
Visualisering af protein-protein interaktion i nukleare og Cytoplasmiske Brøker af Co-immunopræcipitation og<em> In Situ</em> Proximity ligeringsassayet

Published: January 16, 2017


Protein-protein interactions can occur in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of a cell. To investigate these interactions, traditional co-immunoprecipitation and modern proximity ligation assay are applied. In this study, we compare these two methods to visualize the distribution of NF90-RBM3 interactions in the nucleus and the cytoplasm.


Protein-protein interactions are involved in thousands of cellular processes and occur in distinct spatial context. Traditionally, co-immunoprecipitation is a popular technique to detect protein-protein interactions. Subsequent Western blot analysis is the most common method to visualize co-immunoprecipitated proteins. Recently, the proximity ligation assay has become a powerful tool to visualize protein-protein interactions in situ and provides the possibility to quantify protein-protein interactions by this method. Similar to conventional immunocytochemistry, the proximity ligation assay technique is also based on the accessibility of primary antibodies to the antigens, but in contrast, proximity ligation assay detects protein-protein interactions with a unique technique involving rolling-circle PCR, while conventional immunocytochemistry only shows co-localization of proteins.

Nuclear factor 90 (NF90) and RNA-binding motif protein 3 (RBM3) have been previously demonstrated as interacting partners. They are predominantly localized in the nucleus, but also migrate into the cytoplasm and regulate signaling pathways in the cytoplasmic compartment. Here, we compared NF90-RBM3 interaction in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm by co-immunoprecipitation and proximity ligation assay. In addition, we discussed the advantages and limitations of these two techniques in visualizing protein-protein interactions in respect to spatial distribution and the properties of protein-protein interactions.


Nuklear faktor 90 (NF90) er en multi-isoform protein med mange funktioner, herunder respons på virusinfektion, regulering af interleukin-2 post-transskription og regulering af miRNA biogenese 1-3. Rbm3 er et RNA-bindende protein, der er involveret i oversættelse og miRNA biogenese og kan induceres af forskellige faktorer, heriblandt hypotermi og hypoxi 4-6. For nylig fandt vi NF90 og Rbm3 i et proteinkompleks 7. Interaktionen af NF90 og Rbm3 er vigtigt at modulere protein kinase RNA-lignende endoplasmatisk reticulum kinase (PERK) aktivitet i udfoldet protein reaktion 7. Både NF90 og Rbm3 ligger overvejende i kernen, men en lille del af NF90 og Rbm3 shuttle ind i cytoplasmaet og binder der for hinanden for specifikke funktioner, f.eks at regulere PERK aktivitet. Derfor er det vigtigt at visualisere fordelingen af ​​NF90-Rbm3 samspil med subcellulært afsnit, hvilket kan tydederes forskellige roller i respektive rum.

Årtier siden blev gær to-hybrid (Y2H) udviklet for at detektere interaktion mellem to proteiner 8. Men på grund af kunstig konstruktion af fusionerede proteiner, har falske positive resultater begrænset anvendelsen af ​​denne metode. I lang tid, co-immunpræcipitering var den vigtigste teknik til at analysere protein-protein interaktioner, især i endogene betingelser 9. For at analysere co-immunpræcipiteret proteinkompleks, Western blot er den mest bekvemme metode, mens massespektrometri anvendes når super følsomhed og nøjagtighed ønskes. I de senere år har nærhed ligeringsassayet blevet udviklet som en ny fremgangsmåde til påvisning af protein-protein interaktioner i begge celler og væv in situ 10,11.

Her har vi sammenlignet den mest populære co-immunopræcipitering fremgangsmåde og relativt ny nærhed ligering assaymetode fange NF90-Rbm3 interaktion i subcellulære fraktioner. Vi drøftede også de fordele og begrænsninger ved begge teknikker.


1. Co-immunopræcipitation Seed HEK293-celler ved 2 x 10 5 celler per brønd i en plade med 6 brønde i 2 ml Dulbeccos modificerede Eagles medium (DMEM) supplere med 10% føtalt bovint serum (FBS) og 100 U / ml penicillin-streptomycin (Pen-Strep) . Grow celler i 48 timer ved 37 ° C med 5% CO2. Vask cellerne med kold phosphatpufret saltopløsning (PBS) tre gange. Harvest celler ved centrifugering ved 500 x g i 5 min ved 4 ° C. Forbered nukleare og cytoplasm…

Representative Results

Figur 1 viser, at NF90 og Rbm3 er begge kerneproteiner og kun en lille fraktion er til stede i cytoplasmaet. Navnlig er der tre forskellige bånd farvet positive for Rbm3. Den mindste lige under 20 kDa, afspejler den korrekte størrelse Rbm3 (den forudsagte molekylvægt Rbm3 er 17 kDa). Oprindelsen af ​​de to andre bands mangler at blive undersøgt. Co-immunopræcipitationsforsøg med Rbm3 som agn protein afslørede, at NF90-Rbm3 interaktioner er overvejende til sted…


Der er flere fordele såvel som mangler for begge metoder. Som en relativt ny teknik, en indlysende fordel ved nærhed ligeringsassayet er muligheden for at belyse protein-protein interaktioner på enkeltcelle-niveau i stedet for en batch af heterogene celler. Billeder med høj størrelsesorden og opløsning (fx ved konfokal mikroskop) giver mulighed for kvantificering ved at tælle enkelte fluorescerende pletter. I modsætning hertil kan den konventionelle kombination af co-immunoudfældning teknik med Western…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, 31003A_163305).


Dulbecco's Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) Sigma D6429 High glucose
4500 mg/L
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) Gibco, Thermo Fisher Scientific 10270106
Penicillin-Streptomycin (PenStrep) BioConcept 4-01F00-H
NE-PER Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction Reagents Thermo Fisher Scientific 78833
1,4-Dithiothreitol (DTT) Carl Roth 6908.3
Dynabeads Protein G Novex, Thermo Fisher Scientific 10003D
DRBP76 (NF90/NF110) antibody BD Transduction Laboratories 612154 use 1:1000 for WB and 1:100 for ICC/PLA
RBM3 antibody ProteinTech 14363-1-AP use 1:1000 for WB and 1:100 for ICC/PLA
Lamin A/C antibody Cell Signaling Technology #2032 use 1:1000 for WB 
anti-GAPDH antibody Abcam ab8245 use 1:1000 for WB 
normal rabbit IgG Santa Cruz sc-2027
anti-rabbit IgG, HRP-lined secodary antiboy Cell Signaling Technology #7074 use 1:5000 for WB 
anti-mouse HRP secondary antibody Carl Roth 4759.1 use 1:5000 for WB 
Clarity Western ECL Blotting Substrate Bio-Rad #1705060
NuPAGE Novex 4-12% Bis-Tris Gel Novex, Thermo Fisher Scientific NP0321BOX
NuPAGE LDS Sample Buffer (4x) Novex, Thermo Fisher Scientific NP0007
1,4-Dithiothreitol (DTT) CarlRoth 6908.1
NuPAGE MES SDS Running Buffer (20x) Novex, Thermo Fisher Scientific NP0002
NuPAGE Transfer Buffer (20x) Novex, Thermo Fisher Scientific NP00061
Amersham Hypond P 0.2 PVDF membrane GE Healthcare Life Sciences 10600021
Super RX X-ray film Fujifilm 4741029230
Poly-D-Lysine 8 Well Culture Slide Corning BioCoat 354632
Paraformaldehyde (PFA) Sigma P6148
Normal goat serum (NGS) Gibco, Thermo Fisher Scientific PCN5000
Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L Antibody), Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate Thermo Fisher Scientific A-11001
Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L Antibody), Alexa Fluor 568 conjugate Thermo Fisher Scientific A-11011
4′, 6-Diamidin-2-phenylindol (DAPI) Sigma D9542
Duolink PLA probe Anti-mouse PLUS Sigma DUO92001
Duolink PLA  probe Anti-rabbit MINUS Sigma DUO92005
Duolink Detection Reagents Red Sigma DUO92008
Duolink Wash Buffers Fluorescence Sigma DUO82049
Duolink Mounting Medium with DAPI Sigma DUO82040
Mowiol 4-88 Sigma 81381
Microscope Olympus AX-70
CCD camera SPOT Insight 2MP Firewire
X-ray film Fujifilm Super RX
Film processing machine Fujifilm FPM-100A


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Citar este artigo
Zhu, X., Zelmer, A., Wellmann, S. Visualization of Protein-protein Interaction in Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Fractions by Co-immunoprecipitation and In Situ Proximity Ligation Assay. J. Vis. Exp. (119), e55218, doi:10.3791/55218 (2017).

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