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Ethanol Fixation and DAPI Staining: A Method to Visualize DNA in C. elegans

Ethanol Fixation and DAPI Staining: A Method to Visualize DNA in C. elegans

내레이션 대본

Start with a drop of buffer solution on a microscope slide and transfer intact worms 세스 the droplet. Once the worms are in place, use a lint-free tissue 세스 soak up and remove the buffer. Fix the sample by bathing the specimens with 90% ethanol several times, allowing it 세스 evaporate after each application.

Once the ethanol has evaporated after the final rinse, add a solution containing the nucleic acid dye, DAPI, 세스 the sample. DAPI binds preferentially 세스 adenine and thymine bases in the minor groove of DNA. When bound, the DAPI-DNA complex absorbs UV light and emits visible blue light.

Next add an anti-fade preservative 세스 extend the shelf life of the sample. Apply a cover slip and seal it 세스 the slide. Then use a fluorescent microscope with a blue filter 세스 visualize DAPI bodies, which, depending on the cell and its cycle status, can represent single chromosomes, sister chromatid pairs, or whole nuclei. In this experiment, we will count DAPI stained sister chromatid pairs in oocytes, 세스 identify tetraploid strains of Caenorhabditis elegans.

Tetraploid strains have 12 chromosome pairs, which can be validated by counting the DAPI stained bodies in unfertilized oocytes. To do so, drop five 세스 ten microliters of M9 buffer onto a slide and transfer six 세스 10 putative tetraploids into the drop. Under a dissecting microscope, carefully soak up most of the M9 into a lint free cleaning tissue.

Then drop 10 microliters of 90% ethanol onto the worms and watch the ethanol evaporate completely. As soon as the evaporation finishes, repeat the process of adding ethanol and watching it evaporate. In total, add 10 microliters in four applications. After the last drop evaporates, add six microliters of DAPI at two nanograms per microliter, or a similar stain.

For long term storage of the slides, mount the worms in a commercially available or homemade anti-fade. Then add a coverslip and seal the edges with nail polish. After the nail polish has dried, the slides can be scored. Use a fluorescent microscope and 100 x magnification.

First, find the most mature unfertilized oocyte, which is immediately adjacent 세스 the spermatheca, and has not yet entered either the spermatheca or the uterus. The DAPI bodies here are presumably single chromosome pairs. Next, focus on the nucleus of the oocyte and use the microscope’s fine focus 세스 slowly scan it, from top 세스 bottom, while counting the DAPI bodies. Then recount the DAPI bodies in the same nucleus by moving the focus from bottom 세스 top.

Wild type oocytes have six DAPI bodies on average. The presence of 12 DAPI bodies indicates that the animals in this strain are either partial or complete tetraploids. Analyze at least 10 animals per strain. Often chromosome pairs will be very close or touching so the number of DAPI bodies is often smaller than the actual number of chromosome pairs.

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