudes, called an interference pattern. When the amplitudes of the interfering waves add up, it is called constructive interference; whereas, when their amplitudes subtract from each other, it is called destructive interference.

Now, if light of wavelength lamda, is shone on a single narrow slit, the intensity far away from the slit alternates between large and small or nearly zero values, corresponding to “bright” and “dark” regions, also known as “fringes”. The center of this pattern is always bright, along the y-axis of the slit.

This alternation is known as the “diffraction pattern” of the light through a small aperture. It is a characteristic phenomenon for waves. Specifically, points between the two edges of the aperture “re-emit”, or in other words “diffract” the light wave towards different directions.

Interference between different parts of the diffracted light waves results in the formation of the diffraction pattern.

In the case of two closely spaced slits, the pattern formed, famously known as the “Young’s double-slit interference pattern”, is due to the interference of the diffracted light from both slits. The following protocol demonstrates how to setup the single-slit and double-slit experiments and interpret their results.

Gather the necessary materials and instruments for the experiment including a helium-neon laser pointer with wavelength ~633nm, a few thin razor blades, aluminum foil, cardboard, a ruler, pair of scissors, a block of wood, and laser safety goggles.

Using a pair of scissors cut the aluminum foil into two approximately 2-inch by 2-inch square pieces. Also, cut the cardboard into two approximately 3-inch by 3-inch square pieces with a hole of about 1-inch diameter in the center.

Next, take one piece of aluminum foil, and using a razor blade, cut a straight slit about 1 centimeter long in the middle of the foil. Tape the foil onto one cardboard with the slit positioned inside the hole.

Now, tape one edge of the cardboard to the wooden block and slide the white wall about 30 centimeters away from the slit. Make sure that the cardboard is perpendicular to the table surface, and the hole and vertical slit are exposed, and facing the wall.

Place the laser pointer on the other side of the mounted cardboard, while ensuring that the laser beam will be parallel to the table. Now wear the laser safety goggles, turn on the laser pointer, and shine the laser beam onto the slit.

Turn off the room light, and observe the light pattern on the wall on the other side of the foil. Turn OFF the laser pointer and remove the laser safety goggles.

Next, stack three razor blades such that the middle blade is recessed. Take the other aluminum foil and using the stack of razor blades and a ruler cut two closely spaced straight parallel slits, about 1 centimeter long in the middle of the foil. Now tape the foil onto the other cardboard and then tape it onto the wooden block as before.

Wear the laser safety goggle, turn on the laser pointer, and shine the laser beam onto the double slit. Turn off the room light, and observe the light pattern on the wall on the other side of the foil. Finally, turn off the laser pointer.

With the protocol completed, let us now review the results of both the single-slit and the double-slit experiments. In the single slit experiment, the light pattern observed on the wall exhibits the characteristic diffraction fringes. The central bright fringe is approximately twice as wide, in the y-direction, as the other bright fringes which are all around the same width.

Additionally, the intensity of the bright fringes decay away from the center to the peripheral fringes along the y-axis. This is expected for the single slit diffraction pattern, as the parallel light rays from the laser bend at the slit and overlap constructively, forming the bright fringes and destructively forming the dark bands in between.

In the double slit experiment, the light pattern observed on the wall exhibits the characteristic interference fringes.

These interference fringes are much narrower than the bright regions of the diffraction pattern. This is because the inter-slit separation ‘d’ is much larger than the slit width ‘a’, and it is the reciprocal of the inter-slit separation that controls the width of the interference fringes. However, it is the reciprocal of the slit width ‘a’ that controls the width of the diffraction fringes.

The diffraction and interference of light has played an essential role in establishing that light is an electromagnetic wave. Thus, these effects are important in many technologies based on optics and photonics.

Laser diffraction spectroscopy, is a technology that utilizes diffraction patterns of a laser beam passed through any object — ranging from nanometers to millimeters in size — to quickly measure geometrical dimensions of a particle.

A sensor is used to detect the angling of the laser light and a computer is then used to detect the object’s particle sizes from the light energy produced and its layout.

Interferometry is a technique that uses superposition and interference of waves for the precise measurement of distances, small displacements, refractive index changes, and surface irregularities.

Here two waves of the same frequency, but different path length interfere, which results in an interference pattern. This pattern can then be used to make a precise measurement of the unknown parameter. This same technique of interferometry is used in the LIGO or Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, which are huge detectors built to detect gravitational waves.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to diffraction and interference of light. You should now be able to understand the theory behind the formation of diffraction and interference light patterns, which was demonstrated using the single-slit and double-slit experiments. Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Interference and Diffraction. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).