Organotypic 3D Skin Culture: A Cassette-based In Vitro Culture Technique to Regenerate Human Epidermis on Acellular Dermis

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Jingting Li et al. Generation of Genetically Modified Organotypic Skin Cultures Using Devitalized Human Dermis, J. Vis. Exp. (2015).

This video protocol describes a cassette-based in vitro culture technique to generate human organotypic skin using epidermal keratinocytes and devitalized human dermis. They mimic the function and physiology of their in vivo tissue counterparts.


All procedures involving human participants have been performed in compliance with the institutional, national and international guidelines for human welfare and have been reviewed by the local institutional review board.

1. Setting Up Organotypic Skin Cultures

  1. Build the organotypic cassette from common materials found in the laboratory or the cassettes can be custom-made through a metal fabrication shop (Figure 1AF). To make these cassettes from a 3.5 cm tissue culture plate, use a cautery to remove a 1.0 cm x 1.0 cm square from the center of the lid of a 3.5 cm dish (Figure 1A-B). Do this under sterile conditions.
    1. Attach square pegs to the bottom of the cassette (lid of 3.5 cm dish) using clear nail polish (Figure 1C). Allow 5 min for the nail polish to dry and flip the cassette over so that it is resting on the square pegs (Figure 1D). Place the cassette into a 6 cm dish.
      NOTE: Square pegs can be purchased from a variety of arts and crafts stores.
  2. Prepare a keratinocyte growth medium (KGM) comprising of 66% DMEM, 22% Ham’s F12, 100 units/mL penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin, 10% FBS, 2.67 µg/mL adenine, 40 ng/mL hydrocortisone, 10 ng/mL cholera toxin, 4.94 µg/mL insulin, 5 µg/mL transferrin, 1.36 ng/mL Triiodo-L-thyronine, 10 ng/mL EGF, and 10 µg/mL ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. Filter the media through a 0.22 µm filter and store at 4 °C until ready to use.
  3. Take the dermis out of the 4x pen/strep + PBS solution and wash 2 times in KGM and then incubate in KGM at 37 °C for two days prior to use.
  4. Cut the dermis using a scalpel to 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm sized pieces and then place onto the organotypic cassette. Place the dermis with the top of the dermis facing up. The top of the dermis will be the side that comes into contact with keratinocytes (Figure 2A).
  5. Place the pre-cut dermis onto the square hole of the organotypic cassette with the top side of the dermis facing up (Figure 3A).
  6. Flip the entire organotypic cassette containing the dermis over using forceps (Figure 3B). Thaw the extracellular matrix solution on ice. Use a needle and syringe to draw out 100 µL of extracellular matrix solution per cassette. Add 5 drops to the bottom of the dermis (glossy side) and shake slightly to ensure even distribution throughout the dermis (Figure 3B).
  7. Allow 5 min for the commercial extracellular matrix solution to completely solidify (Figure 3C). After solidification, use forceps to flip the cassette back over. Add 4 mL of KGM to the 6 cm dish.
  8. Place 0.5-1 million genetically modified keratinocytes onto the organotypic cassettes containing the dermis (Figure 3D).
    1. Trypsinize the keratinocytes by placing 4 mL of 0.05% Trypsin onto 10 cm plates for 5 min and quench with 4 mL of complete DMEM media.
    2. Count the keratinocytes using a hemocytometer and then spin down at 200 x g for 5 min. Resuspend 0.5-1 million cells (depending on the number of cells available) in 90 µL of KGM and place all the cells onto the dermis.
      NOTE: It is important to place the same number of cells on dermis within the same experiment to ensure that any difference seen in the thickness of the regenerated epidermis is not due to the differences in starting cell number. Placing less than 0.5 million cells on the dermis can lead to poor stratification and differentiation.
  9. Change KGM media on the organotypic cultures every other day. Harvest tissue 1-14 days after placement of keratinocytes on the dermis. Full stratification and differentiation of the epidermis usually occurs after day 5.

Representative Results

Figure 1
Figure 1. Generation of organotypic cassettes. (A) Use a cautery to remove a 1.0 cm x 1.0 cm square from the center of the lid of a 3.5 cm dish. (B) Remove the square from the center of the 3.5 cm dish. (C) Use clear nail polish to adhere square pegs. Allow 5 min for the nail polish to dry. (D) Flip the lid over so that it is resting on the square pegs. The cassette is now ready to be used. (E) Image of a metal fabricated organotypic cassette with its dimensions. (F) Image of a metal fabricated cassette flipped upside down to show the support pegs.

Figure 2
Figure 2. Preparation of the dermis from human skin. (A) After incubation of the human skin at 37 °C for 2 weeks, the dermis can be separated from the epidermis. Forceps are used to peel the epidermis (brown colored) away from the dermis (white). (B) The top of the dermis can be distinguished from the bottom by the glossiness of the tissue. The top of the dermis (the side that will naturally face the epidermis in vivo or where the keratinocytes will be seeded) is non-glossy. The bottom of the dermis is glossy. The tissue is pink due to incubation in KGM. 

Figure 3
Figure 3: Generation of organotypic skin cultures. (A) Place the dermis with the top of the dermis (non-glossy side) facing up onto the organotypic cassette. (B) Flip the cassette over and add Matrigel to the glossy side of the dermis. (C) Allow 5 min for the Matrigel to solidify and then flip the cassette back over. (D) Add genetically modified keratinocytes to the dermis (0.5-1 million cells are resuspended in 90 µl of KGM). Harvest the tissue 1-14 days after seeding of the keratinocytes.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Human skin New York Firefighters Skin Bank pro/services/burn-surgery/skinbank.html
Fetal calf serum HyClone SH30071.03
MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution, 100X Thermo Fisher Scientific 11140050
GLUTAMAX I, 100X Thermo Fisher Scientific 35050061 L-Glutamine
DPBS, no calcium, no magnesium Thermo Fisher Scientific 14190136
0.05% Trypsin-EDTA Thermo Fisher Scientific 25300-054
DMEM/F12 medium Thermo Fisher Scientific 11330-032
Ham's F12 Cambrex 12-615F
FBS GIBCO 10437-028
Adenine Sigma A-9795
Cholera Toxin Sigma C-8052
Hydrocortisone Calbiochem 3896
Insulin Sigma I-1882
EGF Invitrogen 13247-051
Transferrin  Sigma T-0665
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Serologicals 89-001-1
cautery Bovie Medical Corporation AA01
Matrigel Corning 354234
Keratin 1 antibody Biolegend PRB-149P
square pegs Arts and crafts stores
Human neonatal keratinocytes ATCC PCS-200-010
Human neonatal keratinocytes Cell Applications 102K-05n
MSCV retroviral vector Clontech 634401
Keratinocyte Media (KCSFM) Life Technologies 17005042

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Citar este artigo
Organotypic 3D Skin Culture: A Cassette-based In Vitro Culture Technique to Regenerate Human Epidermis on Acellular Dermis. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20361, doi: (2023).

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