

Published: May 17, 2016


The goal of this protocol is to assess systemic blood pressure in conscious freely moving mice using implantable radio-telemetry devices.









伦理学声明:此视频文章中提到的所有动物的程序进行了审查,并经动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)在田纳西大学健康科学中心大学的认可。 注:整个手术过程中使用无菌器械显微外科。手术器械可以利用红外线消毒器在1500°F(815.6℃)的最佳的杀菌温度下进行灭菌。遥测能够但是重复使用,在动物插入之前确保根据生产商的指示和该导管的末端已被重新填充与由制造商提供的特殊凝胶灭菌整个发射机。 </…

Representative Results

数据可以远程由接收机获取;痕迹显现在电脑屏幕的质量控制( 图1a)上。细节如动物的ID,舒张压和收缩压也示( 图1b)。动脉压可连续(24/7)记录,或简称设定的时间间隔( 即 ,60秒收购每隔一小时)。数据可以被自动存储在硬盘用于以后的分析。平均的从3天的连续记录血压数据示( 图2),也能够欣赏黑暗和光照周期之?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH/NHLBI) [Grant no. HL114869] and the support from UTHSC to SM.


Small animal anesthesia system Kent Scientific Corp, Torrington, Connecticut, USA low-Flow small animal anesthesia system
Pad warmer and mouse termometer Kent Scientific Corp, Torrington, Connecticut, USA allows monitoring body temperature,  and homeothermic control in small animals.
Binocular Microscope Kent Scientific Corp, Torrington, Connecticut, USA KSCXTS-1121 binocular body with boom stand pole and top LED.
Hemostat Forceps Kent Scientific Corp, Torrington, Connecticut, USA INS750451 used to clamp blood vessels or tag sutures
Small metal Clips, 7mm, Stainless Steel Kent Scientific Corp, Torrington, Connecticut, USA INS750344 used for skin closure
Betadine solution Purdue Products L.P., Stamford, CT, USA NDC-67618-150-01 10% povidone iodine topical solution
Normal saline solution Abott Laboratories 04930-04-10 Needed for preventing tissue from drying.
Nair (Hair remover lotion) Needed for fur removal from the site of incision/surgery.
Braide silk suture Teleflex Medical OEM, Coventry, Connecticut, USA Size 5.0, 6.0, 7.0
Ethanol 2716 70% ethanol for disinfection
Spring scissors  Fine Science Tool 15000-10 for minor dissection
Scissors (angled to side) Fine Science Tool 14063-011 No. 3 handle
Scalpel blade 2976-0 No. 10
Forceps (curved) Fine Science Tool 11150-10 for holding tissue
Forceps (straight) Fine Science Tool 11151-10 for holding tissue
Needle holder  Fine Science Tool 12002-12 for suturing
Fine needle nose Forceps Fine Science Tool
Isoflurane Henry Schein Animal Health, Melville, New York, USA a general inhalation anesthetic agent
Sterilizer Benchmark Scientific, 116 Corporate Blvd, South Plainfield, NJ, USA B1000 sterilize surgical tools in 5-10 seconds using infrared heating
Gauze Pads Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ, USA JJ8513 to use for wound cleaning, prepping, scrubbin or dressing.
Telemetry Device Data Sciences International, St. Paul, MN, USA DSI-PA-C10 to record blood pressure in freely moving mice
Telemetry receiver system  coumpled with a PC Data Sciences International, St. Paul, MN, USA
small Tubing Instech Laboratories, Plymouth Meeting, PA USA BTPE-90
Vessel Cannulation Forceps, 13cm, 0.5mm OD World Precision Instruments 503374 special vessel cannulation forceps.
Tissue adhesive 3M Animal Care Products, St. Paul, MN, USA NAC No.: 11380041  use to close minor wounds, often eliminating the need for sutures and/or bandages
Weighing scale  BB300  Precision Analytical Laboratory Balance


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Citar este artigo
Alam, M. A., Parks, C., Mancarella, S. Long-term Blood Pressure Measurement in Freely Moving Mice Using Telemetry. J. Vis. Exp. (111), e53991, doi:10.3791/53991 (2016).

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