

Published: January 13, 2023










すべての全血サンプルは肺がん患者から得られた。クライノミクスでの研究・解析はがんゲノミクス研究所が行い、政府によるIRB研究承認は峨山医療センター治験審査委員会(IRB NO. 2021-0802)が主導し、IRB番号がクライノミクスで研究登録されています。 1. サンプル調製 9 mLの全血をEDTAまたはcfDNAで安定した採血管に採取します。 チューブを約10?…

Representative Results

この技術の目標は、全血から癌関連物質を簡単かつ自動的に分離することです。特に、誰でもこの手法をすべての適切な研究および分析分野で使用できます。単一の血液サンプル中の複数の物質の同時かつ再現性のある分離は、リキッドバイオプシーにおいて重要です。LBx-1およびLBx-2ディスクは、全血から血漿およびバフィーコートまたはPBMCを分離するために使用されます。 <strong class="xfig…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


この原稿の一部は、韓国医療機器開発基金(KMDF、助成金番号。 RS-2020-KD000019)および韓国保健産業開発研究院(KHIDI、助成金番号。 HI19C0521020020)。


1% BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) Sigma-Aldrich A3059
1.5 mL Microcentrifuge Tube Axygen MCT-150-C-S
15 mL Conical Tube SPL 50015
4150 TapeStation System Agilent G2992AA Cell-free DNA Screen Tape (Agilent, 5067-5630), Cell-free DNA Sample Buffer (Agilent, 5067-5633)
Apostle MiniMax High Efficiency Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit  Apostle A17622-250 5 mL X 50 preps version
BD Vacutainer blood collection tubes BD 367525 EDTA Blood Collection Tube (10 mL)
BioViewCCBS Clinomics BioView Clinomics-Customized Bioview System. Allegro Plus microscope-based customization equipment
CD45 Monoclonal Antibody (HI30), PE-Alexa Fluor 610 Invitrogen MHCD4522
FAST Auto cartridge Clinomics CLX-M3001
LBx-1 cartridge Clinomics CLX-M4101
LBx-2 cartridge Clinomics CLX-M4201
OPR-2000 instrument Clinomics CLX-I2001
Cover Glass Marienfeld Superior HSU-0101040
DynaMag 2 Magnet Stand Thermo Fisher Scientific 12321D
Ficoll Paque Solution GE healthcare 17-1440-03 density gradient solution
Filter Tip, 10 µL Axygen AX-TF-10 Pipette tips with aerosol barriers are recommended to help prevent cross contamination.
Filter Tip, 200 µL Axygen AX-TF-200 Pipette tips with aerosol barriers are recommended to help prevent cross contamination.
Filter Tip, 100 µL Axygen AX-TF-100 Pipette tips with aerosol barriers are recommended to help prevent cross contamination.
Filter Tip, 1000 µL Axygen AX-TF-1000 Pipette tips with aerosol barriers are recommended to help prevent cross contamination.
FITC anti-human CD326 (EpCAM) Antibody BioLegend 324204
FITC Mouse Anti-Human Cytokeratin BD Biosciences 347653
Formaldehyde solution (35 wt. % in H2O) Sigma Aldrich 433284
Kimtech Science Wipers Yuhan-Kimberly 41117
Latex glove Microflex 63-754
Magnetic Bead Separation Rack V&P Scientific VP 772F2M-2
Manual Pipetting  (0.5-10 µL) Eppendorf 3120000020
Manual Pipetting  (2-20 µL) Eppendorf 3120000038
Manual Pipetting  (10-100 µL) Eppendorf 3120000046
Manual Pipetting  (20-200 µL) Eppendorf 3120000054
Manual Pipetting  (100-1000 µL) Eppendorf 3120000062
Mounting Medium With DAPI - Aqueous, Fluoroshield abcam ab104139
Normal Human IgG Control R&D Systems 1-001-A
OLYMPUS BX-UCB Olympus 9217316
Pan Cytokeratin Monoclonal Antibody (AE1/AE3), Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen 53-9003-82
PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline Solution) Corning 21-040CVC
Portable Pipet Aid Drummond 4-000-201
Slide Glass Marienfeld Superior HSU-1000612
StainTray Staining box Simport M920
Sterile Serological Pipette (10 mL) SPL 91010
Triton X-100 solution Sigma Aldrich 93443
TWEEN 20 Sigma Aldrich P7949
Whole Blood Stored at 4-8 °C by collecting in EDTA or cfDNA stable tube : If the whole blood is insufficient in 9 mL, add PBS (phosphate buffered saline) as much as necessary.
X-Cite 120Q (Fluorescence Lamp Illuminator) Excelitas 010-00157


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Bae, J., Jeong, J., Kim, B. C., Lee, S. Automatic Separation and Collection of Cancer-Related Substances from Clinical Samples. J. Vis. Exp. (191), e64325, doi:10.3791/64325 (2023).

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