
इमेजिंग न्यूरॉन Microfluidic संस्कृति प्लेटफार्म में Glia सहभागिता (MCP) आधारित Neuronal Axon और Glia प्रणाली सह संस्कृति विश्लेषण

Published: October 14, 2012


इस अध्ययन एक उपन्यास neuronal अक्षतंतु और glia (खगोल) के सह – संस्कृति मंच की स्थापना की प्रक्रिया का वर्णन करता है. इस प्रणाली में सह संस्कृति, एक एकल अक्षतंतु (और एक glial सेल) के बीच सीधी बातचीत के हेरफेर संभव हो जाता है, glial संकेत आपसी न्यूरॉन के यंत्रवत विश्लेषण की अनुमति देता है.


Proper neuron to glia interaction is critical to physiological function of the central nervous system (CNS). This bidirectional communication is sophisticatedly mediated by specific signaling pathways between neuron and glia1,2 . Identification and characterization of these signaling pathways is essential to the understanding of how neuron to glia interaction shapes CNS physiology. Previously, neuron and glia mixed cultures have been widely utilized for testing and characterizing signaling pathways between neuron and glia. What we have learned from these preparations and other in vivo tools, however, has suggested that mutual signaling between neuron and glia often occurred in specific compartments within neurons (i.e., axon, dendrite, or soma)3. This makes it important to develop a new culture system that allows separation of neuronal compartments and specifically examines the interaction between glia and neuronal axons/dendrites. In addition, the conventional mixed culture system is not capable of differentiating the soluble factors and direct membrane contact signals between neuron and glia. Furthermore, the large quantity of neurons and glial cells in the conventional co-culture system lacks the resolution necessary to observe the interaction between a single axon and a glial cell.

In this study, we describe a novel axon and glia co-culture system with the use of a microfluidic culture platform (MCP). In this co-culture system, neurons and glial cells are cultured in two separate chambers that are connected through multiple central channels. In this microfluidic culture platform, only neuronal processes (especially axons) can enter the glial side through the central channels. In combination with powerful fluorescent protein labeling, this system allows direct examination of signaling pathways between axonal/dendritic and glial interactions, such as axon-mediated transcriptional regulation in glia, glia-mediated receptor trafficking in neuronal terminals, and glia-mediated axon growth. The narrow diameter of the chamber also significantly prohibits the flow of the neuron-enriched medium into the glial chamber, facilitating probing of the direct membrane-protein interaction between axons/dendrites and glial surfaces.


1. Microfluidic संस्कृति चैंबर के विधानसभा (MCP) MCP (1 चित्रा) खुला कक्षों 4 कोशिकाओं के विभिन्न प्रकार के compartmented संस्कृतियों के लिए तैयार हैं. यह आम तौर पर दो डिब्बों कि केंद्रीय चैनल (व्यास में 3 सुक्ष्मम…

Representative Results

Astrocytes में अक्षतंतु प्रेरित GLT1 प्रमोटर सक्रियण के समय चूक इमेजिंग विश्लेषण compartmented न्यूरॉन और astrocyte प्रणाली सह संस्कृति केवल neuronal प्रक्रियाओं, विशेष रूप से axons, चुनिंदा astrocytes के साथ बातचीत करने की अनुमत…


MCP आधारित न्यूरॉन और astrocytes सह संस्कृति प्रणाली केवल axons केंद्रीय चैनल के पास अनुमति और astroglial कोशिकाओं के साथ बातचीत के द्वारा अस्थिकणिका संकेत दे रास्ते विस्तृत न्यूरॉन के विच्छेदन की अनुमति देता है. यह सह …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


हम बीएसी GLT1 EGFP चूहों और GLT1 एंटीबॉडी प्रदान करने के लिए डॉ. Jeffrey रोथस्टीन धन्यवाद देना चाहूंगा, तंत्रिका विज्ञान अनुसंधान के लिए Tufts केंद्र (P30 NIH NS047243, PI, रोब जैक्सन) मूल्यवान कोर की सुविधा प्रदान करने के लिए नए शिक्षकों की भर्ती के अनुदान (P30 5P30NS069254-02 NIH , PI, फिल Haydon Tufts तंत्रिका विज्ञान विभाग में).


Fetal bovine serum Hyclone SH30070.03 for plating neuron for neuron cutlure medium
Fetal bovine serum Sigma-Aldrich F4135 for astrocyte culture medium
Glial derived nerve factor R&D systems 212-GD Apply 10-20 ng/ml to neuron side of chamber
Dulbecco modified eagle medium high glucose Sigma-Aldrich 11995  
70 mm cell strainer BD Falcon 352350  
Sterile glass bottom dish MatTek Corporation    
Microfluidic culture platforms Xona Microfluidics LLC SND150  
6 wells of the culture plate Cellstar 657 160  

Neuron culture medium

  • Neurobasal medium
  • 2% B27 Neurobasal supplement
  • 2 mM glutamate by adding 1% 100x GlutaMAX
  • 1% Penicillin-streptomysin

Neuron culture medium for plating cell

  • Neurobasal medium
  • 2% B27 Neurobasal supplement
  • 2 mM glutamate by adding 1% 100x GlutaMAX
  • 1% Penicillin-streptomysin
  • 5% Fetal bovine serum SH30070.03

Astrocyte culture medium

  • Dulbecco modified eagle medium high glucose
  • 10% Fetal bovine serum F4135
  • 1% Penicillin-streptomysin

Table 1. Materials used in the microfluidic culture platform-based neuronal axon and glia co-culture system.


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Citar este artigo
Higashimori, H., Yang, Y. Imaging Analysis of Neuron to Glia Interaction in Microfluidic Culture Platform (MCP)-based Neuronal Axon and Glia Co-culture System. J. Vis. Exp. (68), e4448, doi:10.3791/4448 (2012).

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