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Fluorescence Molecular Tomography: An Imaging Technique for In Vivo Imaging of Fluorescent Protein-tagged Glioblastoma Xenografts in Mouse Model

Fluorescence Molecular Tomography: An Imaging Technique for In Vivo Imaging of Fluorescent Protein-tagged Glioblastoma Xenografts in Mouse Model

내레이션 대본

To image the injected cells, place the anesthetized recipient animal in the imaging cassette of a fluorescence molecular tomography imager – head adapter first in the prone position, with the head in the center of the cassette. With the cassette closed, tighten the adjustment knobs to 17 millimeters.

When the animal is secure, insert the cassette into the internal docking station and open the imager and analyzer software. In the "Experimental tab" window, select the appropriate "Database" and "Study group" and open the "Scan tab" window. Click "Select subject" to select the subject to image and select the laser channel in the "Laser channel" panel.

Click "Capture" to acquire an image, and click and drag the scan field in the captured image to identify the source locations. Check the "Add to reconstruction queue" option and click "Scan" in the "Scan tab" window. When the scanning is complete, remove the imaging cassette from the docking station and return the animal to its cage, with monitoring, until full recovery.

To analyze the images in the imager and analyzer software, open the "Analysis tab" window and click the "+" sign button in the "Dataset selection" panel to load the dataset and subject for analysis. Then, use the ellipsoid icon to select the region of interest and right-click the "Threshold" column to adjust the threshold to 0 in the "Statistic data" panel.

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