
测微探针进行远程磁驱动<em>原位</em> 3D细菌生物膜物理性质的映射

Published: May 02, 2014




细菌粘附和生长在接口导致的立体异构结构的所谓的生物膜的形成。细胞蜗居在这些结构是由胞外聚合物网络介导的物理相互作用结合在一起。细菌生物膜的影响许多人的活动及其性质的理解是至关重要的一个更好的控制其发展 – 维护或消灭 – 这取决于它们的不利或有利的结果。本文介绍了一种新的方法,旨在原位测量已被生物膜的本地物理性质,到现在为止,只检查从宏观和均质材料的观点。这里描述的实验中涉及引入磁性颗粒进入生物膜生长的种子,可以在不干扰生物膜的结构特性被远程致动本地探针。专用的磁性镊子是德韦大步施加一个力定义嵌入式生物膜每个粒子。安装被安装在显微镜的阶段,以使粒子拉期间的时间推移的图像的记录。粒子轨迹然后从拉序列提取与本地粘弹性参数从每个粒子位移曲线得出,由此提供的参数的三维空间分布。获得见解生物膜的机械配置是必不可少但从工程师的角度对生物膜的控制目的,而且从基本面看,澄清的建筑特性和这些结构的具体生物学之间的关系。






1,细菌培养及悬浮法制备从溶原性肉汤(LB)琼脂平板上挑新鲜生长的菌落,接种在含有100μ微克/毫升氨苄青霉素和7.5μ克/毫升四环素的LB液体培养基中5毫升孵育它为5至6小时,在37℃上用颤抖的平台。 然后,在5毫升的最小培养基(M63B1),补充了0.4%葡萄糖和相同浓度的抗生素添加的细菌培养物100μ升。这孵育新鲜稀释的培养过夜,于37℃用颤抖的平台上。 </li…

Representative Results

一个典型的分析将提供粘弹性参数的空间分布上的一个活生生的生物膜微米尺度不影响到其原来的安排。典型的结果示于图7,其中J 0的值-弹性柔-被给定为z轴沿y轴沿生物膜的横向尺寸的深度和的函数。每个点对应的蠕变曲线分析提供了为J 0值珠子。数据显示,当地合规沿着生物膜的深度超过幅度近三个数量级,但也是强大的横向不均匀性变化发生在所有生物膜的高?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作是由来自法新社国立补助倒拉RECHERCHE,PIRIbio程序Dynabiofilm和法国国家科学研究中心的跨学科风险项目支持的一部分。我们感谢菲利普托门对他的批判的手稿和Christophe Beloin阅读提供了E。大肠杆菌菌株在这项工作中使用。


Table 1: Reagents and cells
Magnetic particles Life technologies 14307D Micrometric magnetic particle, 2.8 µm diameter
Ampicillin (Antibiotic) Sigma-Aldrich A9518
Tetracycline (Antibiotic) Sigma-Aldrich 87128
Bacterial strain MG1655gfpF UGB, Institut Pasteur, France produces F pili at its surface, resistant to Ampicilllin and tetracycline
Table 2:  Capillaries and tubing
Filters for pediatric perfusion Prodimed-Plastimed 6932002
Hollow Square Capillaries Composite Metal Scientific 8280-100 Manufactured in Borosilicate glass. Square 0.8mm x0.8mm
Tubing silicone peroxyde VWR international 228-0512 Diameter 1mm
Tubing silicone peroxyde VWR international 228-0700 Diameter 3mm
Table 3: Biofilm growth
Lysogeny Broth (LB) solution Amresco-VWR J106-10PK standard medium used to grow bacteria
M63B1 solution Home-made Standard minimum  medium used to grow bacteria
Glucose Sigma-Aldrich G8270 Used to make M63B1 medium with 0.4% glucose
Table 4: Electronics
Camera EMCCD   Hamamatsu C9100-02
Heater controller World precision instruments 300354
Function generator Agilent technologies 33210A
Power amplifier Home-made It gives a current signal with amplitudes up to 4 A.
Syringe pumps Kd Scientific KDS-220
Shutter Vincent Associates Uniblitz T132
Magnetic tweezers Home-made Two electromagnetic poles, each made of a copper coil with 2,120 turns of 0.56 mm in diameter copper wire and soft magnetic alloy cores (Supra50-Arcelor Mittal, France) square shaped according to the blueprint shown in Fig. 10. The two cores are mounted north pole facing south pole, in order to generate a magnetic force in one direction along the length of the capillary. See coil wiring details in Figure 11.
Table 5: Optics
Inverted microscope  Nikon TE-300
S Fluor x40 Objective (NA 0.9, WD0.3) Nikon This a long working distance ojective enabling observation of the biofilm in the depth
Epifluorescence filters: 1) for green fluorescence: Exc 480/20 nm; DM 495; Em 510/20  2) for Red fluorescence: Exc 540/25 nm; DM 565; Em 605/55 Chroma 1)#49020 2)#31002 Particle displacement upon force application is recorded using the red fluoresecnce filter block.
Table 6: Image analysis
ImageJ NIH – particle tracker plugin


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Citar este artigo
Galy, O., Zrelli, K., Latour-Lambert, P., Kirwan, L., Henry, N. Remote Magnetic Actuation of Micrometric Probes for in situ 3D Mapping of Bacterial Biofilm Physical Properties. J. Vis. Exp. (87), e50857, doi:10.3791/50857 (2014).

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