

Published: June 25, 2019







最早的研究旨在确定在三维(3-D)矩阵中使用外植培养物的斧子引导线索的影响,以生成模拟体内条件11、12的梯度。这种方法,连同体内实验,允许识别四个主要的家族的指导线索:内特林,斯利茨,塞马波林,和Ephrins4,5,6。这些分子线索和其他因素13被生长的斧突整合,触发粘附复合物的动态,并通过细胞骨架14、15、16传递机械力。为了在三维培养物中产生分子梯度,用于异形导航,先驱研究人员使用等离子凝固基质17,也用于有机切片制剂18。然而,在1958年,一个新的协议,以产生3D胶原水凝胶报告用于研究与Maximow的设备19,一个培养平台,用于几个研究适合微观观察20。另一项先驱研究报告说,胶原蛋白凝胶作为一种工具,将人类成纤维细胞嵌入到伤口愈合过程中的肌纤维细胞中。同时,Lumsden和Davies应用牛皮毛蛋白的胶原蛋白,分析神经生长因子(NGF)对感觉神经纤维22的引导作用。随着不同公司和实验室开发新的培养平台(例如多孔板),胶原蛋白培养物被适应这些新设备6、23、24、25 ,26.同时,从恩格尔布雷斯-霍尔姆-肖姆-肖姆肿瘤细胞系中提取的ECM物质的提取物也用于商业用途,以扩大这些研究27。

最近,已经开发出几种协议,利用三维水凝胶(例如胶原蛋白、纤维蛋白等),在斧子指导中产生具有假定作用的分子梯度。28.或者,候选分子可以在多孔基质(例如NGF29)中以不同浓度固定,或通过在分泌分子的3-D水凝胶细胞聚集体的小区域内培养产生,从而产生径向梯度4,23,24,25,26 。最后一种可能性将在本协议中解释。

这里介绍的程序是一种简单、快速和高度可重复的方法,基于对胚胎小鼠大脑三维水凝胶培养物的斧头生长的分析。与其他方法相比,该协议非常适合未经培训的研究人员,可在短期培训(1-2 周)后完全开发。在此协议中,我们首先从成年大鼠尾部分离胶原蛋白,以进一步生成三维基质,其中转基因细胞聚集物在胚胎神经元组织前培养。这些细胞聚集体形成候选分子的径向化学梯度,从而引起对生长的斧子的反应。最后,使用相对比显微镜或免疫细胞化学方法,可以轻松评估分子对生长的斧子的影响。


所有动物实验均根据巴塞罗那大学动物实验伦理委员会(CEEA)的指导方针和规程进行,该研究中的啮齿动物使用协议由巴塞罗那大学欧洲动物实验中心审查和批准。巴塞罗那大学(CEEA批准#276/16和141/15)。 1. 大鼠尾部胶原蛋白的纯化 收集成年斯普拉格-道利大鼠尾巴(8-9周大)后牺牲动物遵循伦理准则,并在95%乙醇冲洗。将 2-4 尾鱼放在冰上 (4 °C),并在过程中将其覆盖在冰上。</li…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.


作者感谢汤姆·约汉南的编辑建议和M.塞古拉-费柳的技术援助。这项工作由CERCA方案和加泰罗尼亚大学、大学和企业部大学与研究委员会资助(SGR2017-648)。这项工作由西班牙研究、创新和大学部(MEICO)通过BFU2015-67777-R和RTI2018-099773-B-100、西班牙普里昂网络(西班牙Prionet AGL2017-90665-REDT)和卡洛斯三世研究所资助。PRY-2018-2)。


3,3′-Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride 10 mg tablets (DAB) Sigma D5905
Adult Sprague-Dawley rats (8 to 9 weeks old)  Criffa-Credo, Lyon, France
Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) Vector Labs PK-4000
B27 serum-free supplement 50x  Invitrogen 17504-044
Bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay kit Pierce 23225
cDNA plasmid vectors
COS1 cell lines ATTC CRL-1570
D-(+)-Glucose Sigma 16325
D-(+)-glucose (45% solution in water) for complete Neurobasal medium Sigma G8769
D-MEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium 1x ) for COS1 culture medium Invitrogen 41966-029
Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline 10x (without Ca2+ and Mg2+) (D-PBS) for cultures Invitrogen 14200
Ethanol  merck 108543
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dihydrate disodium salt (EDTA) Sigma E5134
Fluorescence mounting media (e.g., Fluoromount-G or similar) Electron Microscopy Sciences (EMS) 17984-25
Gelatin powder  Sigma G1890
Glacial acetic acid (Panreac, cat. no. 211008) Panreac 211008
Hank’s balanced salt solution  Invitrogen 24020083
Heat-inactivated foetal bovine serum  Invitrogen 10108-165
Heat-inactivated horse serum  Invitrogen 26050-088
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, 32 to 33% in water) Sigma 316989
L-glutamine 200 mM solution (100x) for complete Neurobasal and COS1 medium Invitrogen 25030-024
Lipofectamine 2000 Reagent Invitrogen 11668-019
Mice pregnant female (embryonic day 12.5 to 16.5; E12.5-16.5)  Criffa-Credo, Lyon, France
Modified Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (MEM) Invitrogen 11012-044
Monoclonal antibody against class III β-tubulin (clone TUJ-1) Biolegend 801201
N-2 supplement 100x  Invitrogen 17502-048
Neurobasal medium  Invitrogen 21103049
Paraformaldehyde Merck 1,040,051,000
Penicillin/streptomycin solution 100x  Invitrogen 15140-22
Phosphate buffered saline 10x (PBS) for immunocytochemistry Invitrogen AM9624
Secondary antibody: biotinylated horse anti-mouse  Vector Labs BA-2000
Serum-free medium (Opti-MEM) Invitrogen 11058-021
Sodium azide  Panreac 162712
Sodium bicarbonate solution 7.5%  Invitrogen 25080-094
Sterile culture grade H2O  Sigma W3500
TritonTM X-100  Sigma X100
Trizma base  Sigma T1503
Trypsin-EDTA (Trypsin (0.05% (wt/vol) with EDTA (1x) Invitrogen 25300-054
1 large and 1 small curved scissors for dissection  Fine tools Instruments or similar
1.5-ml conical centrifuge tubes  Eppendorf or similar
15-ml conical centrifuge tubes  Corning or similar
2 haemostats   Fine tools Instruments or similar
2 small straight dissecting scissors Fine tools Instruments or similar
200-ml centrifuge tubes for centrifugation Nalgene or similar
200-ml sterile glass conical flasks
2-litre glass beaker
4- and 6-well culture plates  Nunc 176740 and 140675
Automatic pipette pumps and disposable 10 ml and 25 ml filter-containing sterile plastic pipettes. Gilson, Brand, Eppendorf or similar 
Automatic pipettes, sterile filter tips and current sterile tips  Gilson, Eppendorf or similar
Bench top microcentrifuge with angle fixed rotor  Eppendorf, Beckman Coulter or similar
Bench top refrigerated centrifuge with swing-bucket rotor (with 1.5, 15 and 50 ml tube adaptors) Eppendorf, Beckman Coulter or similar
Cell culture incubator at 37 ºC, 5% CO2 and 95% air
Dialysis tubing cellulose membrane Sigma D9402
Dialysis tubing closures  Sigma Z37101-7
Disposable glass pipettes
Dissecting microscope with dark field optics  Olympus SZ51 or similar 
High-speed refrigerated Beckman Coulter centrifuge or similar with angle fixed rotor
Laminar flow hood
Large 100-mm, 60-mm and small 35-mm Ø cell culture dishes  Nunc  150679 , 150288 and 150318, respectively
Magnetic stirrer and magnetic spin bars IKA or similar
McIlwain tissue chopper Mickle Laboratory Engineering
One pair of fine straight forceps and one pair of curved forceps  Fine tools Instruments or similar
Razor blades for the tissue chopper
Scalpels (number 15 and 11)
Two pairs of fine spatulas for transferring collagen and tissue pieces Fine tools Instruments or similar


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