

Published: April 01, 2016


Researchers adopt both the lexical decision task and the naming task to investigate some important topics such as character/word recognition by comparing the frequency effect between these two tasks. This article introduces this approach through two exemplar experiments and elaborates on the underlying logic.


In psycholinguistic research, the frequency effect can be one of the indicators for eligible experimental tasks that examine the nature of lexical access. Usually, only one of those tasks is chosen to examine lexical access in a study. Using two exemplar experiments, this paper introduces an approach to include both the lexical decision task and the naming task in a study. In the first experiment, the stimuli were Chinese characters with frequency and regularity manipulated. In the second experiment, the stimuli were switched to Chinese two-character words, in which the word frequency and the regularity of the leading character were manipulated. The logic of these two exemplar experiments was to explore some important issues such as the role of phonology on recognition by comparing the frequency effect between both the tasks. The results revealed different patterns of lexical access from those reported in the alphabetic systems. The results of Experiment 1 manifested a larger frequency effect in the naming task as compared to the LDT, when the stimuli were Chinese characters. And it is noteworthy that, in Experiment 1, when the stimuli were regular Chinese characters, the frequency effect observed in the naming task was roughly equivalent to that in the LDT. However, a smaller frequency effect was shown in the naming task as compared to the LDT, when the stimuli were switched to Chinese two-character words in Experiment 2. Taking advantage of the respective demands and characteristics in both tasks, researchers can obtain a more complete and precise picture of character/word recognition.





从字母的语言不同,中国有较深的正字法的特点和涉及人物除词的概念。在一般情况下,一个中国字( 例如嘉仁 ,贾仁,家庭成员)是由两个字符组成(“ 佳 “佳族;” 仁 “仁,人)。一个字被确定之前,字中字的识别过程中应完成11,在特有的心理语言学的特点,在中国的一个字符或单词的识别过程是相当独特的FR嗡字识别按字母系统。如果研究结合LDT和在相同的实验,调查在中国频率效应的命名任务,有趣的启示可以示出, 例如 ,对于视觉字符/单词识别语音激活。在处理中国的文字,使用的命名任务表现出了比LDT的,这意味着后词汇音韵12,13存在更大的频率的效果。切换到刺激中国的两个字符的话,就会发生反转形态。更大的频率效应在LDT比的命名发现,提示前期词汇音韵学的存在。参与者根据组件中的字符语音信息产生口头响应,整个单词被识别11,14日之前,而且操纵在刺激中人物的规律性后的结果可以揭示有关语音加工的有价值的信息,并帮助研究人员S补充时,音韵的检索发生约推论。下面的实验显示,研究人员是如何结合LDT和命名任务,调查中国的字符和单词的频率效应来阐述基本逻辑。


实验协议给药前所有受试者必须给知情同意书。所有的程序,知情同意书,实验方案由国立台湾大学的研究伦理委员会的批准。 1.比较词汇决策之间的频率的影响,并在中国的汉字识别命名任务(实验1) 招收学员招44学生从国立台湾大学参加LDT和命名这两个任务。参加者必须是土生土长的中国扬声器,正常或矫正到正常视力,并能说流利的听,说,读,写普通?…

Representative Results

观察的频率效应是在两个两个任务健壮,证据,其中是显著较短室温高频字符。更重要的是,通过任务交互的频率被发现。事后比较发现在命名任务更大的频率效应比在LDT,这是从那些通过在字母系统的研究报告不同。 此外,通过规律性的互动频于RTS和错误的百分比发现。观察在命名任务低频字符的规律性影响。参与者相比?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项研究是由来自台湾的国家科学委员会的资金支持(MOST 104-2410-H-002-058),以JEI屯吴(NSC 101-2410-H-002-093-MY2)至大黎愁。我们特别感谢去为他们的宝贵意见匿名评论。


Standard PC
E-Prime (version 2.0) Psychology Software Tools
Serial Response Box Psychology Software Tools The serial response box includes the voice key, which  allows researchers to collect vocal latencies with confidence.
Microphone It can be used to detect the incoming sound by the participant


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Citar este artigo
Gao, X., Li, M., Chou, T., Wu, J. Comparing the Frequency Effect Between the Lexical Decision and Naming Tasks in Chinese. J. Vis. Exp. (110), e53815, doi:10.3791/53815 (2016).

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