
Visualisering Stromule frekvens med fluorescensmikroskopi

Published: November 23, 2016


Protocols to investigate the dynamics of chloroplast stromules, the stroma-filled tubules that extend from the surface of chloroplasts, are described.


Stromules, or “stroma-filled tubules”, are narrow, tubular extensions from the surface of the chloroplast that are universally observed in plant cells but whose functions remain mysterious. Alongside growing attention on the role of chloroplasts in coordinating plant responses to stress, interest in stromules and their relationship to chloroplast signaling dynamics has increased in recent years, aided by advances in fluorescence microscopy and protein fluorophores that allow for rapid, accurate visualization of stromule dynamics. Here, we provide detailed protocols to assay stromule frequency in the epidermal chloroplasts of Nicotiana benthamiana, an excellent model system for investigating chloroplast stromule biology. We also provide methods for visualizing chloroplast stromules in vitro by extracting chloroplasts from leaves. Finally, we outline sampling strategies and statistical approaches to analyze differences in stromule frequencies in response to stimuli, such as environmental stress, chemical treatments, or gene silencing. Researchers can use these protocols as a starting point to develop new methods for innovative experiments to explore how and why chloroplasts make stromules.


Chloroplasts are dynamic organelles in plant cells responsible for photosynthesis and a host of other metabolic processes. Signaling pathways from the chloroplast also exert significant influence on plant physiology and development, coordinating plant responses to environmental stress, pathogens, and even leaf shape1-6. Recently, biologists have gained interest in a poorly understood aspect of chloroplast structure: stromules, very thin stroma-filled tubules that extend from the surface of the chloroplast7.

The biological functions of stromules remain unknown, although stromule frequency is known to vary in response to environmental stimuli7-9, and stromules may be capable of transmitting signaling molecules between organelles6. All types of plastids (not only the green, photosynthetic chloroplasts, but also clear leucoplasts, starch-filled amyloplasts, and pigmented chromoplasts, to name a few types of plastids) make stromules, and stromules are found in all land plant species that have been examined to date. Stromules can extend and retract dynamically, appearing or disappearing within seconds, or they can remain relatively stationary for long times. One of the major hurdles facing stromule biologists is that stromules are often studied using dramatically different methods, tissues, and species, making comparisons across the stromule biology literature difficult. Going forward, standard practices and thorough descriptions of the experimental systems used to study stromules will be critical to discovering the function of these ubiquitous features of chloroplast morphology.

Here we describe methods for visualizing stromule formation in the epidermal chloroplasts of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. In the mesophyll, chloroplasts are densely packed into large, three-dimensional cells, which makes it difficult to accurately and rapidly visualize stromules by confocal microscopy. By contrast, epidermal cells are relatively flat, contain fewer chloroplasts, and are at the surface of the leaf, allowing for easy and rapid visualization of stromules. N. benthamiana is an ideal model system for these experiments because, unlike many plant species, all cells in the epidermis of N. benthamiana make chloroplasts10. In the epidermis of most plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana, only the stomatal guard cells have chloroplasts, while other epidermal cells have “leucoplasts”, plastids that are clear, relatively amorphous, and nonphotosynthetic9,11,12. Thus, whereas a single field of view of an A. thaliana epidermis might show only a handful of chloroplasts in a pair of guard cells, a field of view of an N. benthamiana epidermis will include dozens or even hundreds of chloroplasts. All of the methods described here, however, can be modified to investigate other questions in stromule biology; for example, we have used the same approach to study leucoplast stromules of A. thaliana9.


OBS: För detta protokoll, har vi fokuserat på att analysera stromule frekvens i epidermis av N. benthamiana blad. Flera stabila transgena linjer har tagits fram som kan användas för detta ändamål, bland annat 35S PRO: FNRtp: EGFP 13 och NRIP1: Cerulean 6. Båda dessa linjer visar robust uttryck av fluoroforer i kloroplast stroma av löv som odlats under en mängd olika förhållanden. Alternativt kan kloroplast-målinriktade fluoroforer vara övergående …

Representative Results

Detta protokoll användes för att visualisera stromule frekvens dag och natt i hjärtbladen på unga N. benthamiana plantor. Skivor från en z stack slogs samman till en enda bild (Figur 1A). För visuella ändamål, den bilden var då desaturated och omvänt så att stroma förefaller svart (Figur 1B). Kloroplaster märktes antingen ha några stromules (grön asterisk) eller har åtminstone en stromule (magenta asterisk). Av de 87 epi…


När utreder stromules måste tre viktiga faktorer beaktas hela: (i) manipulering av växtvävnaden måste hållas till ett minimum, (ii) den experimentella systemet måste hållas konsekvent, och (iii) provtagningsstrategier måste noggrant planeras säkerställa robust, är reproducerbara data analyseras.

Stromules är anmärkningsvärt dynamiska: de kan skjuta ut och dra snabbt innan en betraktarens ögon under mikroskop. Dessutom varierar stromule frekvensen betydligt som svar på en rad…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


J.O.B. and A.M.R. were supported by predoctoral fellowships from the National Science Foundation.


Hepes Sigma-Aldrich H3375
NaOH Fischer-Scientific S320-1
Sorbitol Sigma-Aldrich S1876
EDTA Fischer-Biotech BP121
MnCl2 Sigma-Aldrich 221279
MgCl2 Sigma-Aldrich M0250
KCl Sigma-Aldrich P3911
NaCl Sigma-Aldrich S9625
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope  Carl Zeiss Inc Model: LSM710
Carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA) Sigma-Aldrich 21879 
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) EMD MX1458-6
Waring blender Waring  Model: 31BL92
Fiji Open-source software for analyzing biological images


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Brunkard, J. O., Runkel, A. M., Zambryski, P. Visualizing Stromule Frequency with Fluorescence Microscopy. J. Vis. Exp. (117), e54692, doi:10.3791/54692 (2016).

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