
बड़े सम्मिलित पर्यावरण जीनोमिक पुस्तकालय उत्पादन

Published: September 23, 2009


पर्यावरण जीनोमिक डीएनए के साथ एक मौसम hypoxic fjord के ऊर्ध्वाधर गहराई सातत्य से अलग fosmid पुस्तकालय के निर्माण में वर्णित है. परिणामस्वरूप क्लोन पुस्तकालय 384 अच्छी तरह प्लेटें में उठाया है और बहाव और अनुक्रमण के लिए एक स्वचालित कॉलोनी उठा प्रणाली के आवेदन से कार्यात्मक स्क्रीनिंग संग्रहीत.


The vast majority of microbes in nature currently remain inaccessible to traditional cultivation methods. Over the past decade, culture-independent environmental genomic (i.e. metagenomic) approaches have emerged, enabling researchers to bridge this cultivation gap by capturing the genetic content of indigenous microbial communities directly from the environment. To this end, genomic DNA libraries are constructed using standard albeit artful laboratory cloning techniques. Here we describe the construction of a large insert environmental genomic fosmid library with DNA derived from the vertical depth continuum of a seasonally hypoxic fjord. This protocol is directly linked to a series of connected protocols including coastal marine water sampling [1], large volume filtration of microbial biomass [2] and a DNA extraction and purification protocol [3]. At the outset, high quality genomic DNA is end-repaired with the creation of 5 -phosphorylated blunt ends. End-repaired DNA is subjected to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) for size selection and gel extraction is performed to recover DNA fragments between 30 and 60 thousand base pairs (Kb) in length. Size selected DNA is purified away from the PFGE gel matrix and ligated to the phosphatase-treated blunt-end fosmid CopyControl vector pCC1 (EPICENTRE Linear concatemers of pCC1 and insert DNA are subsequently headfull packaged into phage particles by lambda terminase, with subsequent infection of phage-resistant E. coli cells. Successfully transduced clones are recovered on LB agar plates under antibiotic selection and archived in 384-well plate format using an automated colony picking robot (Qpix2, GENETIX). The current protocol draws from various sources including the CopyControl Fosmid Library Production Kit from EPICENTRE and the published works of multiple research groups [4-7]. Each step is presented with best practice in mind. Whenever possible we highlight subtleties in execution to improve overall quality and efficiency of library production. The whole process of fosmid library production and automated colony picking takes at least 7-10 days as there are many incubation steps included. However, there are several stopping points possible which are mentioned within the protocol.


Fosmid पुस्तकालय निर्माण के चार मुख्य चरणों और कई भागों (एक सिंहावलोकन के लिए Fig.1 देख) में उप – विभाजित में बांटा गया है. मैं चरण ([3] "0.22 सुक्ष्ममापी Sterivex फिल्टर से डीएनए निष्कर्षण" देख प्रोटोक?…


एक प्रक्रिया में वर्णित है कि कैसे सबसे अधिक कुशलता से एक बड़ी सम्मिलित करने के लिए जीनोमिक डीएनए के साथ एक तटीय पानी का नमूना से प्राप्त fosmid पुस्तकालय उत्पन्न करने के लिए. अप स्ट्रीम जीनोमिक डीएनए निष्…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


हम तटीय और खुले समुद्र के पानी के कम ऑक्सीजन क्षेत्रों पर चल रहे अध्ययन का समर्थन करने के लिए अभिनव, ब्रिटिश कोलंबिया नॉलेज डेवलपमेंट फंड और राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान और कनाडा के इंजीनियरिंग रिसर्च काउंसिल () NSERC के लिए कनाडा फाउंडेशन धन्यवाद देना चाहूंगा. मीट्रिक टन और SL तुला नींव वित्त पोषित माइक्रोबियल विविधता और इवोल्यूशन (कमोडोर) के लिए केंद्र से फैलोशिप द्वारा समर्थित थे. मीट्रिक टन ड्यूश Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) से भी फैलोशिप समर्थन प्राप्त है.


Material Name Tipo Company Catalogue Number Comment
Step II        
CopyControl™ Fosmid Library Production Kit   EPICENTRE CCFOS110 sufficient to generate 9-10 fosmid libraries
SeaPlaque Agarose   Cambrex 50100  
stirring hot plate   Corning PC-420D  
1.0X TAE running buffer        
CHEF Mapper XA pulsed field electrophoresis system including cooling module and variable speed pump   Bio-Rad    
λ DNA-HindIII Digest   NEB N3012S  
MidRange I PFG Marker   NEB N3551S  
10,000X SYBR Gold   Invitrogen S11494  
microwavable plastic wrap   Saran premium wrap    
Safe Imager transilluminator   Invitrogen S37102  
GELase Agarose Gel-Digesting Preparation   EPICENTRE G09100  
scalpel   Fisher Scientific 08-927-5D  
Amicon Ultra-4 Centrifugal Filter Unit with Ultracel-10 membrane   Millipore UFC801024  
Microcon YM-30 Centrifugal Filter Unit   Millipore 42410  
nuclease free water   Ambion AM9932  
Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay Kit *2000 assays*#   Invitrogen P7589  
digital dry block heater   VWR 12621-088  
water bath   VWR 14231-854  
centrifuge   Beckman Coulter Avanti J-E  
centrifuge rotor   Beckman Coulter JA 5.3  
table top centrifuge   Eppendorf 5415D  
microcentrifuge tubes, 1.7 mL, clear   Axygen MCT-175-C  
15 mL centrifuge tubes   Fisher-Corning 430052  
Step III        
LB broth   Fisher Scientific BP 1426-2  
MgSO4   Sigma-Aldrich M2643  
phage dilution buffer       10 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8.3], 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgCl2
cryogenic vials   Fisher-Corning 430488  
Step IV        
96 well plate with lid   Fisher-Corning CS003370(3370)  
384 well plate with lid   Fisher-Corning 07201157(3680)  
Petri dishes 100 O.D. x 15mm H   Fisher 08-757-12  
Petri dishes 150 Dia. x 15mmH   Fisher 08-757-14  
BD Falcon BioDish XL 245 X 245 mm   VWR CABD351040  
glycerol   Sigma-Aldrich G5516  
chloramphenicol   Sigma-Aldrich C0378  
LB broth   Fisher Scientific BP 1426-2  
Difco Agar   BD 214530  
glass beads   Fisher Scientific 10-310-1  
QFill3   Genetix X3050  
Bleach   Javex    
Ethanol   Sigma-Aldrich E7023  
15 mL centrifuge tubes   Fisher-Corning 430052  
QPix colony picker   Genetix QPix2  
picking head (E. coli)   Genetix X4006  


  1. Zaikova, E., Hawley, A., Walsh, D. A., Hallam, S. J. Seawater sampling and. J Vis Exp. , (2009).
  2. Walsh, D. A., Zaikova, E., Hallam, S. J. Large volume (20L+) filtration of coastal seawater samples. J Vis Exp. 28, (2009).
  3. Wright, J. J., Lee, S., Zaikova, E., Walsh, D. A., Hallam, S. J. DNA Extraction from 0.22 μM Sterivex Filters and Cesium Chloride Density Gradient Centrifugation. J Vis Exp. 31, 10-3791 (2009).
  4. Stein, J. L., Marsh, T. L., Wu, K. Y., Shizuya, H., DeLong, E. F. Characterization of uncultivated prokaryotes: isolation and analysis of a 40-kilobase-pair genome fragment from a planktonic marine archaeon. J. Bacteriol. 178, 591-599 (1996).
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  7. Hallam, S. J., Putnam, N., Preston, C. M., Detter, J. C., Rokhsar, D., Richardson, P. M., DeLong, E. F. Reverse methanogenesis: testing the hypothesis with environmental genomics. Science. 305, 1457-1462 (2004).

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Citar este artigo
Taupp, M., Lee, S., Hawley, A., Yang, J., Hallam, S. J. Large Insert Environmental Genomic Library Production. J. Vis. Exp. (31), e1387, doi:10.3791/1387 (2009).

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